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Grand Theft Auto V


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GTA is the only game i prefer to use a controller on console over my PC for.

Greatest soundtrack of any game in history = GTA Vice City

Greatest explorability and freedom = GTA San Andreas

Greatest graphics and realism = GTA IV


Greatest of all of that combined?? = GTA V I'm hoping.


As you can tell I'm a huge fan of this series. Ever since I picked up my first prostitute in GTA 3 in high school, I've loved this game lol. They all usually have really good story lines as well as replay value. San andreas was the most fun for the amount of content they crammed in, and with NO LOAD TIMES between cities. That was huge when it came out.


GTA V is a remake of San Andreas if I'm correct. Same cities/map, different storyline. I honestly can't wait for it to come out.

Your post made me think about something. I started playing GTA with GTA 1 which came out in 1997. I was around 12 years old. I also remember playing Doom II when it was released in 1994. I was around 9 years old. Comparing what my nephew, born in 2000, played when he was 9 compared to what I played when i was 9 is fascinating.

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Why spend the money for console game when it will eventually come out for PC with better graphics and everything. Also, the Xbox One and PS4 will be out in a short time anyways. I don't see why they didn't just wait a little longer and release it for the new consoles. It would look way better and they could implement a lot of the new features these consoles will give.

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Why spend the money for console game when it will eventually come out for PC with better graphics and everything. Also, the Xbox One and PS4 will be out in a short time anyways. I don't see why they didn't just wait a little longer and release it for the new consoles. It would look way better and they could implement a lot of the new features these consoles will give.

They've probably been working on this engine and GTA V for so long that if they waited it wouldn't be nearly as nice as a real next generation game. It might look better on a new console but I don't think they would be using the full potential of the new systems. This is their last chance to release on this generation and that's what they're doing it. There's also already millions of PS3s and 360s out there. They are releasing on the platform that has the most numbers.


If I had to guess, they will probably release a PS4/Xbox One/PC version next year that has some DLC packed in and their next full game will be built from the ground up with new consoles in mind.

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I read, that the budget of GTA V is 265 million dollars. The most expensive game ever. It even beats movies budgets. The only entertainment project that beats GTA V is Pirates of the Carribian (300M).

This game must be the best. I'll wait for a PC version of it, since I don't have a console.


P.S. The game is already paid off itself just in pre-ordering stage.

Edited by walkingCat
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I read, that the budget of GTA V is 265 million dollars. The most expensive game ever. It even beats movies budgets. The only entertainment project that beats GTA V is Pirates of the Carribian (300M).

This game must be the best. I'll wait for a PC version of it, since I don't have a console.


P.S. The game is already paid off itself just in pre-ordering stage.

I was interested in this when I saw the article at different places so I did some research on the internets. That budget includes the marketing budget, which from what I've read isn't usually included when other developers or publishers say what their budget is. John Riccitello (former EA CEO) said they probably spent around $200 million just on the marketing for Battlefield 3. I guess the actual marketing budget was around $50-$100 million, still quite a lot. $265 million for GTA V's development and marketing is a lot, but I don't think it's mind blowing. Especially when they spend 6 years making the game. I don't know how many employees Rockstar has, but the salary/benefits alone over six years is probably a lot. To compare it to Pirates of the Caribbean, they made one in 2003, 2006, 2007, 2011, and are making one for 2015. A 12 year span. GTA IV came out in 2008 and Rockstar said they started working on V right after IV came out. So a 5 year span. If you take the first 3 Pirate's movies, that's about a 5 year span for production. I think the budget of those movies combined, not even including marketing, would be a lot more than $265 million. Just my thought on it.

Edited by VooDooPC
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$200 million just on the marketing

break down of the budget is calculated the same way, it includes marketing and development.

$200 million for a BF3? nah BS. sorry.

Don't have to apologize to me. I'm not John Riccitello. :P


That budget includes the marketing budget, which from what I've read isn't usually included when other developers or publishers say what their budget is.


Edit 1: It's actually movie budgets that don't include marketing, not game budgets. My mistake.


Edit 2: I really dislike the forum's "What you see is what you get" stuff.

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Why spend the money for console game when it will eventually come out for PC with better graphics and everything. Also, the Xbox One and PS4 will be out in a short time anyways. I don't see why they didn't just wait a little longer and release it for the new consoles. It would look way better and they could implement a lot of the new features these consoles will give.

Because this is the only style of gameplay where i prefer a controller for controlling my character/car. And I'm not buying a controller for my PC

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ive always preferred a keyboard and mouse to a controler on a console. can someone just point out why they prefer the controller for the grand theft auto games? would not it be easier to aim a gun at a innocent civilian who cuts you off in traffic vs doing it with the controller? Ive only ever played this game ON a console, but was determined to wait and get this one on PC because i felt it would be better with mouse and keyboard. Any input would greatly be appreciated, THANKS!

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i'm cheap and patient so i'm gonna wait months/years until it's on sale and on the PC :dry:

wasn't even interested in GTA IV until i re-installed GTA San Andreas when L4D2 server went down after the steam update

Edited by Yortz
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