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Dry Ice fun


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For those of you who have never experienced a dry ice bomb, they are much louder than they appear on the camera. I'm the dude that screams like a little girl (allegedly, anyways...I maintain that I'm not the one that does the screaming) when I run and get the cooler from the bank. Enjoy!


Oh yeah, I don't know if anyone swears in the clip, but it's possible so..yeah.

Edited by Peckles
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Congradulations...you just won the dumb canadian teenager award! lol...I'm surprised someone didn't lose a peckle...I also hope you found all that plastic and disposed of it properly and didn't just pollute our natural wonder! (oh yeah...you scream like a little girl!)

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Man I loved doing that stuff. My mom would bring home some dry ice every once in a while that they got when medicines were shipped to the clinic. We would make ones out of the basic 20oz coke bottles and throw them out into a field. One time we did a 2-liter and put a bucket over it. We lost a bucket that day.

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Two years ago I was standing in my lab talking to an advisee. He was a first-year at the time. As boredom set in after a week of mind-numbing discussions with students who start their advising session with "I have no idea what I want to take...", I get a brilliant idea...


I grab a 20 ounce coke bottle and pour about 2 oz of liquid nitrogen into the bottom. we walk across the hall into the bottom of a 2 story tiered lecture hall. I screw on the cap and set the bottle quickly on teh table and we high tail it up to the top of the hall.


After a minute or two, nothing is happening. I notice that the bottle has frosted up, and as you realize, ice is actually a good thermal insulator. So, risking life and limb (see, we are committed to this tomfoolery now) I take the bottle and set it into the sink that is built into the lecture table. I run a little water over the bottle to rinse off the frost.


Now we go about 5 steps up the tier and watch to see if we made a difference. 30seconds later i notice that that hour glass shape that all coke bottles have is not a 2L bottle shape. That is, all the ridges have ballooned out.


I start to say "i think something is happening..." but before I can finish the word think, the thing goes off. Now, these things are loud in any event. But in this cavernous, reverberant hall it sounds like Slim Pickens rode the thing down from 35,000 ft. I'm not proud of it, but we both crapped our pants, and immediately I'm thinking... campus safety is gonna show up and I'm gonna lose my job (tenure is still a ways off for me).


So... amid the wafting bits of shredded coke lable we slip out the basement door and back across into my lab and get our stories straight. Later, after noone showed up, we went back and retrieved the no unrecognizable coke bottle, and whatever bits of the lable that could be retrieved without tweezers.


Heh... I should probably grow up. :)

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