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Community Weight Loss?

Trouble .gc

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After reading the post in the Political Forums i got to thinking...alot of us say that the BMI rate that was given to us was overweight. (as unaccurate as it may be) What if as a community we all tried to loose weight together? its just a silly idea, but sometimes it takes motovation to get it started. what better way to do this than as a community-people we associate with every day?

Feel free to shoot it down, i just know that its hard to diet alone...and i think that hearing about how others are doing could help?

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Heh, 2 weeks ago I started a 3 day fast with a friend. I was able to go only 34 hours because I had to do heavy labor twice in that period and felt like I was going to die. It certainly is easier to try and lose weight if you do it with someone else and have their support.


What do you suggest? Something drastic for short term results or a move to a permanent healthier lifestyle? Maybe a program where you try and take a 30 minute walk every day? I would be up to it.

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something like that....my goal is overall a healthier lifestyle...not everyone has time for 30 min walks every day...maybe something as simple as, not eating fast food for a week, or skipping the extra helping or desert.

i don't know how many want to loose weight, but if we had enough people interested...possibly set up an overall goal to a total number of lbs lost?

either way, healthier choices and post em up...it really does make you proud when you do somethign that is good for your body...

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Heh, 2 weeks ago I started a 3 day fast with a friend. I was able to go only 34 hours because I had to do heavy labor twice in that period and felt like I was going to die. It certainly is easier to try and lose weight if you do it with someone else and have their support.


What do you suggest? Something drastic for short term results or a move to a permanent healthier lifestyle? Maybe a program where you try and take a 30 minute walk every day? I would be up to it.

fasting slows your metabolism. ;)

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Thats real short term weight loss... were talking water weight when you fast and eat fruits, the weight will come right back doing that. When i wrestled in high school i could cut 6-7 pounds in a day easy to make weight, but the next day i was right back to where i was. Weight loss needs to be more long term then fasting if you want progress. Almost a lifestyle change.


As hard as it is for some people to loose weight, its that hard for me to gain it. I've been trying to get to 150 for a few years now and just can't get there YET. I started at 103 4 years ago and im only to 140-145 this much later. Changing your body for the long term takes time and patience, and some work. Its not an easy thing to do, but the payoff is huge when you meet your goal.


4 years ago i weighed 103lbs

2 years ago i weighed 125lbs

now i weigh 140lbs and am almost happy, another 5-10 pounds over the next year and i'll be done.


/moral is have patience when your altering your body.

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  • 3 months later...

Here you go, this is "Thomas Aquinas' Guide to Weightloss and Healthy Living"...


I only share this because about 3 years ago I decided that I was tired of being overweight and decided to get to what I felt was a healthy and happy weight. I went through highschool playing football and doing Shotput and discuss in track, and when i reached college I weighed 230-240 lbs. Once I realized that I wouldn't be playing football anymore I decided that I should drop down in size a bit.


Here is the plan I used:


1. Exercise 6 days a week (I don't on Sunday for religious reasons, but I think it helps a lot to take a break every week). I started by running 1 mile every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and lifting weights every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Eventually you can build up distance in running to what I do now (about 6 miles). If your knees can't handle running, swim for 45 mins-1hr.


2. Perhaps even more important than the exercise; ONLY EAT 50 GRAMS OF FAT A DAY OR LESS!!!!! As you exercise everyday your metabolism will increase, so don't worry about calories TOO much (obviously stay away from soda and alcohol because of the super-high-empty-calories). Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat meat and other things too! Eat lots of fiber. I.E. eat a healthy BALANCED diet. Forget about suplements and fad-diets, just eat healthy and stay away from packaged dinners and the like.


3.Stick with it and don't give up. If you miss a day, don't sweat it, just get on track. and START TODAY! DON'T WAIT TILL TOMORROW!


That's it! I lost 40 lbs over about 1 year and have stayed at 190 for 2 years now. I am stronger and lift more weight than I did in high school. I can run farther, and I look/feel a lot better. Apart from me I have two good friends that followed the plan with the same or more dramatic results (one friend lost 60 lbs).


If you have any questions post em! Later all!

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Aug 03' Toka=210

Jan 04' Toka=155

Dec 04' Toka=150-155ish


I starting skateboarding....thats it. Im eating worse now then i did before, and i cant gain weight. Go skateboard 5-10 hours a week and you can drop lbs like nothin.

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wow, gj Toka!!! There will come a point where you will be more worried about the quality of foods though (and I am NOT one to preach). But even thin people can have crapped up arteries.


I plan on starting to mountain bike soon, I finally have a garage to store it in :)

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As soon as my girlfriend actually leaves the key to the clubhouse, I am going to start working out when I get home from work. Strange, you would think she would want me to get back into shape and look better... hmm... She claims she is fattening me up so other girls won't go for me. I dunno if I like this or not... o0o

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Blech although I have a lot of muscle, I walk about 4-5 miles to/from school every day (for past 4 months). I don't eat that much fat. I don't drink alcohol very often. I don't drink soda. I was 205 then and now I weigh 198.


Mabye losing weight is unrealistic because I am 6'3"? I want to get down to 180 - 85.

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I think a lot of people try to set unrealistic goals. Height has a lot to do with weight, generally speaking. You are going to naturally have a little more muscle to hold you upright and standing that tall. Not saying there aren't stringy people out there... I have a friend who is 6'8" and is a tooth pick. His feet are the only things that keep him from swaying and falling over I swear!

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Height has some to do with it and build can make a big difference. Also remember that muscle, volume for volume, weighs more than fat. Bone structure varies a lot as well. I dated a 5'11"+ girl once who was 95 pounds (!). Her arms were so tiny, it was amazing. My upper arms were as big as her legs, she just didn't carry much body mass. Weight is one indicator, but it's hinting at the underlying issue of fitness, which is the most important thing.

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Blech although I have a lot of muscle, I walk about 4-5 miles to/from school every day (for past 4 months).  I don't eat that much fat.  I don't drink alcohol very often.  I don't drink soda.  I was 205 then and now I weigh 198.


Mabye losing weight is unrealistic because I am 6'3"?  I want to get down to 180 - 85.


Depends on your body.


I'm the same height, and I will never way that much.


Anyway.. couple general things:


IF you drink pop/coffee and replace with water (100% of the time) I guarentee you'll slowly but surely lose weight.


Secondly, distance doesn't matter, its all about time.

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I might be able to help you guys w/ your diet if you guys have any questions.

I work at health store. You can ask any questions about diet, losing or maintaining weight hopefuly I can help you guys. ^_^

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Guest PDO
Guest PDO
Guest PDO
I might be able to help you guys w/ your diet if you guys have any questions.

I work at health store. You can ask any questions about diet, losing or maintaining weight hopefuly I can help you guys.  ^_^


Any chance you know how much changes nutrionally comparing a full egg or an egg with no yolk?

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