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Everything posted by lostoften

  1. I can name them, but think I am ineligible. It's kinda like a radio contest, even though you dont work there you're still ruled out.
  2. I did but then the talking got annoying. I can only take so much allanon
  3. I broke my swiss gear bag and had to have my grandma sew it back up for me. I ripped the strap right from the bag, guess thats what I get for carrying pharmacy books in it.
  4. ditto filter cost 6 dollars or so for UC students
  5. lostoften


    fine i guess banning m2 isnt gonna solve it ban all xt
  6. try drinking enough water til you feel drunk
  7. lostoften

    MCC IV??

    tell him he owes me last months child support
  8. lostoften

    MCC IV??

    i thought duke was fatty's wife?
  9. i heard it was norgman! goodluck getting this all cleared up and mo makes a good point for future use.
  10. t's always retreated to inside when they started to lose
  11. what if we do random draw like the last time and assign like 8 to a team. if teams actually feild 8 great, if not go to an agreeded upon amount or the default 5. If a team plays with 4 one week, that sucks but so be it. if a team fields 8 but the other only 5 then the team with 8 does some random form of picking their 5 (ie. not m2, nuggz, tookie, mag, dirty if players such as myself and lunk have volunteered to play). This way we keep it for what its meant for friendly competition, if thats possible, not cal meant.
  12. http://www.gamrs.co/forums/in...showtopic=33264
  13. while seated roll a bar up into your hands. can also do this standing with arms behind back. or if your really looking to burn your forearms tie an amount of wieght to a stick on a string then hold the stick parrallel to the ground and turn the stick so that you wrap the string around the stick.
  14. thats how i say thanks, by allowing mom to kill me. Great job staff.
  15. duke goes to bed at about oooh, 8:15pm.
  16. My pda thats not a phone was 500, so...
  17. yes tookey you guys may be PTBE but I don't see a Mmmm Country Club championship belt in your showcase.
  18. I know that this would pry end in dominnation by one nameless clan <cough xt> but back in the day we used to play matches between the clans just for fun, friendly competition. Didn't know if anyone would be interested. I doubt I would be able to stir Mmmm off of their sofa's, but I sure would try. So what about it: xt, xt2, Mmmm, Goci, MWR (yes i saw you wearin the tag step), any DOH boys still around, Csls? Throughout the ages several different clans have owned the competition, and its always been fun. I think last time it was like random draw teams, which was still fun.
  19. If its a pub I die trying to defuse even if I know I have no chance. It's like rudy, maybe my efforts will inspire my team to win out, it could happen." And no matter how you define skill, we all know that I aint got it.
  20. lol (mo) i heard that jim doesnt charge you john
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