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Some possible idea or request


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This have gone out of all hands. I know GCFTW likes new players on their server, but constantly rushing, insulting, not how to use points or even not to speak basic english has gone out of hands.


I am also aware, those who are pretty new one, don't know where to be or stand, which I fully understand, but I think it's not a rocket science if half a team is telling you not to stand on platform because of death charge, which also leads lack of english.



I have an idea or a question if it's possible to do this :


1. RUSHING: I know that teleportation is not optional, because if 2 mains rush for points and or several are incap behind, they can be teleported back. So, is there any possible spray or some light notification, if someone is rather extremely rushing, that pops out?


2. POINTS: I don't know if this is possible, but is there possible an app or some script, for those who are pretty new on gcftw, like less than 70 hours or so, that basics stuff such as " !buy, !np, !sp and !heal" pops on their screen or in chat as spray?




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2. POINTS: I don't know if this is possible, but is there possible an app or some script, for those who are pretty new on gcftw, like less than 70 hours or so, that basics stuff such as " !buy, !np, !sp and !heal" pops on their screen or in chat as spray?




I looooove this idea. Just have a giant spray on the wall detailing all the basic commands as part of the maps.

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This have gone out of all hands. I know GCFTW likes new players on their server, but constantly rushing, insulting, not how to use points or even not to speak basic english has gone out of hands.


I am also aware, those who are pretty new one, don't know where to be or stand, which I fully understand, but I think it's not a rocket science if half a team is telling you not to stand on platform because of death charge, which also leads lack of english.

Wonding if "leave your racism at the door" should be "Leave your racism and intolerance at the door" instead. Just because someone doesnt understand you, doesnt give you the right to yell and insult them. In fact there shouldn't be anyone insulting anyone on that server.


Also grab a demo of people rushing and/or breaking the rules.


I have an idea or a question if it's possible to do this :


1. RUSHING: I know that teleportation is not optional, because if 2 mains rush for points and or several are incap behind, they can be teleported back. So, is there any possible spray or some light notification, if someone is rather extremely rushing, that pops out?


2. POINTS: I don't know if this is possible, but is there possible an app or some script, for those who are pretty new on gcftw, like less than 70 hours or so, that basics stuff such as " !buy, !np, !sp and !heal" pops on their screen or in chat as spray?





If I recall correctly something does pop up for !buy, rushing I believe is also in the message of the day. Server should have Ready up if people keep complaining. If it can be edited, should make it so that if 75% or higher is ready, round starts. Could also add a message in the Ready Phase that brings up "Push H to read the Message of the Day for Rules before you Ready Up". this could be better as people may think they have time to read it before they ready. Though I dont know about Non-English speakers, but hey you cant please everyone, and they could know some english but cant speak it. (You also cant type english on a non english keyboard.)

Edited by ValenAlvern
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most people don't read messages of the day....they just close it like its an Ad pop up unfortunately.

other ways of letting players know things while in game might be helpful that pop up and are hard to ignore...


Perhaps....the notifications on using the buying system would be a good idea though for newbies?

And the light thing sounds like a fun idea for rushing (I imagine it where they change colors every few seconds like a disco ball)....but that could be an issue.... :/

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Valen: I never insulted anyone who wasn't speaking english or so, I just pointed out the simple problem nowdays, which some people expect someone to know at least basic english.


fxsoap: That was just a possible idea, but there should be some pop out app or notification for rushing or so.

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fxsoap: That was just a possible idea, but there should be some pop out app or notification for rushing or so.


i know i like the idea. I think there is a lot of potential :D

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I think what would solve the problem would be using translations. I am ETL, but when I log in, the menus are still in english, even though I am running my game in French.

Having advertisements or a MOTD pop up explaining the rules in english won't help the people who understand very basic or no english.

When catering to a large group of players, use translations in your plugins.




PrintToChatAll("%t", "survivor player killed", attacker, victim);



%t tells the game that the translation should be sent to each user in their native language.

%T tells the game that the translation should be sent to all players in the server language (which defaults to english)


in your translation file, you'd then do:



"survivor player killed"


"#format" "{1:s}, {2:s}"

"en" "Survivor player {2} was killed by {1}"

"fr" "survivant joueur {2} a ete tu par {1}"





Also, there's really no need to insult people who don't understand a language.

The general principle is "If you don't understand them, how can you justify insulting them because they don't understand you?"




I think translations will solve the problem.

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Sky: I would do this way, when person connects from his country, there should be a note like "how to play/use points" in his language, but problem occurs you can't translate for everyone. I think Jackie can figure it out, what are top countries who visit GCFTW and then we can translate few things. So there would be English, German, French, Chinese/Japanese, Portugese,...etc, but as I said before, we can't translate for everyone, would be a mess.


Also, when I saw french version of l4d2, it's basically the same, except conversation and some other stuff, but SI are named the same as in english, which is hunter, spitter, ...etc etc. Of course where someone joins from France to GCFTW, the !buy system is in english.




To be honest, if entire team is writing !buy or !up, then it means something, probably not activiting a nuclear bomb :P



Lousiest: Thanks for Your welcome ;)

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Several languages use entirely different keyboards. But, if a player doesn't understand a language, they're probably not going to type a command when they don't understand what it does.

The reason that a lot of the items are in english is the developers did not translate when there was no clear translation. Still, when the entire menu is english-only, many people don't bother to

play around with it. And, you can translate for everyone. Sourcemod supports every known language and several variants of each one.


If you're finding non english speaking people are not following the rules, or are not using the system, and there is no translation supporting their language, you can't simply remove them or ask

why they play there. The server is listed in the public left 4 dead 2 steamgroup server listing, so almost every player who owns the game will see it.


