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Everything posted by Baloosh

  1. Yes, yes it is. Or an anagram of it. You did seem like the stalker type.... "did?" I gotta work harder...
  2. O. M. G. Leuhax??? Now I know who to e-stalk on the forums
  3. Holy crap YOU'RE Jerky???? Hax.
  4. Oh wow. So Kodama actually posts in the forums too? Sup Ko-bro
  5. Any nerf of the Survivors is a step in the right direction...
  6. Yeah me too. Just have to hit N and then 1 instead of just N.
  7. News flash: Computers and personal information are subject to breach via social engineering. News at 11! This has nothing to do with Apple and/or Amazon. Everyone has the potential to be a "hacker" if all you have to do is social engineer some personal information from someone. Somebody at Apple Support is getting fired though... guaranteed.
  8. Re-binding keys isn't that hard. Just a new command for each key. Speaking of which, Yuri emailed me a custom script that adds a BUNCH of commands and binds keys to various things in L4D2... I gotta quit being lazy and test that out soon.
  9. Lol. A car wreck is a car wreck, be it 1 MPH or 100 MPH.
  11. Sadly enough, that would probably mean I'd end up with more points than I average now.
  12. That's fine. I don't use the AK47 anyway. Those were examples only. You wouldn't be allowed any snipers or anything above a single pistol (not Magnum).
  13. Haters gonna hate. Hey Lookback:
  14. We wouldn't see any difference, then? Took ya long enough. Backatcha And isn't Baloosh Dutch for donkey anyways?
  15. We wouldn't see any difference, then? Took ya long enough.
  16. Start nerfing individual players. Guys like Herbs, Meng, Jackie, *sk, Lookback, etc. Based on their steam IDs, they can't use an AK, can't get laser sights, etc. And they generate points at a much slower rate than the "average" player on the server. That way no matter what team they end up on, it won't be as "stacked." Plus, that way I might actually be able to kill one of them one time.
  17. Assuming your new handle is "The Dude[gc]" or similar, would it work to send you points to type: !sp de[ X Where X = number of points. Partial names work (as long as the partial bit is unique).
  18. I understand, and actually agree with you completely. Just busting your chops.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S254LsjL0sI Ah bloo bloo hoo somebody stole my name ah bloo bloo
  20. *sheepish look* Ok sorry - I know I'm guilty of spec'ing too long. Just too hard to grab an open spot sometimes in the times I can play... Server's always full. Wonder if I can purchase a permanent spec spot on the Server?
  21. A spot of tea and crumpets! I heard you gents dig those kinds of thing...
  22. If Herbs and I happen to be on the same team, I've found the team does best if I watch Herbs' back while he watches everyone else's. If I can help keep him alive, the whole team benefits from his HAXX...errrr... skillful play.
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