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Status Updates posted by Flitterkill

  1. Gametracker had database problems a week or two ago. Many server monitors (and server rankings) got dropped. MC server monitor caught in a bug probably related to that. Patched now. Monitor back up. Also update on pint glass shipping.

  2. CSGO server monitors are active. Minecraft being weird though, will tackle tomorrow.

  3. Pints won't be up in the store until next week - no response on shipping bug today from IPB. Hit it again next week.

  4. 2. Count them, 2 trick-or-treat groups this year. An abundance of candy remains. Time for Kwaidan.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. onyxdragoon


      We're across the street from a Middle School :)

    3. JackieChan


      Halloween will never be how it was when I was a kid... it went from dozens of kids in a night, to 5.

    4. MPG1770


      Got 0 - must be those witches giving it a bad name

  5. Well that's a pain in the #$%$#... Pints delayed until next week. See thread for details. Otherwise store reopened within the hour for memberships.

  6. Getting there. Store required some CSS changes; probably more to come. Stripe integration is complete. FedEx up next, then pints go in the store. Shouldn't be long now... unless FedEx goes all to hell...

  7. Store off-line until Thursday afternoon. FedEx integration being a lot more painful than it should be. I have to *call* FedEx to turn on certain services and Nexus is throwing a few errors. Also looks like I can save a decent amount by moving our credit card stuff over to Stripe from 2co. Will tackle all of it in the morning.

    1. Biggs


      Sounds like some nice improvements, thanks Fk!

  8. Store off-line until Thursday afternoon. FedEx integration being a lot more painful than it should be. I have to *call* FedEx to turn on certain services and Nexus is throwing a few errors. Tackle it in the morning.

  9. Man do shipping costs blow...

    1. crasx


      thats logistics

  10. 214 Coalition Members, 51 Admins. Lots of names to cross-check with dues. Let the culling begin!

    1. shaftiel
    2. Cinkadeus


      Should I get an email or something? My annual is up this or next month and I can't remember.

    3. Flitterkill


      Yeah, big email going out - didn't feel right not alerting old-timers about the pint glasses before they hit the store. That and need to get the member rolls cleaned.

  11. Pint Glasses? Why yes. 3 boxes containing smaller boxes containing pint glasses. Time to count, assess breakage... Post to follow this evening. Where to put all these? And then the tee-shirts? So long office...

    1. VooDooPC


      I'll probably buy some glasses. Being the klutz I am I've systematically broken over 1/2 the ones I currently own.

    2. Madvillain


      Dibs... different beer than last post, but still needs a temporary home

  12. As we hit endgame for this political cycle in the USA please make a point to keep all political commentary (informational or otherwise) to the politics forum only. Any spill over in the rest of the forums or here in the status update area will just get nuked.

    1. Flitterkill


      PS: I should be uploading a photo Thursday evening. Three boxes get delivered to me that afternoon...

    2. Biggs


      Re:PS oOOoo!!!

    3. Biggs


      PS:Re:PS Just in time for Halloween!

  13. Remoted in to law firm pc - reported stupid slow boot up, etc. User's temp file directory. +70,000 files...

    1. crasx
    2. TheDude


      Don't know what that means but i have learned that we lawyers and computers just don't mix...

  14. Got quiet around here...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. amertrash
    3. MPG1770


      I had to google "google"


    4. stutters


      You UK'ers take that whole "Ask Jeeves" thing way too far.

  15. Pint glasses ordered. Tee-shirts next up...

    1. Biggs


      Careful not to spill on those nice T-shirts

    2. JackieChan


      I'd be up for a free pint glass :P

  16. The *most* quotable episode of Hoarders is airing now. You may have missed the best stuff but there's still 40 minutes left.

    1. Madvillain
    2. Madvillain


      Saw a link to the WoW forums on that page and there is a lot of nerd rage...

  17. Pint glasses get ordered today. Tee-shirts not too far behind.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Biggs


      Temporary lodging

    3. Madvillain
    4. Flitterkill


      Speaking of glasses - those hooked up with Costco check for the Paulaner Oct-fest stein. Stein and temporary contents for $8

  18. Had a small security glitch in the store - any 2co stuff over the last week or two I have to doublecheck - all good now though.

    1. Madvillain


      My infoz are flying around the webz?!

    2. Flitterkill


      Bad choice of words. 2co security increased. When the forums were upgraded it required the increased security. So nothing got processed until I made the changes. 2co now requires a different account from one's normal account for API access (firewall principle). All good in the hood, 2co checkouts just got put on hold.

    3. Madvillain


      Cool, thanks for the update FK

  19. 2 Diablo, 2 Skyrim, 1 Fallout, 1 CSGO backgrounds added - more to come...

  20. All done.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Madvillain


      I fear change! But it does look good.

    3. TheDude


      It's so shiny. Can i touch it?


    4. mavC
  21. Happiness is solving a Jquery/Prototype code dance by falling back to plain javascript. That and refs are back. I may actually watch football this week!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cinkadeus


      I mix the two. JQuery Mobile and Javascript. I make hybrid mobile HTML5 apps.

    3. stutters


      prototype? adorable.

    4. Flitterkill


      IPB was way ahead of the curve, then Jquery took over, and now they are slowly rewriting all of the Prototype...

  22. The NFL has now become a team based pro wrestling league...

    1. MattKemp


      +1, and don't hate the replacement referees. Blame the people *cough Goodell and owners* that continue the lockout. I feel bad for those guys

    2. Lookback


      Goodell > Bettman

    3. Madvillain


      Can't wait for the ladder match.

  23. UNH and Old Dominion playing a live action version of Madden today.

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