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Everything posted by MasterTalpa

  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sorry for you loss
  2. its a fun game. i usually play it with my brother, but because of dota 2 updates ive been playing chivalry less and less
  3. That's actually quite the opposite of me. I want to be on a certain player's team and I'm rarely on same team as that person
  4. i send points to whoever types the np command. usually i wont send it because someone beats me to the punch because of how i have my keys set up. i take a second or two longer to actually start typing. then again i use the slash command so no one sees it besides admins.
  5. this was nice. im sure others would agree too
  6. Why would you skip the finale when the first round already happened? It's a waste of time when you just play one round and end it.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mercman


      its not about the score but how many get away

    3. LadyYuri


      you'd be surprised when ppl are like oh yeah t hey dont have a chance so they start slacking off and the other team is victorious. u just never know what will happen.

    4. Fenix


      Sometimes the scores are close before the last round so anyone can win...but when the 1st team gets a perfect score and is guaranteed to win overall, the other team wants to skip...and if it isn't, they just slack off and purposely get killed just to make the next map happen sooner.

  7. In that case buy me a plane ticket to Canada and back. And a rental car from Canada to Ohio. I will drive you. After you buy his ticket, buy me one to Canadia too and we'll all go together
  8. Aye, it's sad he's no longer here. Bill Burr is another great comedian and my favorite
  9. I thought this was going to be the one about the ducks.
  10. HEYYY I'm a good person ! Plus you said you missed me so i cant be THAT bad ps: dude is in love with me I highly doubt that. You havent heard us talk in dota or the server recently
  11. I'll have to side with Charon on this, not a big fan of sports when it come to anime or manga
  12. I'll have to look these up. Any other good ones out there I should look out for?
  13. You know I'm not good with lessons. And the last manga I read was around 5 years ago.
  14. Seen it but haven't read it. Is it more gruesome in the manga?
  15. Only been to one and it was to see A Perfect Circle in vegas
  16. but isnt pudgy a shape already?
  17. Mostly get rid of the buy system. The only thing that survivors can buy would be heals/kits and pistols. Not the magnum, pistols. I think this would balance everything out.
  18. youre just realizing this?
  19. ive lost interest in this game, maybe not forever, but for now.
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