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Is it Christmas?


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I'm just wondering if anyone else isn't feeling the Christmas spirit as much this year as maybe we normally do?


The last 2 years we lost Tirtuls dad and my grandpa around Christmas. This year it's been calm, we have a new home, new life and experiences.


It just seems this holiday isn't the same as the others. The weather has been some what warm at times (yes when we lived in Cali it was warm lol) but we always came home to Kansas and felt that cold and there was snow.


There is positive, it's the first Christmas in years with my mom, and my oldest brother and his family came down. But even with that, it just seems like any other day or week. It doesn't feel like tomorrow is Christmas Eve.

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Yea, same here. It doesn't feel like Christmas is coming up in a couple of days. Damn, I blame my entry to adulthood.


But maybe this feeling we have will change tomorrow!


Btw hope you guys have a nice Christmas :D

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I believe as you get older, the things that make holidays seem exciting tend to vanish over time.  Christmas is really supposed to just be a celebration of the birth of Jesus.  However what made it special to me (and I assume others) was having lots of relatives come to our house (and going to theirs), getting and giving presents, believing in Santa (or having my son believe in Santa), seeing Christmas movies, shows, decorations, etc, and sharing all of that with friends and family.  As I have gotten older and important people in my life have either passed away or moved far away, it definitely has changed how I feel about it.  My son is a teenager, so he only cares about what loot he is going to be given.  A lot of aspects of Christmas have changed for me.  It is still enjoyable, as I enjoy giving gifts, enjoy time with the family that I will be with, but it isn't the same as it was when I was younger.

oh yes, have a great Christmas anyway!

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I had to stop at Walmart today for a few things and they had VALENTINE'S DAY candy on display.  I poop you not.  I wanted to barrel down the display with my cart.  Idiots.


Each year for Christmas, I top off everyone's gifts with a scratch off lottery ticket.  I buy like 8, $3 tickets from the same roll.  The likelihood of winning something is 1 in 8 so every year, someone is bound to win a little something.  It's fun watching everyone scramble for their scratch off from me!!!  :hihi:


It's a great time of year to not only appreciate the meaning behind the holiday, but also to witness the excitement from everyone.  No matter what age, people love receiving a gift.  Hope everyone's time is joyous, healthy, and full of love.  xoxoxoxo

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To me, it had no build up. It came out of nowhere.

I think this is it. This whole year seemed to just ball up and roll by so fast.


Maybe New Year's Eve at my aunts will make up for the lack luster feeling I have right now.

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Probably doesn't feel like Christmas because we're all so fed up of the advertising and commercialisation  that seems to begin 6 months before it actually happens - my local shop is already selling Easter Eggs.


Anyhow, hope you all have a peaceful and enjoyable holidays - lots of snow last year, but no sign of it at all - we got the hottest December on record for over 100 years - 10 degrees C

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I am not a religious man but I was raised with Christmas so I continue the tradition, Merry Christmas everyone! 


No matter what holiday you celebrate I hope you get to spend some time with the ones you love.

Edited by Madvillain
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