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Status Updates posted by Flitterkill

  1. FORUM UPGRADE BEGINS 1/1/2012 - Late morning probably. Site will be down for hours (yes, that's plural)

  2. Four new members in less than 24 hours. Welcome guys!

    1. JackieChan


      Looks like that "non-member lowest time kicking to make room for a member" thing I put in there helped persuade some people, lol.

    2. JackieChan


      Or a pseudo-reserveslot system.

    3. MPG1770


      How about a special spot for Baloosh - he likes being there most of the time lol

  3. FYI some Orange Box Update breakage with addons

  4. FYI the troubles with DNS and such may not be over. IF you can't get to the website here in the near future don't sweat it.

    1. turnbullTeRRoR


      What's with kids these days. Attacks all night long it seems.

  5. FYI, our web host appears to still be puttering about - if the site is inaccessible, give it a shake a minute or two later - will prob come up then

  6. FYI: A series of very large DDoS attacks in Chicago have caused several periods of significant packet loss over the last 15 minutes. As always, we are processing these attacks and taking immediate corrective measures.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Johnny


      Can't. Sub-FTL gravimetric field displacement manifold is destabilized by neutrino effluence into the DMC-12 flux capacitors.

    3. glgl


      Wonder if this was why steam was completely messed up :x

    4. turnbullTeRRoR


      Dont worry I know a few maneuvers

  7. Game server provider will be doing some InterNAP routing work over the next 24 hours or so. Don't be surprised if you lose connectivity for a few minutes during this time.

  8. Gametracker had database problems a week or two ago. Many server monitors (and server rankings) got dropped. MC server monitor caught in a bug probably related to that. Patched now. Monitor back up. Also update on pint glass shipping.

  9. Gas price @ my local Costco. $1.79.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. stutters


      Yeah, but you have to live in the midwest. Not. Worth. It.

    3. BlackYoshi


      I filled my tank from empty today for $16.87. I'm loving it

    4. MPG1770


      approx $6 per gallon here

  10. Gauntlet and Talisman. 3 copies of each. See the Steam Group Buy thread to get u some. http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/45582-winter-steam-sale-group-buy-thread/

    1. Flitterkill


      All Talisman remain. 1 Gauntlet left.

  11. GC BF3 server config/discussion in Server Requests. Server up tonight or sooner I would guess.

  12. GC Black Friday Thread in Chit Chat forum

  13. GC DNS server changes happen on Tuesday, expect some timeouts while new DNS propagates. This is for GCFTW as well.

  14. GC Minecraft server now 1.8 - enjoy the buggy insanity

  15. GC tees and moar are go. Time to work up a pre-order page or two.

    1. Reomet


      I'm looking forward to this.

  16. gcftw redirect will be fixed in 24 hours or will be something new instead.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dead


      o_o I was like nooo when this happened.

    3. Flitterkill


      Missed a renew, spurred debate regarding a new redirect short url and moving domains away from Daddy.

    4. onyxdragoon


      Here I am trying to get here bc the gcftw was redirected.

  17. gcftw.com | Left 4 Dead 2 10v10 continues to astound. Is it ever empty?

    1. JackieChan


      Only when it crashes, lol.

    2. mookie
  18. Getting there. Store required some CSS changes; probably more to come. Stripe integration is complete. FedEx up next, then pints go in the store. Shouldn't be long now... unless FedEx goes all to hell...

  19. GGs last night on D3 with fellow GC folks. Repair costs? Don't ask...

    1. boiler


      Yeah thanks for nuking everything in sight for me, plus all the lootz. I must say I lol'd at you standing still "tanking" the Butcher and Magdha (not attacking them) while I frantically fired off frost arrows. I'm guessing though that much of those repair bills were from your Inferno runs with Voodoo though :D

    2. Flitterkill


      Yeah, inferno. And nothing can hurt me in normal or nightmare. Literally. That'll be the same for you once you get up there.

    3. TheLaw


      Yes, the new repair cost...what was blizzard thinking.

  20. Girlzilla - Lousiest - check email ASAP pls!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. walkingCat


      btw Lousiest ain't coming.

    3. Flitterkill


      Really? I missed that...

    4. TheDude


      Think he's in Malaysia

  21. Give the Minecraft test server a try why not?

  22. Gonna be a bit b4 the store is back up. Have to do an email account dance between Google and the SSL cert provider.

  23. Gonna be weird in Illinois and Wisconsin this week...

    1. Peckles


      I'm weird every day, everywhere.

    2. Unclean


      I'm in Illinois, so it's gonna be more weird in Wisconsin after they lose.

  24. Got quiet around here...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. amertrash
    3. MPG1770


      I had to google "google"


    4. stutters


      You UK'ers take that whole "Ask Jeeves" thing way too far.

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