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Everything posted by THX1138

  1. yeah the dreaded man-crush........ well ok mine is a tie between Sean Connery and Clint Eastwood. oh boy they get me goin. J/k but they are 2 of my favorite actors.
  2. THX1138


    yes yes it all becomes clear to me now. i havent read a comic in like 9 years so im a little rusty.
  3. i like the female ninja. and that website is hilliarious.
  4. and we all get to go together.
  5. liv tyler is ugly but i'd let her eat cookies in my bed. her eyes are too far apart. and i think she has a funny nose it doesnt fit herface.
  6. THX1138


    As i recall galactus was the last of hs race. he was a space traveler and he was there before the universe was born. and he was there when everything colapsed and gave birth to this universe. that is why he says he is older than the universe. before the universe collapsed he began to build his ship so he could survive. the watchers have been around longer than anyone and all they do is watch they can not interfear with oher beings. they are old. LOL i could be totally wrong on some points.
  7. yes i can pick you guys up at 1:04 pm on friday. According to this http://www.gamrs.co/forums/in...=ST&f=35&t=4306 so im sure m0m wants to get there around 3PM unless he be workin. Then we would have some time to sit around and goof off. do you have lap tops or towers? either way there will be plenty of room. My AIM is moros216 get a hold of me and we'll hammer out the details. like where to go for lunch.
  8. yes i was lookin at those sites. I'm a man. And i like 'em naked.
  9. Jeri Ryan http://www.celebritycd.com/jerilynnryan/ Jamie Presley is hot too but most of the web sites show her nude so i didn't post a link.
  10. THX1138


    if you have any questions about the Marver universe ask me i keep the history of it next to me. i have all of the marvel saga comics. I have a few books of the dead too. Oh yeah I also have The Silver Surfer #1 and #2.
  11. THX1138


    Galactus ............... HELLO!!!
  12. must have nice jobs to save 400 a week.
  13. i dont think it will be a problem if you use the Cage either.
  14. THX1138


    The Silver Surfer is the coolest Super hero around.
  15. i prolly could i live 5-10 min from hopkins. we'd be ridin in my 91 skylark 2-door. kinda cramped but it will work. and it also depends on when you'd be gettin in. i plan on headin down to fragfest as early as m0m can go on friday. i'll be following him down. if you can get here before we leave thats even better then we all can go at once. as opposed to me leaving the site and coming back. but it doesnt matter i just need to know when you'd be arriving.
  16. anybody got the low down on some good T skins? im tired of the same ol' ones.
  17. those are some nice skins cowboy.
  18. Gosh darnit!! Holy cow!! My goodness!!!
  19. THX1138


    I'll be bringing a big 'ol dish of baked ziti.
  20. ill be bringing my spare machine its an AMD 1.33ghz with 512 ram i think i got a 2 and a 4 gig HD in it with nothing on them except an OS. Win98 SE i believe if needed i can put XP or somethin on it if we need another server for something.
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