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Everything posted by JackieChan

  1. AMD all the way. Intel is better than AMD at multi-tasking though.
  2. Normally, I wouldn't laugh at something like this, but since it involved Fatty, it found it hilarious.
  3. Same in Minnesota. $2.99 a gallon. This is getting stupid.
  4. 4998.. was hoping on getting 5000.
  5. I start tomorrow (sept 1st). First day as a Senior.
  6. Heh, I'd play it, but not during peak hours... man, that's when I sleep. Looks like a lot of fun. I used to do my own variation of a zombie game. Me on one side verses a whole bunch of bots. I'd limit my guns and ammo as well. When I least expect it, a horde comes around the corner and slice me to bits.
  7. That MoBo picture is VERY descriptive! Hehe
  8. pwned What I'd do, find out which gun you're most confortable with. What I mean by that is handling it's recoil, and aiming. In 1.6, I use to be awesome with the AK, getting headshots left and right. Now, I (to put it bluntly) am pretty bad with the AK and am even worse with the M4. That's what practice is for, eh? I'm kind of on and off with the M4 when using the silencer. Sometimes using the Gali or Famas may suit you better than using the AK or M4. I know I'm starting to use the Gali more than the AK because it's not only cheaper, it's easy for me to aim with. I took out several guys when using the Gali and probably something I couldn't do if I was using the AK. Also, practice aiming with bots. What I did in CS:CZ was put all the bots to Knives only and aiming for their head a ways back to practice my aiming. Another thing I learned from CS1.6 was to watch skill videos. Believe it or not, it can help you get better. Watch how they aim and try to do that ingame. Watch how they react when getting hit or getting shot at. In 1.6, whenever I was getting shot from behind, I jumped, did a 180, and usually killed the guy behind me. I still do that in reflex, but I guess it doesn't really help in Source. Another thing you could try would be to record yourself and see what mistakes you did and try to see how you can fix them. I also just recently made my crosshair smaller. I found that the bigger crosshair gets in the way of your aiming and you can't really see if someone's there from a distance. Also, make it a color you can see well. Green and red work. Don't know if any of those will help, but I figured it should do something.
  9. I didn't much care for Sacred. I kept dying, plus I didn't know where to go. Haven't played it since I last played it which was when I first played it.
  10. What, something wrong with 17? I'm 17. Which must mean you have something wrong with me. Do you have something wrong with me? =P In Lions Arch, you can get all the Wyvern armor. So far, it's the only good looking armor I've come across. The stock armor looks ugly, the chainmail looks ugly, Ascalon armor looks ugly, as does the Wyvern (but it's the best looking one of those I listed). Plus, all of it's 55 armor. I hope I run across another if not more black dye. I can get so much from those.... @dirty guy Hah, you're two days younger than my brother.
  11. I actually had someone run me and four other people across the ice contenent to some town called Lions something. He did it all for free too. With that, I got all new armor now.
  12. I wouldn't risk dealing with runners. I'd just try using my sprint to get through those areas. Then again, it may not always work as planned.
  13. ........I never thought of doing it like that...
  14. You could also use a backpack to carry the water and ammo you are going to need. Carrying it in your clothing would just slow you down (obviously). About 7 of em
  15. Hah, you reminded me of a trick used with something with weight attached to a rope or chain. You twirl it around and kick it off your foot to send it flying. Reason why it reminded me of it was because I can do that trick
  16. I don't mean against Charr. I mean like really higher level enemies where some spells like those won't really make a whole lot of difference.. I haven't encountered alot, but it's probably still because I haven't really done much exploring and I'm only level 10 (a fight or two until I'm level 11).
  17. Indeed.... the longest I can stand to keep a character in pre is level 7. At that time, I get bored of pre and want to gain more EXP.
  18. Geez, you're lucky to find black dye. I found one silver in pre I think... actually, I found the majority of my dyes in pre. I haven't used any yet because I'm just too stingy with rare items like those. With my W/Me, I have about 800+ gold because I spent like 500 of it on my armor. With my W/Mo, I have about 100 because of armor spendatures. Where'd you read that there were 200 quests in pre? Geez... never knew there were so much. If I knew where to find them, I would have stayed in pre longer than I did.
  19. The best weapon in a situation like this one would be a katana or some kind of strong bladed sword. Don't get me wrong, but guns would be a bad choice against a horde of zombies. You'd eventually run out of ammo. Now, if I found myself surrounded by zombies, I'd just spin in circles very fast cutting anything that comes near me I'd get as few friends as I could. Easier to keep track of them and will know if they succumb to the zombies. If I had a choice on which kind of zombies to have coming after me, I'd choose the zombies from the movie "Shaun of the Dead". Mainly because they seem to be to be not as dangerous comared to some movies like Resident Evil.
  20. Personally, I think that a Warrior/Mesmer is a bad combination in the searing part of the game. The spells you get don't really affect the enemies, namely charr, and the lack of energy/regeneration time is a big problem. Me, I started a new character and he's going to be a Palidin (Warrior/Monk (no, I haven't deleted my original character either)). I'll add you to my friend's list, whiplash.
  21. Heh, it's alright. It happens. I'll remind you another time I see you on there.
  22. Those things don't really work well with blood, sweat, and tears. Looks nice!
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