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Everything posted by dwEEziL

  1. Yep, confirmed it's the 3G iPhone. http://www.techbargains.com/news_displayItem.cfm/147635
  2. Nope, it meant the case was a glossy instead of a matte finish.
  3. 90 degrees witch way!? 90 degrees is always clockwise, 90 degrees counter-clockwise is really either -90 degrees or 270 degrees...nub.
  4. I've looked over my numbers again and I think I probably will pass this on to stutters. I know he was posting up recently needing one anyway. Sorry to flip flop on this so much Mini.
  5. I'm fairly interested and it looks likes a really good deal but I can't really do it at this time so if ZD is interested, I say offer it to him.
  6. Can I get the SN so I can check it out fully on Dell's site?
  7. I got myself a 28" Hanns-G monitor.
  8. I finally got it working at 1920x1200. Seems I was a few versions off from the latest nVidia drivers. Installed them and it's all gravy now. The only issue I have now is it seems there's a bug in RDP where it won't let you remote to a screen displaying at "HD" resolutions. Loverly.
  9. I'm used to it and it doesn't interrupt my flow
  10. I can't believe that was the first one to do it.
  11. P.S. Yeah, I know it sucks but 1) I'm horrible at Photoshop and 2) I was in a hurry.
  12. I have a dyndns name for my home network. I just point port 3389 on my router to my home computer, then RDP my dyndns name and Boom! am remoting. I don't trust going through another company's proxy for this. If I want access to more than one computer, I merely change the default port on that computer and then point that port on the router to the second computer. Boom! Boom!
  13. dwEEziL


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