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War Z super sale till 12:00 am this morning 3$ (suggest the 6$ version for in game credit boost)


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Heard it completely tanked at release. Tried to be DayZ but failed miserably. Flooded with hackers. Haven't heard from it since then though, so it may have been patched.

To me It seems prettty boring out the gate and tiresome with no weapons and with out friends. Group play is a must it seems.
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The War Z is supposed to be one of the worst games ever made.

woah! strong statement there man.... I've played it. Its not Half life 2 big or skyrim or anything like that... but worst ever made not even close


Well, its not often a game comes out and gets nothing but negative reviews. It also had a horrible launch on Steam, with false advertising and a ton of people requested refunds.

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I had this and dayz when they both first came out you would not believe the amount of hackers in both games..8/10 players hacked and they wernt nice hacks like inconspicuous they where teleport behind you and kill you with a super powerd sniper autoaim then teleport themselves back to their invulnerable helicopter etc.

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yeah they go on the large servers to do it that way theres more stuff to steal then they sell those items online, although i must say its an amazing concept its really is and good graphics

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My personal opinion so far- Its a Indie game. It's cheap. Its fun when played with a group/ we used mumble or vent. Basically like a lot of mmos' we move from town to town/ mlitary base/ airport and clean out the zombies and look for weapons and ammo.

But we also look out for other groups that could try to bushwack us. We stopped outside of the airport and used binoculars for a while to determine it was zombies only. Its an interesting concept. Also the game is a little glitchie no doubt about it. If its on sale I'd say buy it. Given a little more time I may change that to buy at full price 16$

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lol I hate the dark to but it's part of the game.(this game is boring if your by your lonesome) Also you can hit num lock to hold down your jog. Sprinting is not recommended unless absolutely necessary it drains your hydration quick. You have a lotta long walks/ marches across the map as you target different communities thats why you need friends when you play to talk to :)

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I immediately hate it. I wandered around in the dark, out of breath for a long time. Then I gave up.

yeah normally you should start with a flashlight and other stuff and its dark only for 2 hours in real time, you die 4 times and you start with nothing after that,im probably getting dayz and warz mixed up but they're pretty much the same

this is hillarious tho http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXvJ1DG80JQ

you have to watch it all the way through

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GC Alumni

Alright update on the game. First of all after playing it for a week you discover its a money drain. You can purchase items via gc- gamers coins that are only purchaseable by real money. ( I bought game with bonus gc included so It took a while for this to affect me) Or you can purchase itesm by the blue game money you pick up from zombies but you cannot purchase every item with both. Ok so you can pick up most of this stuff you need to buy right? Nope Red bandages are an absolute must if you are going to be looting for better weapons and all but you can only buy them with GC (real money you paid with) items you can only buy with blue money are like outrageously priced.



Having said all that I still can't get over the intensity and fear and excitment and adrenaline rush you get when you start hunting others in PVP. I think maybe the fact that dying a lot will cost you real money also drives home the fear of death and loss.


Anyways if you do play this game I suggest you make many looting runs stock piling guns in your vault.(sticking to lowly populated servers)


When you are ready to pvp put everyting in your vault except 1 gun and ammo for that gun. a couple of bandages no more than that ! maybe some food / water/ you will need binoculars or a range finder. (also put away your large backpaack for small one cause there is a good chance you will die and you dont want to lose everything)


As bad as the graphics and underlying flaws in the game are, there is a stratigical greatness to the layout that just puts its hooks into you.



Let me give you a play by play look at my first pvp hunt. We had six people in our group/ using mumble.


So we've looted together about four towns, 2 army bases, and the big airport when we decide we have the firepower to go PVP. We decided it was in our best interest to stay on the barely populated euro server and travel outside of clearview( common knowledge this is PVP hot spot) to set up for an ambush / try to infiltrate the town. So we make our way skirting large citys and killing only the zombies we have to. We were traveling from the airport so it was a long haul/ probably about 15-25 minutes of jogging. We talked strategy mostly during this period. Finally arriving about 800 meters from clearview behind a tree line. We change servers to a US server 25 players on other than our 6. We spawned roughly where we left the euro server ( I didn't mention before its night outside as well) we all crouch and sneak up through the trees. At this time I had no binoculars but I had a weak scoped rifle I was using. We all spread out and scoped the town and surrounding area. We all shuffled around in the tall grass down among the long leaf pine branches. All the zombies appeared to still be present in the down which meant nobody was looting. Then in the dark of night came a loud blast BOOM!


Pr1ce: "oh my that was a blaser! I'm outta here!" (blaser btw is a really loud and powerful sniper rifle)

Rip: "Chill dude I dont think that was at us."

Rust: "Anyone hear a bullet fly by?"

multipleplayers: "no"

So we sit and watched a little longer and I should note we were outside of any of our weapons effective range from the town but well with in range of a sniper rifle.

About 5 minutes later with no other sounds...


Rip: "I think there is nobody here or watching this way...."


PAP PAPAPAPAPAPAP automatic machine gun fire erupts.


Rip: "He's behind us!" (Rip dies)

The five of us left start firing into the dark at the flashes of muzzle fire that are assaulting us. This guy was behind us in some trees adjacent to us. I dont think he had any idea there were 6 of us or he probably would not have tried to kill one of us. We gaurd Rips dropped items while he respawns a safte distance away and jogs back to pick up his stuff. Meanwhile we loot the attackers gear. Then we resumed watching the town. Finally spotting someone.


TbT: " There is a guy at the end of that fence by that tank. He is out of range."

multiple players: "where"

TbT: " You see that tank? He is to the right at the end of the fence I think the is scoping don't peek!"

Rip: " I've got my binocs on him. He is looking for us with his binoculars"

Rust: " I'm sure he heard our gun fight."

Rip:" Watch out he is scoping"



Rust: "@%@%, I'm dead"

RIP: "Why did you run out there?"

Rust: "hold my stuff I'm coming back"




Rip: "We're being flanked!"

Rip: " I'm dead again. Try to hold off till I get back"


Pr1ce and othe other guy run towards Rips stuff.




Price & Other guy : "I'm dead"


Its just me left and all of this was happening to my left I was the guy protecting our outside right flank as we faced the city. I stayed crouched behind my tree. There was at least one flanker to my left and the sniper at the city walls. I peeked the sniper form the right side of the tree and he was running down the hill away from the town!


Tbt: "Guys, the sniper is coming down I think they think they got all of us."


I turn left and the flanker is on top of everyones gear looting. I aim and fire




Tbt: "Flanker down! Hurry guys!"


BOOM I'm dead.


Tbt:" Don't come back guys we've lost our gear they have it now. We should have moved after that first guy. He was probably with these guys and gave them our location or was that flanker the first guy returned?



END OF DEMO anyways it was intense/ fun but like I said I don't know if the steep price is worth it. I'm definitly playing untill my GC runs out, and if there is still interest with enough friends I may purchase some more

Edited by turnbullTeRRoR
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