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Its been a while....


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zero! i can't believe i didn't holla at cha, i still use your spyware guide everytime i get a new laptop or comp.


Yo man. That reminds me that I have to update that thing one of these days soon. I am waiting to hear back from the DriverHeaven admin as to what he wants to do. He basically plagiarized me the last time so I am hoping we can avoid that in the future. Glad you are doing well.

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  • 2 years later...

From that pic left to right I've got:

1) Watchtower

2) Don't know but I remember him

3) THX

4) SexyTime

5) Don't know but he's the guy who never missed one at that point

6) Swoop! (a.k.a. Boomhauer from King of the Hill)

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  • 12 years later...

Sorry to bump this up from the past!

I hope everyone has been doing well! I can't believe it's been over 20+ years and I still think about this place. 

I don't even know if any of you guys from the Mmmm/DOH era still logon but I just wanted to wish you all well. Thanks to each and everyone of you for the best memories of gaming that I've never forgotten. I wish there was a good way for us to all reconnect and catch up. Anyways, peace and love. 

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