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Everything posted by MattKemp

  1. My six month hiatus on video games starts - well, it started last week haha.....See you guys on the gamesies January 1st

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JackieChan


      A week later.


      Plays more games.

    3. MattKemp


      Oh, ye of little faith...

    4. Flitterkill


      Did you start a thread explaining why? Did I miss something?

  2. is officially on vacation (until next Monday) for the first time since 2009!!!! I know!!! Woot woot!!!

    1. LadyYuri


      have fun matt be good


    2. lousiest


      have a good break :)

  3. I would say the first week, because the 7th is my birthday haha.....but it is like a year away, plenty of time to hone my CS skills... EDIT:And I just looked at the pictures on the facebook off the link to the failed 2012 FF, and you guys need to tag those. Properly. Like with the gamer names. haha
  4. Pretty much what happened....ausive and repeated f-bombs and such, even after requests to stop
  5. "It was just us in the whole place and we were just going room to room - just bouncing and flipping all over the place, hitting each other with balls, sweating, our shirts filthy. We were just dirty, stinky boys, you know?"

    1. MattKemp


      That's Brandon Jacobs on taking a 6 year old boy and his brother out to a bouncy house. Yeah.... haha

  6. I think that the person who abuses "spec camping" the most is Maestro....I mean, its good to have an admin in, but...
  7. Ahahahahahahahah sorry if I'm too overbearing at times (or all the time haha) just let me know....lol I like that nickname. Matt Kemp the HERO, POINTMASTER!!! That was probably Matt Kemp. He's very helpful, but don't accept any of his candy if he offers you some! There's a command '!tp' which shows you the points of every player on your team. That's probably how he kept track. Wait, what's wrong with my candy?!?! LOL Matt, he would do that You'll get the hang of the server quick enough, 50 or so hours and your tactics will be just as good as the regulars' Yeap, just keep practicing, you'll catch on fast True, true haha
  8. Yay, I get to keep my lasered ak!!!!
  9. That wouldn't work at all, especially if the teams are stacked, even just a little bit. Have you tried playing 10 on 6 alive survivors?? I know it can sometimes be a pain to babysit, but it's still a better choice to be able to choose to leave them than just be at a disadvantage automatically.
  10. I just met Clayton Kershaw after the Dodgers game tonight, y'know, we talked for like five minutes....AWESOME!!!

    1. Biggs
    2. MasterTalpa


      I would tell you, but I don't watch baseball.

    3. Cinkadeus


      Starting LHP for the Dodgers.

  11. I just met Clayton Kershaw after the Dodgers game tonight, y'know, we talked for like five minutes....AWESOME!!!

  12. Is there is a way to put a 'rtv' option in, a la CS or DoD? I'd be all for it, it would probably end stacked teams as well as maps that no one wants to play, because the team down 3000 points after three maps could just rock it and change the map......just a thought. Where's my penny?!?
  13. She should make a youtube video singing the song if she wants us to remember. I can't carry a tune to save my life, much less create one from words
  14. I would say just make it the old way on all the finales, to simplify it up and make the tanks go in.
  15. Hey Jackie, could you, uh, help me fix my life bro? It's kinda messed up man, I know you can do it. Help me Jackie Chan, you're my only hope.
  16. "A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect, every action in this world will bear a consequence.If you wade around forever you will surely drown, I see what's going down."

  17. "Haven't you ever wanted to be part of something special?""I was part of something special."

    1. Times138


      what is with all these quotes that kemp?


  19. Yeah, when I got in to the server they were camping it, and then a few minutes later I threatened to record a demo and they ran right in. LOL
  20. "[name]? You saying [name2]'s innocent? I mean *for real* innocent?""Yeah, it looks that way.""Sweet Jesus. How long's he been in here?""Since '47, what is that...19 years."

  21. That sounds like just a glitch, I've never seen or heard of that happening before..but it's probably like the ghost charger pounding someone glitch. Rarely happens, and if it happens again with him, we'll all know for sure....if it happens to someone else we'll know as well... But I've seen that guy play plenty of times, and nothing bad out of him to suggest hacking, so....yeah....I mean, I for one trust your word paro, but I think you'll have a hard time asking for a ban on something no admin saw. Just my two cents.
  22. "Naughty little fly, Why does it cry, Caught in a web, Soon to be... eaten!"

  23. 1:"Have you ever had sex, [name]?"2:"..D-did [name] in accounting put you up to this?"1:"Because somehow I can't imagine the blind, vegan, beef salesman having sex."2:"Listen, I'm-I'm trying to help you, sir-"1:"You're trying to help me? the blind beef salesman is trying to help me. I'm actually starting to feel pretty bad for you, [name]. Because I look at my life, and it is surrounded by so much beauty, and you can't see poop! Is that fair? Does that seem fair to you, [name]? Do you eve...

    1. Times138


      hang in there kemp.. hang in there..


  24. "There was a FIREFIGHT!"

    1. samurai nightling

      samurai nightling

      *shoots gun into air*

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