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  1. Controversial topic in the server - let's see who thinks pineapple belongs on pizza - yes or no and why
  2. Explain to me why you love GC and what the holidays make you feel like inside. This post was a lot more fun in my head when I was drinking last night, but I got distracted and forgot to post it. So winner by 12/25 (with the most like votes) will get 1yr GC membership subscription. There's quite a few of you who have let it lapse, get your crap together because I enjoy killing you, especially since I can hear your screams from the other side .
  3. Tonight, we were playing Dark Carnival. A GC member typed in chat for both teams to read: "yep, this is boring. other team has ruthless punks, and this team has incompetent teammates" This member then left the game. I'm not calling them out here on the forums, but keep in mind that BM's will find out, as they review chat logs. There was a recent post made by Peanut with regard to keeping a "friendly atmosphere" (I use that phrase generally). This was a pretty salty thing to say, and certainly was thought out while (or before) it was typed. If you're that unhappy or frustrated with how the game is going, just leave. Period. It's so very simple. I'm extremely disappointed. DiXie
  4. Would it be possible to remove suicide for infected soon after an attack, or getting shoved. Too many times have I deadstopped someone only for them to buy a suicide(gandalf, elias, soda) right after. I know its embarrassing but you gotta accept what just happened, take your death like a man! This includes mid-charge suiciding and rocket fail suicides
  5. Yortz and other players have a mutual relationship. Yortz need them as much as players need us. Although we’d like to think that is Yortz looking out for us, Yortz is not always as transparent as we’d like Yortz to be. There are aspects of Yortz that aren’t widely known or advertised, and many unsuspecting players probably aren’t aware of these “secrets.” Yortz secretly respects Peanut. Yortz is a former student of Peanut. Yortz is married to Peanut.
  6. Hey everyone James here again sharing another custom map that is based on one of the Half-life 2 maps... or is it?? we have no idea XD It's playable in co-op and versus mode. White Forest: Download link: http://www.gamemaps.com/details/16814 -Do leave me any constructive feedback, thanks!
  7. Alright, so I'm here today to talk about an account of me rushing today on the server. At around 12:30am to 1:00am on April 2nd, during the fourth map of Dark Carnival I rushed the cresendo and went into the saferoom. At first I was going in to either start a tank or make a tank spawn and go for me as I wasn't a main. Behind me was Cisco the Kid and Max Rockantsky. At the halfway mark of that long hallway toward the concert enterance a tank appeared and began attacking. I bought up and went forward to run from the tank and it chased me until I got to the saferoom. After the tank left a hunter was waiting outside for me. I told my team, or more specifaclly Meant, what I should do, and he instructed that it was a team decision on wether or not I should stay in the saferoom. No one on the team was complaining and Max was verbally calling me to stay in the room. I went off of their judgement and if I deserve a ban for that, I understand. I'd just like a forum notification of the decision and also wanted to adress this matter personally before someone else went to complain. Thanks for any replys I get, good or bad.
  8. Hey everyone just wanted to share my playthrough on a custom map that is a recreation level from the game Painkiller... what game is that well i don't really know but its not Painkiller Jane that's for sure... Loony Park: https://youtu.be/2dz62ZbuUjs Download link: http://www.gamemaps.com/details/15871 -Do leave me any constructive feedback, thanks!
  9. Last week, these guys did all the main campaigns (on easy) in 1hr 11 minutes--think you guys can do better? http://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick/v/33381987 Skip to 18:42, it's around when they start the speed run for L4D2 By the way, if you've never heard of Games Done Quick, it's an awesome semi-annual charity event with videogame speedruns, which was on all last week You might find they did speedruns of some of your favorites if you check out the schedule at https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule
  10. Hey, so I've been here for a while, and I realize that if I wanted to bring up a point or two about something that seems unfair, or even tentatively unbalanced, doing it on the forums is the way to go. That being said, I have come to the conclusion that the scramble system is unfair, as well as the conclusion that certain rules and guidelines regarding the scramble system only make it more so. Now, this isn't going to all be about the inequity proposed by the scramble system and it's flaws. With all of this, I'm coming to accept the fact that team scrambles are better than nothing, and it's as good as it's going to get possibly for a long time coming. This is more so in regards to the rules and restrictions on scrambles (Being when they can happen, how they happen etc). If you've been around a while, you know that scrambles happen, and that they, more or less, manage to at least do nothing or something positive for the long-run of the match. The flaws are obvious too, however, the largest one being that scrambles aren't allowed to happen for the finale of the game, nor are they allowed to happen in the middle of the game as well. Both of these restrictions put heavy consequences on the ability for the player to have fun. The rule regarding scrambles not being allowed on the finale of a map is very confusing. I understand that the point it is that the game is almost over, and that by the time a finale comes around, no scramble really seems like it would give the other team a chance at winning. But this is irrelevant. In a match that is heavily-one sided, the finale is just a barrier to getting onto the next map, and hopefully, a more fair gaming experience. Why waste the players' time then? Why have a group of players just sit around and wait for the finale to end so they can get on with more entertaining means of playing the game? I understand very well that if they don't like it, there is always the other server to go to, but that just puts the people who are staying at even more of a disadvantage. If there is a chance that in a match, we could promote entertainment and fun, shouldn't we be doing that? Should we realize that it would be more advantageous for the happiness of the players to give them a finale that won't bore them to death, but actually make it so they won't want to just leave? Regarding mid-match scrambles, it's just unreasonable that these aren't allowed to happen. If a game is very obviously stacked, and the scores are very close together still, wouldn't it be logical to scramble right then in order to make the future of the game a more equal one? I'm just a little dumbfounded by the fact that this isn't a used practice, and instead, admins simply wait for the round to end, letting the scores drift farther and farther apart from each other. Despite reasoning given to me for this, none of it makes any sense at all to me. Why let the game get more unfair than it needs to be? I'm still looking for answers to these questions, and as of yet, all that people have been able to get to me has been a load of crap that simply explains it off as "That's just how the server works." Thank you for reading this if you did. And I'd like to hear about what you think, or about any over-sight or under-sight that you think I have in regards to the issue.
