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Everything posted by JackieChan

  1. I've haven't been entirely convinced by what I've seen. I've always been the type of player who targets specific SI instead of all of them...namely Hunters, Boomers, and Smokers. I want to say Deadlock does the same, unless he hears them spawn...and they do spawn in loudly (minus the Hunter). Crosshair placement is also inconsistent. Sometimes it waves over an unseen SI player, sometimes it's off by a bit. From the clips I've seen, Deadlock scans his surroundings much more than your average player, from one common pounce location to another common rocket boom location...or just sits staring at an area longer than not...and coincidentally a SI player is spawned in that location. This game is so old and overplayed now that there is no uncommon spawn spot anymore. Players who know what to look for will find it. It's a matter of catching people off guard now and with certain people, it's very tough to do. So yeah, again, not entirely convinced from the evidence provided. I just don't consider my input to be very relevant since I haven't shown that relevance on the server the last several months...and my time playing has been minimal at best.
  2. If your team was fine with it, I don't see anything wrong then. A lot of the time if and when an admin bans someone, it's a split second decision to make due to how frantic the server can get and how quickly someone who needs a kick/ban can ruin the rest of the team's chances at surviving the level. The protocol admins are supposed to uphold is if the team is fine with someone legging it to the saferoom, then nothing should happen to the player doing it. It could be seen as a strategic maneuver, and also as survival...especially if a Hunter is waiting outside the room for you.
  3. Made a character, altered it's appearance, go in game, default character appearance. This is off to a good start, lol.
  4. I'd be up for trying it out if you want to throw it my way if it's not accounted for yet.
  5. Possibly. If not, there is still plenty to do there.
  6. I wonder what that Black Desert Online game is like...

    1. MurderinClony


      Well there is a sub-forum already started on it, go look there, there are a few details on it.

  7. JoeWOW right? Johnny will have to jump in here and chime in on it.
  8. if(points[client] == 0.0 || PointAmount == 0.0) { PrintToChat(client, "%s Wait, what?", CHAT_PREFIX); } That only happens if your points equals 0, or the amount the player requested is 0 which would happen like how Vilkys described. A player's !np number will zero out if ANY amount of points gets sent to them. I think I tried tinkering around with "if a player sends the target player less than what they asked for, it will also subtract from their !np amount", but for some reason never got it working properly.
  9. People who do need points appear on the top of the list with a "!" before their name so it's easier to find.
  10. Links are broken...at least for me. They link back to the GC website for some reason.
  11. Also, if you experience a lot of crashing, turning off "Multicore Rendering" helps with stability.
  12. It's actually if the general consensus wants to skip OR the majority of the losing team wants to skip. It's like if people are saying "can we kick this rusher/griefer/etc.", as bad as it sounds, an admin is not "obligated" to kick anyone, but they should be kicking offending players. I guess what I'm trying to say is that admins aren't robots. They make mistakes. They have to use their best judgement to tell if conditions are met according to protocol. If you see someone stealing something, are you obligated to turn them in? Sure...but it's ultimately up to you whether or not you actually do it.
  13. If people are going to be standing still not doing anything I could see a couple things happening: -Other players will tell that person to keep up with the rest of the group/go under cover/stay near the middle/front of the group -Other players will think they are griefing and some kind of action would be taken. Either they'll be auto-kicked for being AFK (if the plugin finds them to be), an admin will kick them under the assumption of being AFK, or if no admin is present, players would votekick the player out (assuming that still works). You'd have to be "admiring the view" for a pretty short amount of time before other players would start to question what the heck that person is doing. You can never not be doing nothing in something as hectic as a 10v10. In the situation if said player is keeping up with the group, but is constantly being pounced on, that would be more-so categorized as "can't kick someone because of skill". If that still doesn't answer your question, you'll have to be more specific. Admins can throw up a vote if the general consensus wants to skip a finale regardless of score. It's up to the admin to actually do it. They're not obligated to do it, but protocol on finale skipping should be followed even if an admin is the sole person not wanting to skip.
  14. Should be okay now. Let us know if it isn't.
  15. Admins are not, or should not in any case, assume someone is doing one thing apart from another just by observing them for 5 seconds and taking action that fast. Usually just "admiring the view" vs deadstopping is pretty distinguishable. Once an admin is able to discern what a player is doing through observation, a proper recourse should be taken. Besides, if people are "admiring the view" in a game that's 7 years old, maybe they should be playing a game that doesn't look as bland as L4D2 does...maybe that's me though. I can't personally think of any view that's worth admiring unless it's Peanut getting pounced on.
  16. If you're guarding/protecting teammates or yourself while trudging through a level from high pounces and you're deadstopping/skeeting, fine. Go nuts. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you're doing it just for the sake of doing it like standing out in the open, not even bothering to move to cover, purposely becoming a target for the sake of your own entertainment just to practice it, that's where the line would have to be drawn. Like Peanut said, deadstopping is fine. It's an acquired skill that takes a lot to master. If you're not putting it to use to benefit your team like I made in the first example, then it's not fine. To me, the line on whether it's fine or not is pretty defined. If you can come up with examples on if it's okay to do so or not, please ask. I'd be happy to make sure we're all on the same page if people are still unsure. ...I would also rather not see people convince their whole team to partake in deadstopping either then argue the fact that they were all protecting each other. That's like trying to prod a tiger and seeing how long it takes before it decides to maul you. It won't end well.
  17. If you were covering someone I'd see the benefit of deadstopping Hunters raining down upon you, but the situation shown above, players were needlessly standing out in the open TO BECOME a target for Hunter pounces. They weren't in any unpreventable danger, they left the stage to partake in deadstop practice. I'm all for practicing techniques in the game, but I would rather see people practice deadstopping on their own time/private server instead of on ours.
  18. My views on it are what are the benefits of standing out in the open deadstopping Hunters? Unless I'm missing something, I don't see any. Healing out in the open? You run the risk of getting high pounced, but you also get the benefit of healing a teammate that could otherwise get incapped or die. Shopping? You run the risk of veering off and getting slammed by Infected players, but you could also find something better than crappy T1 weapons or other items that you could otherwise not be able to afford yet or would rather save your points on a full heal when you need it instead of spending the points. Shopping is a touchy subject though. You could get the "go into the next room" type of shopping, or "go to the bathrooms while your team is at the gazebo" type of shopping. The latter is something I would rather not see on the game whereas the former I wouldn't have a problem with. Both have a risk/reward situation. Practicing deadstopping does not...again, unless I'm missing something. Maybe the punishment doesn't fit the crime. If an offending player decides to practice deadstopping, is told not to and complies, everything is sunshine and rainbows. Why can't we have sunshine and rainbows? I want frigging sunshine and rainbows! If someone wants to enlighten me on what benefit practicing deadstopping gives, I'd like to know.
  19. Instead of arguing whether or not it's a stupid rule, maybe we would be better off discussing in a civil manner so we can make it better for everyone. Give reasoning on something. Saying it's stupid or something doesn't help anything. I'd like to try and improve what people don't like or have concerns about. Maybe we are wrong about something. It happens. Pretty please.
  20. Really? I didn't see an icon for it, unless I missed it. IP addresses can effect it too.
  21. The stats plugin didn't come with a Peru flag icon.
  22. No wonder they lost their dog. Look at the area code...
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