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Quick boomer question


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SO..I'm constantly working on my fly booms and I'm not very happy with my progress. I just have a couple questions to make me better. I can literally fly in and get shot right above a handful of survivors and not get anyone...Is it because I get shot in the air and I'm not touching the ground that no one gets boomed? I have quickly realized in alot of maps, if not all, boomers are paramount. So I'm trying to improve my skills on this. I'm finding myself getting one generally and its frustrating. Any helpful advice throw it my way please. Thanks in advance.

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Only advice i can give is to fly in from and area no one expects and when the survivors are distracted


Also, it could be lag thats not letting you get multiple booms when you get shot in the air. Sometimes, on my screen, I'll land near a bunch of people, get shot then get teleported back in the air above people

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No worries.


Two things:


The boomer explosion doesn't cover under them, they explode upward. Meaning people directly under them won't be biled.


The second thing is as talpa said, if your ping is 50 or higher, it may seem as though you were right next to someone when you died while according to the server you were still above him.

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yea it basically comes down to lag/ ping. when the 'killcam' line was still a thing you could see exactly where you died and from what angle. and for boomers and hunter if it looked like you died right on top of someone you were really like 5-10 feet above them from the server's (or other player's?) pov

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Make your rocket booms as horizontal as possible. You'll have less of a chance of getting shot out of the air.


Use air control to your advantage. You can strafe left or right to manipulate your trajectory.


Rocket boom at survivors from as far away as you possibly can. That way they won't see you coming until you're already there.


Latency plays a big role as well. Often I'll land on the ground, then get shot as if I were still in the air.

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The keys to rocketbooming effectively are exactly what Jackie said. When the other team has good players on it (I wont mention names, or they will get big heads), I am constantly reminding my team to come in low and fast. Nothing easier to kill than a big boomer in the middle of the sky. If you boom from far away, you can get a low angle and be barely over the ground/obstacles. By the time they shoot you, you will be on top of one or more of them. Also try curving around obstacles. Watch where good players boom from, you will learn the best spots to boom from on each map.


Most important tip: If either Meng or Zero are on the other team, I always aim for them with every boomer. They like playing while continuously biled, so I try to help them out. Also, since they can hear you, let them know you were the one to just boom them, they like that too.

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well I'm very near to chicago so I don't think ping is an issue...haha no excuses for me I will attempt these maneuvers wise ones :ph34r: and i dont think i have been using strafe very often gonna go play with that ...THANKS GUYS!!

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Try to have your trajectory end as you come over a large obstruction, that gives survivors less time to hit you, and even if they do, you will still boom someone. Also, you want to land in strike range so you can try for claw points. It is also pretty funny when you get a boomer in close and everyone freaks and does not want to shoot you...You can run after them and scratch away.

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Try to have your trajectory end as you come over a large obstruction, that gives survivors less time to hit you, and even if they do, you will still boom someone. Also, you want to land in strike range so you can try for claw points. It is also pretty funny when you get a boomer in close and everyone freaks and does not want to shoot you...You can run after them and scratch away.


There is ALWAYS one guy who would want to shoot that boomer. :P

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The most important thing to do is simply learn as many of the best launching spots as possible. This only comes with time, so just be creative and observant and it'll come. Difficult places to spawn are, by nature, less used and therefore less obvious. If you can master really strange launches, it gives you an edge.


As the others said, trajectory determines how easy you are to shoot down. Hurtling straight at the enemy like a cannonball will give you the greatest speed and surprise unprepared teams, but the flat trajectory makes it extemely easy for pros to shoot you down. Aiming at an oncoming target offers no challenges regarding lag. You fire at the target and things work themselves out. What I find helpful is launching in a crescent shaped trajectory, basically rocketing sideways and then curving yourself around to land on your enemies. It's much harder to hit out of the air since the curve is less obvious. Leading the target with a stream of automatic fire as lag compensation is much easier to do when it moves in a straight line, but doing so as the trajectory changes is more challenging.

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