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Everything posted by Dirk_Nowitzki

  1. Les Mis is actually very good. Everything else sucks. (Except Mary Poppins, The Muppet Movie, and the great Pete's Dragon.)
  2. Actually: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=314056
  3. I can give you a registered copy of Goldwave. It's pretty simple and basic but should do anything you need. IM me
  4. I love these kids that think CS will last forever CS will die, and sooner than you think... sad but true. I've been doing this a long time, and there's always something better that comes along. It just so happens that nothing better has really come along yet that has been widely accepted. Yet.
  5. And we all know green sucks.
  6. It took me leaving the forums and coming back to get it... But I think it's common knowledge by now, so that's why I overlooked it.
  7. What a maroon. About 4 months ago Valve screwed up on one of their updates and everyone that used a 3DFX VooDoo card was detected as having cheats. Me, Hurricane, and anyone else with a Voodoo card couldn't play because Valve misdetected a "cheat." Don't believe everything you read. PS, just asked a tech at Microsoft who said he's never heard of the 7 component change rule? Would love to see some documentation of this.
  8. He sucks. He stood me up on some Mavs tickets and I hate him since then! Sooners suck.
  9. John Travolta... Technically they were in one scene together. Paluka.
  10. A - 71 B - 50 C - 42 D - 31 E - 44 F - 22 G - 17
  11. Dirk_Nowitzki


    Well, I don't have Tivo exactly, I have the Dish PVR that came with my Dish Network, and I don't think we get charged monthly for it. The monthly charge is for the programming service. In otherwords, Tivo works like an intelligent VCR, it gets updates and schedules of TV programming in your area, and it costs money to offer this service. DSS subscribers already get this in their dish systems, so it isn't as big a deal. I'm pretty sure you can pay up front for a lifetime subscription, or you can pay the monthly fee. But I'm no expert
  12. Dirk_Nowitzki


    Yeah just got it with our new Dish (NBA League Pass - woot). It's awesome...
  13. Yeah that's why I left...
  14. It's all irrelevant anyway - hacks are a dime a dozen. Someone emailed me a nice little "app" about 4 months ago back when I was testing anti-hack software on Plat that combines numerous hacks, and you know what? They still all work. On everyone's server. I'm probably in the minority on this Hot Sports Opinion, but I can't play CS seriously, knowing that the people I'm playing against could be cheating, and there's nothing I can do about it. So I'll patiently wait for the next big game, and continue building my R2 replica
  15. Well, if you're looking for an apartment situation, there are some new apartments off 820 in Haltom City near I-35 that would be a great location. If you want to get a house, try Saginaw area.
  16. This the FW gig? Funny how wars create jobs...
  17. Well I still use MmmmDirk for my aim name. Sorry if that bothers you, but I'm not going to change it just to appease you or anyone else. Believe it or not, people use AIM for purposes other than Counter-Strike, and I'm not going to have all my friends re-add me because I left a gaming clan.
  18. Monopoly isn't a game to Microsoft...
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