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Everything posted by PeanutButterNJelly

  1. It is definitely rough, I have to turn everything down to minimum. My son wants a new graphics card mainly just for Rust, everything else runs fine for him.
  2. I have to remember to get this! I was playing some the other day. Mainly I was a slave for my son though.
  3. They arent in the rotation because the server empties out from them. It has nothing to do with which class you can play on them. It doesnt mean they can not be played. We played swamp fever and then cold stream last night. It was good for a change, but I wouldnt want it on if it was going to clear the server. The other day, I went in the server, during a normal time when it is usually near full. It only had like 4 people on it. I changed the map to No Mercy, because it tends to bring in people. By the end of the second map, the server was filled. Once it was filled, members started coming in as well. If you really want to play Swamp Fever or another map that isnt played often, and if it wont win in a vote, then schedule it like a custom map. Put a day and approximate time for it as a post in here and people will come to play it. Other than that, just do a vote.
  4. Obviously rushing messes up the game for everyone in the server. Generally our admins warn the person, wait to see if they come back, kick or ban if necessary. The problem is that once someone rushes too far, even if the person is kicked or even if they intend to return when they are told the rules, they end up getting killed by the infected. This messes up the round for both teams, as it makes the survivor team have less people and the infected team get tank points faster than they should. Just a note to everyone that admins will try to teleport rushers back prior to kicking or warning them. This may sometimes result in an infected losing an easy kill, but understand this helps balance the game for everyone. Also, if a rusher does die, admins can respawn them also. We just dont want 1 or 2 people who do not understand the rules to mess up a round or campaign for 20 people playing.
  5. Please see this post for info on our new Rust Server http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/46779-new-gc-rust-server-is-up-and-running-like-a-champ-join-us/?p=563314
  6. My son plays a lot, feel free to add him on friends list if you are new to Rust and want any help in our server. His name at the moment is [Doa!s] POH-TAH-TOH
  7. I am going to close the post. Just try to make sure teams are even and try to talk to admins about swapping or moving teams. The goal is to keep teams even (number of players on each team) and competitive. All members and regulars and admins should try to help this out. Thanks!
  8. Shafee always has the best questions. Usually I get them in steam friend chat. Maybe we should start a post for Questions From Shafee and add a question each day for people to ponder and debate.
  9. Meng said it was more than someone disconnecting and trying to rejoin their team. Anyway, everyone can see how many people are on a team. If you purposely make a team 10v8, no matter what the reason, you are messing up the game for everyone. If you have disconnected and need to get back on a team, that's fine, but swap with the player that took the spot, ask an admin for help or just forget about it and play. But don't purposely make the teams uneven. Simple stuff.
  10. If someone is new, not listening to the team about what to do and where to go, this is not a reason to ridicule them or kick them from the server. But if they get incapped in an area where you clearly can not help them without getting yourself and others incapped, you are not required to go try to help them. Usually I would anyway, but there are things you are not required to do, such as sending points. There is a difference between not sending a new person points, because you think they dont know how to use them or wont use them wisely and berating them because they are not using points "...you have 15 points! just heal! learn the buy menu or stop playing here!" There is a difference between telling someone "...going up in the tower will probably get you killed" and screaming at them "WHY WOULD YOU GO IN THE TOWER!? YOU DESERVE TO DIE!"
  11. We have no tolerance for treating new players poorly. New players are always welcome to GC, our games and our servers. Lately I have noticed more and more people complaining about new people in game talk or chat. This is just a reminder that you will be kicked or banned for this behavior. Everyone should be welcoming new players and trying to teach them how to play. Getting more people to learn this game and become regular players is important also to help keep this game thriving. As long as someone is not rushing or "griefing" in some way (on purpose or unintentionally), they are welcome to play. They do not have to use the menu, they do not have to communicate, they do not have to "spit and die", they can "shop" all they want, etc. If they are purposely allowing themselves to be killed or consistently refusing to make forward progress or actually heading backwards on the map, then they are griefing and should be dealt with by an admin. Other than that, they can play how they want. You are not required to send them points, save them if they are not listening and if saving them will wipe out your team, etc. But you definitely are not allowed to ridicule them. Also admins should be helping them. If an admin is ridiculing new players or encouraging players to ridicule them or to allow them to die, the admin will lose admin privileges. Please feel free to ask me questions if this is not clear.
