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just in case not everyone knew already


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Theres too many to name. I use the ASDF keys and use the right mouse button to move forward. Everyone has their little variation of key bindings.

if you used wasd like normal people, then you wouldnt be having any problems :smiling2:

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Thanks unclean!

Wouldnt aiming being really hard if you ran with your mouse?

It's a little weird to get used to at first, but definitely better (imo). Well, better for more aggressive players, since you can switch weapons as you're running forward. And aiming isn't a problem - I got daily botting accusations when I was playing UT. It's a slightly different style of aiming, though. Instead of just moving the mouse cursor to a target, you strafe/move until the target lines up in your sights and adjust slightly with the mouse.


And for the ESDF > WASD thing, it's a hassle to rebind keys all the time, but after you do, your pinky has another set of keys to bind (if you need them). Plus your index finger hits the F in home row, so it's easier to find your way back after typing.


/35 cents

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just finished playing the game....its alright. I like BF2 and CSS better.


Feels really really boxy (if that is a word)


I just left a Full server....the game play wasn't fluid like others. Of course it is new and it will grow on people. I won't be buying this game in the near future.


Gonna stick to BF2 and CSS.


Sorry Shazz I disagree with you. Though the demo is terrible compared to the beta *I saw my friend play it*, I still think it's improved on many of BF2's errors. Sure it has its bugs, but I love it still. The game feels terrible in the demo because EA, as it often takes 3 steps forwards and 4 steps back, decided not to include unlocks in the demo. Now as fair as this may seem, BF2142 depends on unlocks to play, it's not the same as BF2. Instead of cooler guns, unlocks allow players to customize their classes, since there is no set engineer, set sniper, etc. Instead you have an assault class which in the demo you are unable to revive or throw grenades.


I'd advise everyone who is a Battlefield fan, and loves sci-fi warfare to get the game. Also, you must admit its much more realistic then BF2. Since when you're support you actually move slower, and when you run you actually bob up and down like a real person would *gasps*.

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I would rethink getting this game...if you are purchasing it. It is FULL of spyware!!


This warning comes with the game. It is getting 2 out of 5 stars from reviews for all the spyware it contains.




The shame of it is...they tell you this AFTER you purchase the game. LAME


They monitor your IP address, your browsing history and cookies.



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I would rethink getting this game...if you are purchasing it. It is FULL of spyware!!


This warning comes with the game. It is getting 2 out of 5 stars from reviews for all the spyware it contains.




The shame of it is...they tell you this AFTER you purchase the game. LAME


They monitor your IP address, your browsing history and cookies.




Yah I noticed it after I opened it, but due to my excitement of having BF2142 I didn't think about it until an hour later. Though this doesn't really surprise me, EA is the big corporate company that does "crap" like this. They may have partnerships with other companies such as Dice who make great games, but they love doing this stuff I bet :( . This reminds me of the spyware program that was installed with Might and Magic V: Heroes which after the company was blamed for hundreds of computer problems, simply denied it and said they would shut down sites which said this.

Edited by Allanon
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Isnt IGA that company thats in the big lawsuit in europe over what theyve done to people?


Yes I believe it is Lazerus. Well I think we should give EA a round of applause, they once again lied through their teeth and while they said they wanted to make this the smoothest BF launch it has been one of the rockiest. They lied and put in spyware, all over their boards there are hundreds of people who cannot get their veteran status or preorder weapon because of how confusing they made it, others can't get in or cannot even use their CD key because it is full of errors.


I salute you EA, you have taken your fan base who are already dwindling due to a futuristic battlefield game and have cracked them over your knee, now I'm not saying that the game itself is bad. Just be advised when you buy it.

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