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Getting sick a lot...


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Because my Lactose Intolerance has greatly gotten worse. Before, if I drank milk whole, I would get bloated, but if I had say cereal, or chocolate milk, or even malts, nothing. Now, after having some cereal had been gravely ill, it wasnt until recently (Since the past month or so, I have been having malts and ice cream, which I rarely do) that I was able to connect the dots as to why. Also did some research, and that the race that is most likely to have high Lactose Intolerance (Through culture of course, since milk originated from Spain-Sweden around there) are Native Americans by 100%, Illegally I'm Native American (When my Grandfather, Married my Grandmother (Mother side) he put that his family were Caucasian and not Native American, since he had Blue Eyes), now I don't know if its genetic or not... could be, a lot of stuff is genetic and be easily carried down, and since my Grandparents are Native American, I had a high chance to begin with (Like 70% or more of your genes come from grandparents?). I figured my Dad side hailing from Eastern Europe, would delude this, considering that males on my Father side all have Black Hair (Possible Asian,Africans, and Native Americans or the only races I can think of where Black Hair is prominent through generations.) so theres a slim chance there could be Native American genes on his side as well. I currently had Almond Milk as a sub for regular milk, and nothing I'll came of me, I hate even some the foods that made me ill, so with out a doubt I am Lactose Intolerant.. well more so now then I was before.


TL;DR. I had a mild case of Lactose Intolerance, Native Americans have a 100% of being LI, I AM Native American. I have moved on to Almond Milk, and its good, also had the same meals on when it happened, and nothing ill came of me, so I have a worse case then I did when I was younger, which was being bloated.

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almond milk is great, its a little expensive but its worth it for your health. There is nothing wrong with people who are lactose intolerant, human beings are the only animal to drink another animals milk also combine that with pasteurization (aka turning milk into a processed food). When milk is heated for a short amount of time the composition of the proteins and benifitial bacteria are changed basically turning it into a foreign liquid that cant really be utilized inside your body. milk is then pasteurized so that all valuable enzymes are destroyed (lactase for the assimilation of lactose; galactase for the assimilation of galactose; phosphatase for the assimilation of calcium). Without them, milk is very difficult to digest and the human pancreas is not always able to produce these enzymes. North America is the only continent to make milk a staple food, like name one person that doesnt drink milk?? coincidentally North America is the leading sufferer of osteoporosis in the world but how can this be when everyone is drinking so much calcium? tis because from a dead weight liquid your body can't readily absorb the amount of calcium that's in milk.. and thats not even touching on bovine growth hormone or the diet of corn/soy and other crap that is being fed to cows

Edited by Fairweather
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Whew... Not sure if I should roll this private or not - if you want some details, shoot me a pm but I deal with Human Ev. in my field of study and the other half does extensively and just taught this LI stuff for a 300/400 level class on The Evolution and Biology of Human Heath and Disease.


1) How old are you Val? Also, pm me and we can get you straight on the genetics (70% do not come from your Grands)


2) LI varies greatly and can come *AND* go throughout an individual's lifetime. Drink skim milk for a year and then watch what happens when you have a bowl or two of cereal with 2%. Quantity and preparation do matter as well.


3) Fair, I'll just say your a little off base, esp. on the Osteo stuff. You *need* calcium and Vitamin D and if you don't get them, there will be consequences later in life and milk (yes, pasteurized cow's milk) works great but feel free to use other sources if you like (note that most cheese comes from cow's milk that has been pasteurized). If you are indoors, sedentary and pounding sodas - not good and all the milk in the world ain't gonna help your chances for getting osteo. You are at peak bone density in life in your early 20's. There is a little drop off (but measurable) until you hit your 40's. For women, it really hits at meno, but guys get hit as well, certainly by their 50's. At that point it is all down hill for bone maintenance. If you don't have strong bones before then, you are setting yourself up for a doozy of an old age. Pasteurized milk is not responsible for osteoporosis.

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3) Fair, I'll just say your a little off base, esp. on the Osteo stuff. You *need* calcium and Vitamin D and if you don't get them, there will be consequences later in life and milk (yes, pasteurized cow's milk) works great but feel free to use other sources if you like (note that most cheese comes from cow's milk that has been pasteurized). If you are indoors, sedentary and pounding sodas - not good and all the milk in the world ain't gonna help your chances for getting osteo. You are at peak bone density in life in your early 20's. There is a little drop off (but measurable) until you hit your 40's. For women, it really hits at meno, but guys get hit as well, certainly by their 50's. At that point it is all down hill for bone maintenance. If you don't have strong bones before then, you are setting yourself up for a doozy of an old age. Pasteurized milk is not responsible for osteoporosis.


perhaps in my rant i got a little hasty, not saying its responsible for osteoporosis, just saying sources of calcium and vitamin D should be obtained through other foods (and sunlight) instead of relying on such a "fortified" food like milk which is known to not even be fortified with D3, so even if the calcium just happened to be put into the system it still wouldnt be able to be absorbed. Agreed i generalized hardcore .. my apologies i'm just pretty passionate about this kinda stuff


There is no question that cow's milk contains calcium. What is in question is how much of that calcium is made available to the body through the digestive process.


