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yikes, mo!


not to make you feel bad or anything, but I have a 2400 sq ft townhouse for 200k. Gotta love those Indiana housing prices, I feel like I'm living in a mansion now :)


My parent's 2600sq house costs half a mill here in IL. But then again, I'm 20min from Chicago.

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I need to marry a rich chick.


Why did sj pop into my mind when i read this?

That's a good question...you should really contemplate the answer.


He's a 40 min drive from my house... I should see where my feelings are taking me.

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Windex, you should do what I did. Get 1 or 2 roommates and give them cheap rent. My roommate pays $300 a month and no utilities. It's an excellent deal for him for our area and it's 1/3 of my house payment a month. I promised him if I got another roommate I'd lower his rent to $250. An even better deal for him and I'm still getting over half my rent paid for by other people. As long as you get people that you can live with and they are fully aware that you may decide to kick them out any month...it's a win/win situation.

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Playaa I'm already ahead of ya, I've got 3 awesome roomates lined up.. they already live together and get along great but their lease is up this month so they are moving in with me next month. They are gunna give me 200$ each + utilities split between the four of us. it'll take a HUGE load off my shoulders! basically i'll be paying as much if notless than i do out of my pocket than what i do for my apartment i live in now :)


I'm also saving them each 150$ a month moving from where they are to in with me, they are all closer to work as well.. so yes it is win/win for everyong..


Not to mention i did this with no co-signers so the bank has to know i can afford it.. basically i can afford it with no roomates but with them living there i can save up or pay more and pay it off quicker.. although i do want one of these:


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Windex....if you seriously want a camera like that, you should talk to my bro. Its been awhile since he brought it up but he had paid like 5 grand for a camera thinking he and a buddy were going to try to start making some movies....long story short it didn't pan out and I think he's trying to sell the camera. Not sure if it fits the bill of what you want but if you are serious you guys might be able to work something out. I'll point him to this thread.


BTW, congrats on your house. I purchased a similar sized out with a 2 car garage as my first home. It was in a suburb of Denver though and cost me almost twice what you paid. Luckily I got out of that market before the bubble burst.

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Definitely, thats an HD Cam though, not sure if his is or not. Me and the roomates are big into film and i could definitely see us actually getting something done

(i've also wanted one for years before they were potential roomates)

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Yes, his is an HD cam. I pointed him this way, I think he's just busy at work at the moment and hasn't been able to reply yet. If I remember correctly he bought it the summer before last and when they would go to small film conventions and stuff everybody was marveling at it, it was top of the line for that kind of camera I guess.


If you use aim his sn is Aubgee and his e-mail is aubgee@gmail.com. You can get more specifics from him if you want. He did say he was still entertaining the possibility of selling it when I talked to him.

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Yeah it can do high definition. The one I have is a Panasonic HVX200. Instead of using the normal P2 cards for the high definition recording though, I have a 100gig external hard drive that was manufactured specifically for this camera(i think) that it can record to. I also have a boom pole, boom mic, storage / carrying case for the camera and camera accessories, and several other items for doing films.


Let me know if this is something you're interested in, and I'll get you the details on everything. The camera has only been used for 2 weddings and a short film. So it is still in extremely good condition.


EDIT: Yeah sorry I've been busy at work today, wrote this thing at like noon and just now posted it :x

Edited by Ted_Break_Danson
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I think he's talking about the one between Galbraith and Ronald Reagan in Cinci, it's West of Kenwood I think.

If that is so, then I now live close to that too. :) However, we wouldn't have played sports against each other. Just as well, because Dillonvale sucked. :)

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Congrats windex! I recently decided this year to save for my own home, only have about $4K lined up, hope to be in the market by the end of summer. Im not really sure of the whole process, and it is quite intimidating to say the least :/


Any words of wisdom from one single guy to another on this matter? I hope to get some room mates as well whenever I buy to help offset the cost some. I really want to find somewhere with some land, at least 2 acres, and am willing to sacrifice the drive to work for it, as long as it's within 50 minutes on a clear day. I don't work downtown thank god, so traffic isnt a huge concern. Gas shouldnt be a problem either, at least during the summer since I ride my motorcycle whenever I can anyways.

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Just do it.. I had about 2K lined up, there is down payment assistance programs etc you can use to make it work, but make the decision and follow through (if it's a good house of course..


My payment is 45% of my income for the month so it does take some budgeting as well..

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ya think? I kind of figured saving up at least a 10% down payment, not sure why I just assumed that just seemed it was appropriate. I figure I will be looking for a house in the 95K-110K range.


To be honest im not even sure of all the steps when it comes down to the financing, how many back months worth of paystubs to save, anythign else, etc etc? I heard some friends talk about their experience and they talked about unexpected fee's from multiple inspectors and other stuff, I want to try and stay away from something as extreme as 45% of the income, is that just mortgage or are you factoring in insurance and tax in as well?


...now if I can only find that sugar momma to help me pay for the home I _really_ want ;)

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Yes that includes taxes, PMI, and HOI


Things you can expect


4-500 for Inspections

No more than 250 for appraisal fees

Some will require your Home Owners Insurance paid in full for the first year prior to closing (mine is 475 a year)

Then there are the closing fees as well which you can usually get the seller to pay.


(110k was my original limit however if i wanted a decent house with a few bedrooms that was remotely close to my job I'd have to pay a bit more, conveniently enough i just got a raise to help out with that)

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