  11. Hello to everybody & g´night to everyone: 3 days ago. Apparently I will been banned for glitching, in the underground, dark carni map 3. I apologize to not be aware that this method of attack without being attacked or as explained Maestro (exploit) can not be used online and less on GC servers, And I also apologize for my offensive comment rofl as a result of being banned for a new spot, I make the great promise that I'll never use this method to incapacitate survivors as infected, thanks for your attention. I wait for a reply of a board member to discuss my case unban, or not. Good Night.
  12. This is a L4D2 video so check this out! https://youtu.be/r4mJ_wKDGhs also pls subscribe
  13. https://youtu.be/msJ8dRhbQJo Watch the video and subscribe!!!11
  14. The servers have been really busy. Last couple of weekends, the servers have been full with members waiting for a open spot. Even a couple of times during the week its been full. That means we are doing something right as a community. Jackie doing his magic, Peanut Upholding the law, Mercman running custom nights, Johnny recording everything and other admins doing much more. While we all love playing L4D2, I am seeing a few people breaking rules to my surprise, Things like cursing, rushing and being rude to players from anyone, especially members will not be tolerated. In addition, stacking games is another big NO-NO, even allowing a stack to occur for multiple rounds while the score is 400 to 4000 shows a lack of respect for the players loosing and my biggest pet peave. Also, we admins dont have to do anything with warns or kicks when we see repeat offenders. Some admins can and are more lenient than others. Some warn, some kick and some ban right away. Please realize, we have warned everyone over and over, especially members about the rules, but to my surprise, people playing here a while, even members continue to tread a fine line. If you think it may be rushing, then fall back and don't rush. If you think you will get PM about language, then dont use those words or cool off. If you antogonize players, dont do it, you will be banned! If you are frustrated with the round, leave a take a breather. We want the game to be enjoyable for new players as well including the hardcore seasoned players. Have fun and game on. -Turbo.
  15. good morning. Admin's Maybe, I don't understan a lot, the lenguaje english because, I from Perú but, I want to say, please I can to be unbanned in the servidor L4D2 I apologize and I promise to espect the rules. I want to say more, but i don't know much english so I speak Spanish. Perdón por faltar el respeto a un jugador al llamarlo estúpido, que estuvo mal, pero prometo respetar las reglas y que esto no va a volver a pasar. Les pido disculpas por lo sucedido, espero porfavor me puedan comprender Gracias. This is my Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099549806/home/
  16. The server I played the most is and I believe this happened like a year ago. An admin thought I was making fun of a girl that sound like a guy. All I said was "YOU SOUND LIKE A GUY, ARE YOU TRANNY?" and boom I was banned by an admin. The admin thought I was being serious but I was actually just joking and everyone in the server including HER knows that, but the admin don't know that because he just joined the server and assume I was being jerk the whole time. I really do apologize if I insulted anyone by my action but I was really just joking around that time. Here is my steam I.D. STEAM_0:1:35612989 Thank You and once again I deeply apologize.
  17. I wanted to learn, if there is the possibility of a tournament l4d2, I know it's hard to gather 20 people in one day, but I think that administrators can make a repestable tournament and people have fun. Maybe a 4 vs 4, 2 vs 2, etc etc. And the prize, be the first to get satifaccion for example. I hope someday organizen a tournament, and so to have a good time with everyone, Thanks for reading this topic "A united team It is a difficult team to beat "
  18. I was banned from L4d2 servers for a week due to johnny. At first I was kicked for "rushing." What really happened was me and another player were up ahead, but the team kept getting pulled back. After I realized he was heading back, I started to go, but I was kicked. I later rejoined my team, and had to keep rejoining due to afk (only as infected) i was still helping the team. I was not stacking in any way despite what the admin said, I just wanted to be fair and be placed on the same team. I request my ban to be appealed as I spend lots of hours on these servers and find it very fun.
