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New Puppy

samurai nightling

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So Sunday the fiance and I got a puppy! She's 8 weeks old, a German Shepherd/Lab mix with maybe some hound in her. What kind of methods have people used for potty training and whining in the crate at night? I've had 3 puppies in my life, so I only know the way my dad did it which was put their nose in it and smack the butt and then put them on the puppy pad or take them outside immediately after, or if you see them about to you take them to the pad or outside. Any better ways? And when she whines at night, is it better to just ignore her until she stops and falls asleep? Oh and here's some pics!







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dog's tend to mark areas they've previously marked, so it's super important that any area they mark get's thoroughly cleaned. i can't recommend this stuff enough. buy the biggest one available. you'll be using it. a lot.



shoving a dog's nose in it doesn't do anything positive. they'll learn on their own and through positive reinforcement. be sure to reward him when you take it outside and it poops and pees (buy treats), but i've never seen yelling or shoving it's face do anything but make it pee again.


my dog doesn't know any entertaining commands, but he'll sit, stay, lie down, and heel with both verbal and hand signals. keep the commands to a minimum and they'll learn quicker. some breeds have a higher capacity than others. i don't know much about german shepherds, but pet stores usually have a glossy book to tell you about the breed.


the whining only happens for the first couple weeks. at 8 weeks old, this is probably the first time it's been separated from his mom and litter. hang in there, but if it keeps happening, or it's unbearable, take him outside, and get whining associated with break time.


if you're the reading type, this is the bible of raising on a dog:



if you and the fiance were talking about kids, this will be the best deterrent. ever.


cute pup, btw.

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Just went through all that with mine, Whining you got to wait out.. If mine has an accident I do actually make sure they see the spot, give her a butt smack, let her out then crate her for a few hours so she knows what she did was wrong, Like stutters said on successful outdoor poop/pee lots of praise and treats. Occasionally She'll still have an accident in which its usually my fault for not letting her out when she gets my attention.. would love to get her to bark at the door or something when she needs to go! lol

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dog's tend to mark areas they've previously marked, so it's super important that any area they mark get's thoroughly cleaned. i can't recommend this stuff enough. buy the biggest one available. you'll be using it. a lot.



shoving a dog's nose in it doesn't do anything positive. they'll learn on their own and through positive reinforcement. be sure to reward him when you take it outside and it poops and pees (buy treats), but i've never seen yelling or shoving it's face do anything but make it pee again.


my dog doesn't know any entertaining commands, but he'll sit, stay, lie down, and heel with both verbal and hand signals. keep the commands to a minimum and they'll learn quicker. some breeds have a higher capacity than others. i don't know much about german shepherds, but pet stores usually have a glossy book to tell you about the breed.


the whining only happens for the first couple weeks. at 8 weeks old, this is probably the first time it's been separated from his mom and litter. hang in there, but if it keeps happening, or it's unbearable, take him outside, and get whining associated with break time.


if you're the reading type, this is the bible of raising on a dog:



if you and the fiance were talking about kids, this will be the best deterrent. ever.


cute pup, btw.

Basically, this.


I cannot at all recommend physically hitting your puppy for having an accident in the house. Positive reinforcement when they do it where they are supposed to (i.e. outside) is much more effective. They can tell you aren't happy with them when they have an accident in the house simply by the tone of your voice and body language. Rubbing their nose in it and smacking them isn't the way to go, in my opinion.


The whining at night will stop with time!


Cute puppy!

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I agree with basically everyone else about not putting their nose in it is just mean or hitting the dog. Positive reinforcement goes a long way. Find out what's its favorite toy is and take it away... Only take it out to play with when it does something you want to reward.


With the whining at night use old pillow or a towel that smells like you and put a analog clock in it.


I got my friend http://www.amazon.com/Dog-Owners-Manual-Instructions-Troubleshooting/dp/1931686858 and her brother http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Owners-Manual-Instructions-Trouble-Shooting/dp/1931686238/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_c :D They like em... it's a fun way of learning

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Thanks everyone, after some reading last night i did decide i wont smack her butt for peeing in the house, because at this age she cant control it no matter what anyway for more than an hour or 2. I have been giving her treats when she goes outside, its just gonna take time i think. As far as intelligence stutters, german shepherds are the 3rd smartest breed, according to wikipedia lol. That's why they use them on police forces etc. I can tell she is smart from playing with her but i think training-wise, things wont soak in for a month or 2 because shes just so young, even the smartest dogs don't learn much too early on.


The newest thing I have to deal with is her being scared of the 4 dogs next door, one of which really doesn't seem nice, and i don't even like. I know i cant take her to public places yet since shes missing 2 shots, but im having my sister bring over her 1 year old dog to get her used to other dogs just a little. Whenever she hears the dogs next door bark she sprints for the house or the bedroom whether shes inside or out with me. lol such a scaredy cat.

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She should be a smart puppy - german shepherds and labs are both very intelligent. That said, if she has much lab in her at all, be prepared for a very, um, "active" first couple of years. Invest in many chew toys and do your best to "puppy proof" your belongings. My 6 year old lab will still chew up papers or magazines if they are left out while we are gone and he gets bored.


All that said, with those genes, she'll be a great dog!



Edited by boiler
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My dog is a big chicken too... When I walked her she would want to turn around and go home if she heard... a car horn or door slam. She was scared of cats for the longest time my friends cat whacked her on on the nose when she was a pup (it was declawed)... it wasn't until she was 3, she realized she was bigger than cats. She's also scared of rain... I tried playing one of those sounds of nature cds 24/7 with thunder sounds on it to get her over her fear but I guess she know that's fake rain.


http://dogs.about.com/cs/toppicks/gr/bitter_apple_gr.htm Best stuff I ever used to keep your dog from chewing stuff it's not suppose to.

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Best funny but frustrating puppy story yet. This morning my fiance apparently knocked over a huge glass of water sitting on our headboard in her sleep. She woke up screaming cuz it was all over her and the bed and the floor, and as if that wasn't enough, we have let the puppy sleep in the bed with us the past few nights, and right as the puppy woke up she took a huge leak right on the bed. Thats the first time she has peed on the bed, usually she doesnt and whines at the edge to be put down on the floor. I'm thinking cuz she saw the water on the bed she jsut figured oh well its ok to pee then... lol. I wanted to laugh kinda, but at the same time i was sooo tired and my fiance was soo mad lol. Prolly had to be there for it to be more funny.

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