We have been told all of our lives to drink plenty of milk in order to build strong teeth and bones. Curiously, the U.S. as a whole records the highest consumption of dairy products in the world and also boasts the highest incidence of bone fractures and osteoporosis in the world, yes there are other factors involved like sedentary lifestyle, insufficient sunlight, crap tastic diets all contribute. ..the link is something to not be ignored in my opinion tho

Edited by Fairweather
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Correlation does not imply causation. You've probably heard this one:


"There are less pirates now then there were 200 years ago. The temperature of the earth has been steadily increasing in the same time period. Therefore, the lack of pirates is causing global warming."

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Whew... Not sure if I should roll this private or not - if you want some details, shoot me a pm but I deal with Human Ev. in my field of study and the other half does extensively and just taught this LI stuff for a 300/400 level class on The Evolution and Biology of Human Heath and Disease.


1) How old are you Val? Also, pm me and we can get you straight on the genetics (70% do not come from your Grands)Ah I could have sworn I saw a study that said this, I know some after reading them some years ago, that a lot of your genetics are based on gran's, but I'm not a Genetic Expert, don't think being one would help in being a Game Artist. Age? 21.


2) LI varies greatly and can come *AND* go throughout an individual's lifetime. Drink skim milk for a year and then watch what happens when you have a bowl or two of cereal with 2%. Quantity and preparation do matter as well.We only had skim 2% milk. I don't drown my cereal in milk.

Edited by yErMoTH3r
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Correlation does not imply causation. You've probably heard this one:


"There are less pirates now then there were 200 years ago. The temperature of the earth has been steadily increasing in the same time period. Therefore, the lack of pirates is causing global warming."


It is scientifically proven that pirates reduce global warming, duh.

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I have heard that genetics can have a large impact on being lactose intolerant as well. From the little I have read, it typically is more common people of non-European descent. The article I read did state that people of Native American and Asian descent tended to be more prone to lactose intolerance. It can affect anyone though. I have a cousin, completely of European descent btw, who suffers from it as well. I am surprised though that it seems to be getting worse as you get older. I was under the impression that it usually worked the opposite. Then again I really don't know too much about the topic.

Edited by Jibbajabba
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I did a study on milk several years back and basically concluded that the human stomach is simply not designed to digest cow's milk. It's been a few years but here are a few highlights that I recall from my study:


*Part of the problem is that cows have 4 stomachs. Humans, of course, have 1 stomach.

*This leads to the obvious problem that Cow's milk is designed for baby cows, not humans.

*Other studies suggest that cow's milk may be linked to childhood onset diabetes.

*Cow's milk may cause hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure later in life, leading to coronary heart disease.

*In a diet high in casein, the major source being dairy, some forms of cancer grew five times as fast.

*15% of whites, 70% of African Americans and 90% of Asians are lactose intolerant.

*The pasteurization of milk was created mainly to increase shelf-life, in turn, increasing profits.

*People with weak digestive systems are largely effected by milk products, especially after 30 years of age.

And my favorite:

*Pathogenic organisms find an ideal breeding ground in the excess mucus that dairy products generate. The following diseases as being aggravated or caused by mucus conditions in which dairy products is the major offender: Undulent fever, colds, flu, bronchial troubles, tuberculosis, asthma, certain types of arthritis, hay fever, sinus trouble and pneumonia.

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I did a study on milk several years back and basically concluded that the human stomach is simply not designed to digest cow's milk. It's been a few years but here are a few highlights that I recall from my study:


*Part of the problem is that cows have 4 stomachs. Humans, of course, have 1 stomach.

*This leads to the obvious problem that Cow's milk is designed for baby cows, not humans.

*Other studies suggest that cow's milk may be linked to childhood onset diabetes.

*Cow's milk may cause hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure later in life, leading to coronary heart disease.

*In a diet high in casein, the major source being dairy, some forms of cancer grew five times as fast.

*15% of whites, 70% of African Americans and 90% of Asians are lactose intolerant.

*The pasteurization of milk was created mainly to increase shelf-life, in turn, increasing profits.

*People with weak digestive systems are largely effected by milk products, especially after 30 years of age.

And my favorite:

*Pathogenic organisms find an ideal breeding ground in the excess mucus that dairy products generate. The following diseases as being aggravated or caused by mucus conditions in which dairy products is the major offender: Undulent fever, colds, flu, bronchial troubles, tuberculosis, asthma, certain types of arthritis, hay fever, sinus trouble and pneumonia.



I remember reading that the reason for other animals or adults not being able to drink milk is to protect the baby animals.. If a herd is starving you never see the adults knock the nursing baby out of the way and dig in..


My wife breastfed all 4 of our kids and it's wild the things that breastfeeding does. I want to see how many breast cancer patients had babies but chose not to breast feed..

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