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Everything posted by YoMamma

  1. Remember that there is a tax credit of $8,000 for first time home buyers. I believe that was extended out to June or so of this year.
  2. I found out how another server I frequent on TF2 populates it's server: Create a Public GC Member Account. Create daily event reminders for Public Members at X:XX time to have people join the server. Have 1 or 2 admins join everyday at this time along with Public Members. Enjoy a full server. Success.
  3. Best post I've seen yet this year
  4. My girlfriend does the same work as you over at the VA hospital here in Chicago, Samurai. As for me, nothing now. I was working as an admissions advisor at an "online university." Was laid off in November and currently unemployed. My BA in Marketing hasn't helped much thus far.
  5. Sure, why not. Name a place and time. Unfortunately, without a job I have all the free time in the world. I know a few guys here are from WI too which isn't too far away from Chi-town.
  6. Not a lot of people get the hitchcock insipiration. Really? I noticed it immediately since Hitchcock is my favorite movie director! It looked like Hitchcock with a baseball cap to me.
  7. YoMamma


    Well, if you're in fear of death, your bathtub is probably the next safest place then, but there's no need to fear unless you can hear or see it.
  8. YoMamma


    A tornado in Orange County? That seems bizarre to me. We get a decent amount of tornadoes here in the midwest. My advice: go in a basement if the skies are greenish or if you hear a train like noise.
  9. YoMamma


    I went to an IMAX too. I think it is the only way to see it. He did say it could be a trilogy. He would make the next one if the first was had any success. So, I think we can all expect a part two. Yea, I'd be really surprised if he made a 2nd, cause I thought the 1st wrapped up pretty nicely leaving little for a sequel. i second this
  10. R.I.P. Wayfarer. I remember playing CS with him quite often and always enjoyed him in-game, but I never had the chance to know him personally. I guess when a community member disappears for a while, I always just assume that they're busy with life, work, new games, family, etc. I never imagine the worst. He'll be missed.
  11. YoMamma


    Best of '09? Nope, but it's probably up in the top 20. One of the best of all time? No way! For me, this was a 3 out of 4 star movie. Visually, the movie was perfect. Yes, the 3D glasses make it even that much better, but where the movie falls behind is in the story about half way through. The first 1/3 of the movie was amazing and kept me in awe with the exploration of the planet. Flawless again. The middle of the movie; however, started to drag. The sappy love story was slow, underdeveloped, and boring. The final 3rd of the movie is the part that fans will keep coming back for. I loved the final act, but it had one MAJOR flaw: *Spoiler* *End Spoiler*
  12. YoMamma

    Been Busy

    TF2 as well! Where do you usually play? Random servers. "TheVille" servers are some of the only ones I bookmark for TF2. I don't think there is a TF2 server that GC people frequent though.
  13. YoMamma

    Been Busy

    <---Left 4 Dead 2 & Team Fortress 2
  14. I liked that clip. They should have left it in the movie. The actual movie was garbage.
  15. I finally finished getting 100% of the achievements yesterday. Only took 50 hours to do
  16. Because Dave can potentially will be living with everyone else. Wouldn't Steve and Michelle want to know Dave's situation and feelings in the matter if he is spending time under the same roof? I understand that Dave does not have a "final say" in any matter, but his point of view might help "paint the picture" better in this situation.
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