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Status Replies posted by TheDude

  1. I really want to know if this works! I want Borderlands 2 :Dhttp://steam-games-free.com/?i=57531

  2. I can't say Taken 2 without thinking Tekken 2.

  3. It's the Kemp Challenge - You're not allowed to pick up a primary weapon

  4. I'M SOOOO SORRY!!!!

  5. Went to a party. They told me i could drink for free (fans of my music). One very bad hangover later i somehow tore the ligaments on my left ankle

  6. Went to a party. They told me i could drink for free (fans of my music). One very bad hangover later i somehow tore the ligaments on my left ankle

  7. Went to a party. They told me i could drink for free (fans of my music). One very bad hangover later i somehow tore the ligaments on my left ankle

  8. My pet mouse Elvis has just died, he was caught in a trap!

  9. We've been out of aerosol butter for the popcorn maker at work for a week now, I think I may have to put in my notice if this doesn't get fixed.

  10. GUESS WHO'S BACK!!!!

  11. Just got back from a small, but much needed vacation in Niagra Falls. God I love nature.

  12. I passed!!! Oh joyful day!!! <3

  13. Winter is coming.

  14. Winter is coming.

  15. Winter is coming.

  16. So has doing a server install for a client and sat down at one of the PCs and there was a Word doc load with a ton of lame porn site URLs, and tissues on the desk. Awkward.

  17. I looked at my calendar, and I suddenly realised that my days are numbered.

  18. A friend asked me to put an advertise of his item on internet, like Ebay but different. Sure, no problem, but he asked me yesterday 4 times and today 5 times if I really did it. If he asks 1 more time .....

  19. So if someone is predictable...does that mean I am also predicitable, since theyll know what I know what theyll do?

  20. News: 'The average North American consumes more than 400 Africans'. Hmm...

  21. Is this a rhetorical question?

  22. Is this a rhetorical question?

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