  19. I got banned due to one of the players interrupting my way of gaming and I insulted that player on the spur of the moment. While I know that's a reason, I wasn't given a warning for it. How it started: After positioning and waiting for the survivor players to come up to the ladder, the player I insulted was hitting me first in-game so I told him to stop with the inclusion of my insult, next the player was saying I was hogging the charger I was using and I was about to explain through game chat to the player i insulted as to why i was position in my spot, then I got banned from the game server and it's a permanent ban on my first offence on the server. http://gamrs.co/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_1%3A0%3A32930379&Submit I apologize for the sudden insult to the player. whenever I'm in the server I try to abide by the rules but this time i failed. gamrs.co | !buy 10v10 #2 http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/l4d22.gcftw.com:27015/
  20. Hello friend of gamrs.co ..... I think that makes your day was banned l4d2 server, and would like to know why was the ban at the time did not know much about the game and servers. If I made any mistake I apologize, and if they could remove the ban I hope your answer (my English is bad - Sorry)
  21. I'm DCore, GC member, just because I love the GC L4D2 servers. Got a lot of new people who don't understand the no rushing rule. When they rush and their friends are being eaten in the back I like to post sarcastic comments like 'WE ARE FINE BACK HERE, PLEASE MOVE UP' I'm hoping that this is amusing, but also clueing people in that maybe they're not doing right. Well, Push was banning rushers, telling people not to rush, and I wrote something like: 'UNLESS U R OPPOSING TEAM' I think this is sarcastic, but if they think, they might realize what I'm saying is that rushing wins the game.. for your opponents. So next map begins and I'm banned, no communication, no warning, been at least an hour. I realize being a mod is not easy, but perhaps this was heavy handed, or Push was having a rough day. If this ban ha merit in the readers opinion, how long will it last? -DCore
  22. Here, them I share, Warcelona of the Friday, Hope you like it xD. PD: Sorry, bad director of camera xD Warcelona - Part 1 Warcelona - Part 2 Warcelona - Part 3 Warcelona - Part 4 "A united team It is a team, hard to beat"
  23. I was banned for... well, I'm not sure. I wasn't given a reason. The last image I had prior to my ban, was being long distance charged, while holding my baby chompski. Also prior to my ban, your admin Meng.mc.admin, was banning people for the reason - 'Goodnight'. It was unjustified as many of your users, one of them being Idle Mexican, was calling the admin out for the unjust bans. It's also difficult to decipher what they say a lot of the time, as their english is quite poor. -Saint
  24. Looking at the forum, and the pinned threads, and some people-made threads as well, I suppose I write here to sort this out, right? I even read the guide too so I hope I do this right. Here's my stuff: | steamname: ♥Miss Squishy♥ | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:30959577 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022184882 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/MissSquishy | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198022184882 Time of the banning: around 3:00 AM EST (7/26/14) Names involved: Not entirely sure exactly who, but even if I did, I'm sure you guys already know. What happened: Well I was playing on your #1 server in No Mercy, and I was slightly ahead with two other players. From what I've read in other posts on this forum, I was rushing apparently and didn't realize the severity of my actions until someone started complaining. So after said complaint started happening, I even went back to help with the other two people I was "rushing" with to help, only to get killed. BUT, I do admit it was my fault, because I never rush, and the one time I do I get banned lol. I always try to help, always heal the reds with my medkit to get points, always send points out when downed, you know the drill. So yes, I was completely wrong in what I did. But I do enjoy your L4D2 servers and hope for the best that I get unbanned. The servers are always full and it is really fun at times, it would be a shame if I couldn't enjoy 10 VS 10 Versus in your servers anymore. All in all, I apologize. For rushing. For being stupid. Also for making certain people angry apparently. Even though it was my first rush mistake, it certainly will be my last. I should've just stayed in the back like I usually do You know would be awesome? A #3 third server. Just an idea but with all of the complications of getting another server, costs, etc. I'm pretty sure it won't happen but if it did that would be awesome. I would probably donate for it too... It's not like I don't waste enough money on TF2 crap anyways. So I'm sorry for blabbing and being stupid. And please forgive me. Thank you for your time.
  25. I'm just curious if admin/members that play L4D2 use anything other than the ingame voice chat? I've noticed a few members have discussions despite being on different teams (and alltalk as far as I can tell is disabled). Is this strictly an admin feature or does GC use any voice chat apps or have a server members can join and use while playing? Thanks. -ChaoticInfinityX
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