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GC Alumni
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Everything posted by crasx

  1. you can use / instead of ! and it wont display in chat
  2. i broke the servere

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stutters


      Shoulda used dat X509 SSL Mutual Authentication, n00b.

    3. Madvillain


      put your hand out so we can slap it.

    4. Lookback


      Stop trying to program and give yourself a tattoo simultaneously!!!

  3. That is one messed up bowling pin.... lol! thx
  4. just one more day of programming after work.. 1. maybe 3.

    1. MPG1770


      you need to program a program to work out how many days you to left to program

  5. have you installed metamod and amx?
  6. crasx


    thats ninja skillz
  7. zilla- I got a new graphics card and have a pair of 6870s I don't need. interested?
  8. Thanks! I need to check this out when I get my pc back, I had random crashes on l4d2
  9. if you want to decide among yourselves that server 1 is for pros and 2 is for noobs then go ahead, but gc won't add any restrictions or enforce it. and it wouldn't make sense to add it to the motd because nobody reads it besides, if we restricted servers to pros only then there would only be two players: murderin and general commence drama
  10. because we are community oriented, not skill oriented
  11. how many gc people would play both csgo and l4d2 customs?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pumpernickel


      Why not Saturday and Sunday?

    3. MurderinClony


      I'm willing to play custom maps, I would like to mix it up, keep ya on ya toes.

    4. PeanutButterNJelly


      we can do Saturday and Sundays for L4D2 server, but I can not commit to being there all the time. I would just need a couple admins to help with that

  12. who's gunna twitch stream? jackie - good idea for a plugin
  13. 2 csgo updates in a week?! wat

    1. BlackYoshi


      Don't worry, I'm sure there wont be a 3rd...

  14. you should do mutation
  15. crasx

    l4d3 rumors

    a wild source engine appeared apparently with l4d3 content http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/2cv5os/so_the_workshop_tools_isnt_just_a_modding/
  16. that was part of the deal actually
  17. this exists I think. use chat prefix @
  18. All work and no play makes crasX feel normal

    1. walkingCat


      Makes you boring, you meant to say?

    2. crasx
    3. Sky


      crasx best programmer ever <3

  19. DING!!! edit : actually ban ppl who try? uhh isnt that a little bit over kill? maybe a slap or 2 on the bootaye? uhhhhhhhhh.... a bit harsh dont cha think? LAWL!!! then again your slaps aren't scary at all ;D i'm not a violent person I agree. We will work on sorting this out
  20. what... you should not be teleporting people out of there and you should ban people who try to stuck out of there... that's totally different than glitching through a wall when getting hit by a charge my opinion
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