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Status Updates posted by TheDude

  1. Belgium just took a hit.

    1. san`


      Terribly sorry to see that Dude. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. My heart goes out to those who were lost.

    2. Beelzebub


      I HOPE the Future will be better. Scares me that the war came so close ! Hope u and ur family are allright. --> Greetings from Germany

    3. DiXie
  2. A case at my job requires me to search for a family of inheritors, some of who live in the US. So if you receive a call from me in the next two weeks, you might have won the jackpot

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. chick82


      As long as I don't have to send you 5k dollars first to get my money through customs and appease the FBI LOL


    3. TheDude


      Ironically Chick, that's going to be the biggest problem when tracking these ppl down... Convincing them it's legit :P

    4. Pumpernickel


      I always knew I was related to someone important. I'll be expecting a phone call.

  3. Second week into my job and i'm SICK. This is so embarassing..

    1. turnbullTeRRoR


      Dr's note for sure!

    2. Lookback


      wait until the third week when you are sick of your job...

    3. DiXie


      lol @ lookback

  4. I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

    1. PeanutButterNJelly


      They teach you that in law school?

    2. TheDude


      It's rhetorics 101

  5. After finishing my internship for school, my bosses have offered me a job :)

    1. Lookback


      Congrats Dude.


      Chocolate lawyer, or professional waffler?

    2. Mercman


      congrats Dude

    3. MPG1770


      you get paid peanuts, congrats

  6. Max Payne 3 for only 4 euros on PSN right now

    1. Lookback


      4 Euros? So you and 3 friends?

  7. Belgium wins!

    1. MasterTalpa


      they win at losing

    2. Lookback


      Man, it has got to feel good after the long wait!

    3. Jerkoff


      That explain why this belgium waffle tasted great today.

  8. Anyone know where Avengers has been hanging out?

    1. MasterTalpa
    2. walkingCat


      u mean that shaurma place? wat

    3. Avengers


      mmm shawarma!

  9. Thesis finally turned in. 88 pages of pain. Will have to hurt someone if they don't pass me.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheDude


      Haha! Not that kind of protection Merc ^^. More like: what if my crazy wife sells the house, sets it on fire, and then wants to stay in it after the divorce.

    3. TheDude


      Although in hindsight, Smith and Wesson may apply there too.

    4. Lookback


      Can you protect your home with chocolate waffles? It would be nice to have more of those around here...

  10. I just became an uncle for the first time

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Madvillain


      Oh, I mean congrats!

    3. Lookback


      Who says it is a child, Mad? It could be a monkey!

    4. Lookback


      errr, I mean congrats too!

  11. We made the top 10 of the world's most spectacular university buildings! :Dhttp://edition.cnn.com/2014/02/19/travel/spectacular-university-buildings/index.html?hpt=hp_bn5

    1. MasterTalpa


      ive seen better

    2. walkingCat


      pfff, i can build better.

  12. Philip Seymour Hoffman passed away :(

  13. So many rude and angry trolls on Dota since New Years. I just don't get it.

    1. MasterTalpa


      thats their resolution


    2. VooDooPC


      It's the internet.

    3. PeanutButterNJelly


      GOOD COME BACK TO L4D2, where at least you expect angry rude trolls.

  14. Belgian gamer collects 7 million euros for a good cause through a gaming website. He even gets an invitation to the White House. It was hardly reported here in Belgium because it's 'games' and 'games' are for children.

    1. Lookback


      Just ask the Belgian soccer/football team...

    2. TheDude


      i don't get it

  15. Home-made waffles. It's Christmas time indeed.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrohamMC


      lol, probably from some poor mans own fridge

    3. ValenAlvern


      Youre small time, I made Stuffed French Toast.

    4. MasterTalpa


      oh snap, food wars is on. take your bets people, my money is on valen

  16. I renewed. You guys are stuck with me for yet another year.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lookback


      Moar free waffles!

    3. PeanutButterNJelly


      why is yortz not back playing yet????

    4. Yortz


      Coz you are still an admin peanut

  17. Big accident in my home town: 132 cars collided on the highway. Heard from my parents, they're ok. News still coming in.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. yErMoTH3r
    3. oakgyrl510
    4. TheDude


      So far one casualty, others seem to be out of mortal danger. Nobody i know was personally involved, but happy that the casualties were all and all so limited.

  18. Happy birthday to Avengers

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Avengers


      Thanks :D

      This clears the mystery as to how people on GC are finding out lol

    3. MasterTalpa


      he thinks hes a ninja

    4. Madvillain


      Happy Birthday Avengers

  19. Killed a mouse at my girlfriend's dorm today. Didn't feel good about it, but she was hysterical... I really dislike doing stuff like that.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lookback


      Good thing it was not a German mouse!

    3. Madvillain


      Ha! Lookback may not love us in L4D anymore but he still drops some gems in the forums.

    4. Fenix




  20. Belgium is going to the world cup in Brazil baby.

    1. Lookback


      Will they make the 2nd round though?

  21. Watched World War Z. Thought it was decent, but don't get why the zombies had to be so 'bouncy'.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LadyYuri


      just bought the movie unrated WEWT going to watch it tonight

    3. walkingCat
    4. FacePalmSmash


      first book I read in years, and the movie has to go and not be anything like it. sigh.

  22. Got bored and made a GC music video. Topic under chit-chat.

  23. On holiday to the coast for two days. Don't miss me too much.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MasterTalpa
    3. Avengers


      shhhh Talpa! Stop telling people about the love between me and dude...

    4. TheDude


      Ok, i'm back... And frankly somewhat disturbed :P

  24. Beer doesn't contain much vitamins. That's why you need to drink a lot of it.

    1. Madvillain


      I am down for some binge drinking to get all my needed vitamins, count me in Dude.

  25. Birthday party. All you need is some friends, couple of beers and a decent flame in some coals

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Madvillain


      Yuri, I am starting to worry about your obsession with singing..

    3. TheDude


      Lol yeah Yuri no idea what you're talking about ;D

    4. LadyYuri


      lawl i love to hear other ppl sing. but rarely u will find someone with awesome voice that makes u melt

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