  12. My son played this weekend and I wanted to be on his team to help him learn our strategies and hopefully like the game to start playing it more. It seemed like every time we played, we were on separate teams. I didn't manipulate the teams for my own purpose. There are 20 people on the server. If I wanted to play wit him on my team I could just play elsewhere and not mess up other people's games. I also have friends I would prefer to play with, but I never manipulate the teams. Actually I do the opposite, I swap teams to help the losing team or the team with less players or the team with less "members ". I do this WAY more than anyone else in the game. I do it because I recognize there are a lot of real people playing and I want it to be fair and competitive and fun for all of them. Meng had proof of the intentional stacking. If you are disconnected, just deal wit it, don't screw up the game for 28 people. If you want to swap teams to play with someone, make an admin aware and maybe they can oblige if it also helps the teams for everyone else However if you continue to intentionally stack and mess up the game for everyone else simply for your own personal gain, you will be banned permanently.
  13. Carlos Some of us spend our time as volunteers to change maps, enforce rules, and also to set up, promote and run customs. In my case, I may have better things to do, but I show up, set up the map, hold it for people to join, answer a bunch of messages from people about which map, where to get it, what to do when they can't get in, etc. I put on all talk and scramble teams as needed to keep it fun. I help teams if they don't know the map. Why do I do this and much more? So everyone can continue to enjoy this game I even got some non-admins to help out the last couple weeks, because we are a community and we can all help out You don't have to like custom maps You don't have to appreciate what we do for everyone But if you are going to be negative about this stuff, keep it to yourself. No more posts about people not missing anything
  14. Jackie, if you get a chance, can you put the updated version of Diescraper on the server? The one we have on there now doesnt work properly.
  15. http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/44980-custom-campaign-list-updated-102015/?p=540746 Jackie has links to each map on there
  16. I will be there to make sure it is set up. We can start around 7 est, depending on the status of the current campaign at the time. We can always do 2 custom campaigns, if enough interest. Thanks for posting!
  17. I was not there real long, but if I remember correctly, the server was filled for it, with people in spec waiting. I believe I am around this Friday night again. Soda, start a new post announcing it and spread the word on the servers. Since it was your idea for this Friday, it is now your job to get the word out.
  18. Hi Knickerbocker, we try to create a welcoming gaming atmosphere for everyone. One of the ways we do that is to not allow name calling, arguing or even cursing in general. We understand that new people coming to our servers may not understand these rules, so we usually warn them and hope they stop the behavior and realize our servers are a great place to play. However, from what Maestro has noted above, it sounds like you did more than just call someone a name. If you performed a "tirade of verbal abuse" as opposed to "calling someone a lesbian", then please just sit out the week. After that, please come back and play, just try to follow our rules. If you like our servers, I would also suggest you consider purchasing a membership for $15 a year (go to the "store" link above). It helps support our servers and also gives you a reserve spot on the L4D2 servers (you wont be kicked when members join) Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding our rules or anything else with GC, L4D2 or our servers.
  19. The question about why there are not more bans is a good one actually. It is not because of the admins though. Some admins have certainly lost interest in the game, but we still have some that play a lot and we have added more. If any regular player would like to apply to be an admin, feel free to contact me. I definitely think interest in the game has taken a big drop. Every game gets old and this one has survived a long time. With less interest, comes less new players and a lower number of bans. It makes it that much more important that we treat new players properly. Everyone who still plays and likes this game should be going out of their way to get new players to enjoy their experience on our servers. It drives me nuts when someone new asks a question and some players will deliberately give them false information, because they think it is funny. Or hearing players complain about how many new people they have on their team. I understand the frustration, but be careful how you handle the situation. The other reason for the lack of bans, in my opinion, is because of how things have been cleaned up in the past year. We have became more strict with regulars, members and even admins on how things were being handled in L4D2. Some of the people creating consistent negative situations are now gone. A lot of the regulars playing now, do a good job of understanding the rules and helping the admins to enforce them. Complaints to me are very rare now.
  20. Urban Flight it is, but I would recommend everyone just have all the maps. Go to top of this beginning of this post where Jackie put links to all the maps on the server: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/44980-custom-campaign-list-updated-102015/?p=540746 Also, go to the post about this Friday's specific event here: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/46766-elite-gandalfs-friday-night-customs-121616/?p=563171 Both servers have a link to the post in the "message of the day", so anyone can type !motd while playing and can link to the post with all the information on the time, day, link to maps, etc.
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