A lot of players that visit these modded servers also don't know how to use commands, or really how to navigate the menus. It takes time to learn. A lot of people forget this, because they've been

using these menu systems for a long time, but for people new to menu-style add-ons to games, or new to modded servers, it takes a lot of time. Learning how to cope with the extra amount of

stress and activity on-screen is a big curve for a lot of players, and adding navigating a menu just makes it tougher, so a lot of players choose to play without navigating the menu.


French aside, other languages like chinese results in players having to do a lot of extra work to type !buy because the commands haven't been translated to their native language.

Doing translations would fix 99% of the problems with ESL/ETL players, but until that's done, you're really just tinkleing in the wind when complaining about why they don't understand or follow the

rules, and it honestly comes off sounding ignorant.

Edited by Sky
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Ignorant or not, I think most of us (if you admit or not) in modern technology and available information, expect from someone to know basics of english. I'm not ignorant and I'm always trying to help (either way if I care or not), but again, I pointed out basic (starting) problem for lack of english.


Actually I still would rather discuss about if it's possible for those sprays or not ....

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I find it odd at how sometimes a person join in and play for 10-20 minutes when he keeps typing in his own language while everyone is typing in english.


Although if a person doesn't understand basic english, then quite frankly this server isn't for them. There is far too much communication require on this server that having one person with a language barrier can really disrupt the game flow. Doesn't mean I'm not welcoming them in, if there is any add-on that offer translations on our point system and they can use it adquately, then it be awesome to have them stay.


As for rushing, a warning or some sort of logo would be nice. Teleporting would be a bad idea. If there was a rusher and he gets teleported back, then there would be no consequence to his actions. This way, we know who's rushing, kicked him out, report him and he gets banned!

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script could be:


if all other players down/dead script doesn't run.


if a certain percentage of players are down, it won't run (can't always wait until enough are down to decide to get points)


if player is off a certain distance (could be the same distance measurement l4d does for infected) from their team, they glow colors and get a notice on their screen via server text

Edited by fxsoap
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1.) Writing an anti-rushing script is a lot of work, actually, but I'll explain the basics behind what you'll need to do if you want to pursue that route.

2.) It isn't an extra add-on to translate the plugin. It just means that jackie would need to rewrite the printtochat's and menu's to allow for translations, and then create the translations file. You start with english, and then ask on the forum what languages people speak fluently (And Not Google Translate) and then send then the text file and have them add those languages to it. You upload it to the server, and the server automatically reads the file every new map, and provides the translation associated with the user who is connected's language.


Let's write a little bit about this anti rush script.



Alright, so, when you hold tab, you see these 4 lines, which dictate the amount of progression players have through the map, most specifically the 4 main players.

We call this the flow and you can use this to calculate how far along every player is on the map, and that includes non-mains. You can even use this to recalculate scores more accurately for a 10vs10 server, and what I mean by that is this:


10vs10, there happen to be 4 zoeys.

Check and store the flow of each zoey, and then divide by the number of zoeys, and you have the total flow for the zoeys.

And you'd do this for every character, and therefore, the whole mentality of "If you're not a main, you don't get team points" won't apply anymore. We actually ran this back when sky gaming was operating, and it made a big difference.


Every second or so, you'd gather the flow of each player on the map. You can say something like "Alright, if 9 players flow is < 50% and 1 players flow is > 70% , he's probably rushing"

And there are a few things you can do. You could significantly slow that player down, or just immediately teleport him. Or, you could issue a warning, something like:

PrintToChat(player, "You are ahead of your team by a high amount, please return to your team, or you'll be removed from the server.");

And if they are marked as ahead for x amount of seconds, you could remove them from the server.


I'm fairly certain that ProdigySim's new include file actually has a map flow calculation function in it, and if he doesn't, it'll get added.

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Not to bring up an old post that went NO WHERE..... BUT.... I still think that a !help command that pops up with a menu that explains everything would be so much easier for everyone.... say someone that is new to the server joined and and was like "umm what?" "points?" "what do you mean send points?" his or her team members could just say look type !help and it will explain everything.... So much less work for everyone on the team, you just explain one command !help that explains every other command, and server basics.

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problem is, like kuma said, a big issue is people aren't using the commands anyway (or they don't know how to). If either of these apply, having a !help command isn't going to do much good, either.

That's really the big problem. But, also, what happens if a player does know how, types the command, and sits there standing still, while reading it. Then, people get mad, and you know.

I'm not sure there's a super simple solution. In my rpg plugin, there's an entire help page. Players type !wiki and it has short and easy, through detailed explanations of everything they need to know. And, most people never open it up. What you COULD do, is force the help page up when a player dies, or something, based on if certain conditions aren't met, etc., forcing them to look over the help section. I mean, it's an option. In rpg, until a player reached level 10, it displayed whenever they died.

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just force it to appear every time a player dies, and make them time !showhelp to toggle it on and off. You can't use !help since that command is inherently already bound.

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I've seen many problems with language barriers, like a foreigner gets incapped in the back; ask if he knows how to use points; no response: "He doesn't know English, let's just go." and he's left to die. I can't be the only one to see a problem with this. (Yes, I didn't propose a solution because I can't think of a viable one)


I really don't think a help menu will help much either, when you're thrown into the game for the first time ever, since they're obviously not members, they joined as either infected or survivor, if they're survivor, they're too busy surviving to read/learn from any type of help menu. A help menu for infected would be useful....

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Well, help menu for survivors is indeed hard or busy, so there should be some kinda sprays or some adds inside chat system coloured red. I should bet someone would ask "what !sp mean?", but hey, we don't know that.

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