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First Hand Impressions...

Guest PDO

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

Will be given by me sometime tonight, as I'm heading off to "CyberPunx" in Vegas relatively soon to try it out. Anyone have anything they want me to specifically look for, post here or forever hold your silence!


Also, if anyone here has been to "CyberPunx" I wouldn't mind knowing if it's a nice place and if it's hard to find before I take off.

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

Alright, here's the scoop fellas, just going to make notes of things for the time being..


1) I was on that PC listed above. I got 40 FPS. This needs to be fixed, end of story..


2) Awping is weird.. you kinda zoom with it, so quick scoping is near impossible. The awp just felt wrong.


3) The deagle on the other hand was amazing.


4) Most shots seem to register very well, however I had a lot of problems with recoil, it was like shooting a para with the AK/colt


5) No headstacks.


6) Nades are amazing.. they'll be the most important part of your buying now. Flashes dominate you (not sure if I like this yet.. if you're hit by a flash you're dead unless teh guy sucks..) and nades do more damage + stun you.


7) YOU CAN'T BUY AMMO BY THE CLIP. Man that sucks. They have to change that.. I don't want 42 deagle bullets :[.


8) There's a weird nade boost glitch that needs to be fixed because it ruins gameplay


9) The physics were neat.. but didn't seem useful. It was kind of a novelty.


Hmm.. going to play some more tomorrow so I can get a better feel for it, might put my opinion into some of the changes too.


Also, CyberPunx is an amazing facilty, and if you can stand smoke I recommend it to anyone planning to lan in Vegas.

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2) Awping is weird.. you kinda zoom with it, so quick scoping is near impossible. The awp just felt wrong.


4) Most shots seem to register very well, however I had a lot of problems with recoil, it was like shooting a para with the AK/colt


5) No headstacks.

2. That's a good thing in my opinion.


4. Have you shot a gun in real life? I would assume it recoils like a mutha.


5. Wuts that? :unsure:

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all the videos i ever see are all of the typical weapons. did you try anything besides the mp5,colt,ak,aug,sg,awp,deagle?

maybe they'll make some new maps for the physics engine use. the old maps are kind of worn anyway.


i'm glad they changed the awp. yeh. i heard they took boosting out to make it more realistic. there goes my chance at climbing maps :(

Edited by ishmael
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I would assume it recoils like a mutha.


an automatic weapon lol, im sure it does too. i can barely hold a bolt action 300 weatherby magnum for one shot, let alone 30shots coming out full auto. I bet it would knock me down the first time i tried to go full auto standing up...


i'll miss boosting, but not much. i don't think i would mind bullet, your in a war fighting for your life, you won't mind someone wanting to stack something with you, and you won't be yelling 'kill stealer' if they see someone first either. I'd give a brother a boost if he wanted to go up somewhere....

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO
boosting is coming back, pdo

That actually makes me really happy to hear, I like it because it's one of those things that makes CS CS, if that makes sense..


I think Playaa nailed flashes on the head, they'll be VERY important in match play.. but in pubs you'll be screaming bloody murder at the poor sap that can't throw a flash right.


I also had a lot of problems with 1 shot HS, it seemed the first bullet with ak/colt wasn't as accurate as it used to be.


Para felt a lot better than it used to as far as power/spray randomness.


I'll post back with some more impressions later today :]

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1024 * whatever the other number is


I wasn't able to change it either because it wasn't scaling the models. Will mess around with it for a bit today.

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Dust is the only map..


Few more points I have after playing for a bit:


- Rifles are random, they feel like they never go the same way.

- Flashes are too strong, they need to be nerfed a bit.

- AWP is more nerfed than it was in 1.6.. it's stupid. You can't quick scope, nor can you really quick switch after a shot because the shot will suddenly have not been shot.. very annoying

- The money issue I posted earlier was a glitch



Overall I think I prefer 1.6.. this seems really random, has crappy FPS on amazing PC's and hasn't impressed me much at all.

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did they add leaning/prone, or is it still just straight forward stand up/crouch only?

No leaning/prone.


All the guest posts are me (pdo)


I'll add some more opinion to some of the stuff I've played through tomorrow

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Overall I think I prefer 1.6.. this seems really random, has crappy FPS on amazing PC's and hasn't impressed me much at all.

Ahh, this is not something I like to hear, hopefully I'm more easily impressed, and I'm sure they'all fix all things that need fixing in due time.

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Well, PDO went into CSS wiht negative perspective in the first place...so its had to be really GREAT game to change that around...since it isn't but just an upgrade or a next step for CS ...Im not suprised what I hear...


Also thats why its beta..hopefully some of this issues get resolved...


PS: To Ishmael...no major new features were added because as said earlier its NOT CS2 its just another update of CS we know today....they did include minor features from CZ like nades being dropped with the guns for you to pick up...

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- AWP is more nerfed than it was in 1.6.. it's stupid. You can't quick scope, nor can you really quick switch after a shot because the shot will suddenly have not been shot.. very annoying

Glad to hear this. Now they are gettin it more realistic.


Yes it is a game. But, the quick scope shootin' IMHO is a glitch that most peeps learned how to exploit. And now that it's gone peeps are gonna scream about it.

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I think its going to be the same as when 1.6 came out and everybody start #@&$^# about it ... only multiply that by 2 and u get a picture....

I just hope we'll get amx up and running by taht time so I can ban all those babies who need their diepers changed! :D

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO

Alright, so now that I've had time to sit on it, here's my final impressions:



- Everything registered (although I was on LAN, so take that for what it's worth)

- The game looked MUCH better than 1.6

- The physics could play a big role with competitive play.. moving barrels and such.

- HE Nades do more damage but blast radius is about the same




- New Angles on de_dust, so most likely the same with all other "sponsored" maps.

- Gun models appear larger.. might've been the resolution I was in though.

- New sounds for various guns'

- New sprays

- Gun recoil's changed




- Strafe shooting seemed 100% innacurate. This'll probally slow down the game some more.

- Flashes are too strong, and I think they were stacking but it was hard to tell.

- No wall shooting. (This is a BIG negative)

- If you got hit first it hurt your accuracy (Another big negative in my books)

- The game felt "stiff". Can't really explain it, but it felt more like R6 than CS if that makes sense.

- He nades don't go through walls

- AWP changes I already listed

- Never went over 60 FPS on a godly PC, another major issue. My FPS spent most of the time around 30-40. I also noticed my FPS was higher for some reason when I used "cl_showfps" as opposed to "net_graph 3".

- No more stopsound.. aztec will be very annoying.


Contrary to what bigshaw said, I think I went in fairly neutral.. I wasn't expecting pure gold, but I wasn't expecting it to be this bad either, hopefully they make some changes (wall spam..) so the game doesn't change too drastically again from (ala 1.3 -> 1.5 and 1.5 -> 1.6).


All in all, if they reverse some gameplay changes, improve FPS and don't feel the need to change the gameplay every few weeks source will most likely be a success.

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