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The Continuing Absence of Tainted Love


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God damn it. This is the second time I'm writing this, because I accidentally hit the refresh key on my keyboard and lost half of this the first time around... I blame you Peanut!


I'm still proud of the title. It's got a ring to it! :P


Hey ladies and gents, I'm dropping you all a quick bell as to why I've been pretty AWOL over the last few months. I know it must have been pretty obvious that I've been missing, as my incredible skill leads to memorable games, my suave accent makes everyone weak at the knees, and my astounding modesty knows no bounds... Man, I'm pretty awesome ;)


In all seriousness, I've regretted not being around the last few months, and I wanted to throw a quick message on here so people know what's up.


For the last seven or eight years, I've suffered with on and off mental health issues. This has been diagnosed in the past as "psychotic depression", as well as being queried as bipolar disorder. I've taken antidepressants at points, but I've managed without them for the last few years.


It's kinda been kicking my arse the last few months sadly. I've had a pretty rough time with real life poop getting real, and I've also been suffering from health issues with my legs getting infected ulcers and the like. I'm on compression treatment for the ulcers as the infection has mostly cleared up, and I'm being booked for a biopsy soon to see if it can help diagnose the rash that caused the ulcers in the first place.


I've been trying to keep myself together, but it's pretty rough. My missus is a great help to me, but she's got her own issues as well. She's autistic as well as suffering from depression due to a ton of poop in her past, so it isn't always the easiest of times with us. I haven't meant to lose contact over the last month or so, but stuff came to a head and I've basically cut myself off from a lot of things.


I'm sorry for the wall of text, but I wanted to give some info and let you ladies know I'm still around (although not nearly as much as I'd like to be). I doubt I'll be playing L4D2 for the foreseeable future, and basically the only times I log on Steam these days is to play a bit of Terraria with my missus. I never wanted to lose contact with friends, but I haven't been in the right state to talk to people lately. I'm hoping things are gonna get better soon, and I hope to be around to whoop each and every one of you at any game you could name ;)


You ladies take it easy, and I'll hopefully speak to you all soon


With the most Tainted of love I can give,


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Ouch Tainted, sounds like you have a ton of stuff going on!!!  Bipolar disorder is a tricky disorder for nailing down a solid pill regimen, from what I understand.  Alot of trial and error and mixed dosages are usually what it takes to see what suits you best.  Hang in there and hopefully the good doctors will find something that helps you alot. :)


Drink plenty of water to help your body fight the infection from the ulcers!!!  I'm sending DiXie prayers to you...one boom at a time ;)  Take it easy, bud!!!


Hugs to you and the missus!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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You know what I want you to do, Tainted? I want you to beat those problems (depression, leg pain, whatever diagnose/symptoms, any other health problem, etc.) by looking at them straight in the eye, take them down, and then curb stomp the hell out of those negative issues.


See, I'm here to ease your mind because I have good news for you. I know that you will pull through this and be healthy in the future. You are not going to need any binds in order for you to recover. I know that you won't have to deal with undergoing any medical treatments that involve using lasers. Why? Because YOU sir, have potential to be healthy!


From "lady" to lady, Tainted, I hope you feel better and get well soon. I also have a good feeling that we are secretly hoping that you'll return to the server once everything works well out for you. While Dixie is sending you her prayers, im going to send you Carlos hope and optimism :D






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Aw shucks Tainted, sorry you're going trough this. I sincerely hope you get well because if you do, it means there's 

still hope for some of us too, that things do get better. In the meantime, we'll be waiting for you in l4d2 

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