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The Political Forums


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We are privately discussing the fate of the political forums on this mb. For those of you that have been regular in there, I apologize. While being involved in politics is important, it's obvious that more moderation is needed. If I can find 3 or 4 Mmmm members that will ensure that all posts hold to certain standards, then there is a good chance it will return.



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I haven't been able to attend to them quite as frequently as I should--sounds like I might have missed some bad things and not been as active as I once was. I apologize for anything getting out of hand, and understand closing them down until a more active moderator is available.

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I didn't notice things getting too out of hand. I didn't get offended very often ^_^


However, I understand that this is not a political forum and am quite fine if you just leave them shut down.


I can argue with Az and White in my mind...LOL...we always had the same one anyway didn't we ;)

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I like the Political forum, though I often wish that it had more moderator involvement. Even though the conversations get a bit edgy at times, it is exceedingly informative.


Debating is exceedingly healthy for individuals. For those that are inexperienced at it, this is a valuable skill.


Lastly, I have learned a great deal simply researching various elements of debates. I think that every one of the regulars would admit the same.

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I like the Political forum, though I often wish that it had more moderator involvement.  Even though the conversations get a bit edgy at times, it is exceedingly informative. 


Ya, I apologize for that. I have not been able to play or post like I used to, and I have thought several times about making a post for a moderator to help and kept blindly wishing I'd be back to being a forum mad man like in my Purdue days. :nono:

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GC Founder

I too think there needs to be a place to discuss things like spanking, etc, because "chit chat" is NOT for debate.


However, it needs thick thick moderation. I don't have the time, nor the interest in most debates, so it's not me.


I have yet to have any Mmmm volunteer for this position.

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I will agree with Knight here, it is a good place for the most part. He and I trade small jabs now and then but for the most part it is civilized. The knowledge gained by reading contrasting opinions from valid news sources along with the researching to try and counter these opinions helps to expand your view of the outside world and what is occurring on a daily basis.


<bait removed by fatty>

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GC Founder

There was not enough moderation.


The straw that broke the camels back was shared between DJ and Soul, in the wake of having to remove ZD from his war with the world. It went on even after a warning from Rev, and these are two long-time community members. What it comes down to is that these are Mmmm boards, and there isn't enough Mmmm that are into politics enough to moderate it, and we don't want that much negative energy flying loose.



Perhaps after a cool-down period we'll give it another run. Like I said, I agree with Kurtz, many things have a place in there, and it's also good practice to engage in civilized and respectful debate, as well as staying current with real issues in our society and world.

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I hope it comes back. I really enjoyed the semi-intelligent debates.


Also was a good place to discuss current events...


Oh well...I guess I will just have to wait patiently.


btw...I'm bbq'n ribs today at my house if ne1 wants to come over and have some. There's plenty for everyone.

(if you happen to live in or near Melboring, FL).

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I think someone like Knight, Az, or Gond (maybe Kurtz) would make good moderators. I do think though that you should have at least two and two that usually has differing opinions otherwise the forum could quickly get one sided. I know Knight and Az well and am pretty confident that if place in that position of authority they would not abuse it and could both moderate and contribute without blending them.

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Thank you Dweez, for your kind words. I feel I could do a find job at being a mod, but it really would be best if I don't. As you can see, a few people such as Soul would not take kindly to that and I think everyone should be free to enjoy the forums without that sort of animosity. I would agree that White Knight would be a good mod. He does know how to debate well is genuinely respectful of everyone.


Heck, now that I think about it, Dweez would be a terrific mod! He is one of the more impartial participants in that area.

Edited by aZaZeL
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GC Founder

The problem with admining such an intense forum is that the moderator needs to be sturdy and tough.


If it's an Mmmm, it's always labeled opression.


If it's not an Mmmm, the person's judgement is questioned and he's hung by the masses (whether it's just or unjust, doesn't matter).


If the garbage in one thread could be left in a thread it would be one thing. But baggage is carried in and out of threads to where it becomes personal, and then innocent posts are taken as personal attacks...sometimes they are without intention, sometimes with. Either way, however, it goes beyond.


Case and point: Soul felt it necessary here even in this thread(deleted) to clear himself once again by pointing to DJ. DJ is not going to sit there and let that happen (deleted). Do I care who's right and who's wrong? No. Do I know? No, and I'm not going to reread anything. The point is that it doesn't matter anymore but the fire still burns in everyone's faces.


Still don't know for now, but my ears are open.

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I think the reason I come across as impartial is because I personally don't get involved with politics that much. I know I need to be more involved/knowledgable, but right now in my life, I don't have the time to properly research everything. Also, IMO, one would get seriously depressed and disolutioned when they begin delving into politics (for knowledge) and politicians because truth be known, everyone is gonna let you down in one area.

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Maybe I am misunderstanding the job of the moderator, but I don't think you have to verify every fact or story, Dweez. I thought the job a moderator was to ensure the debate stays on topic, generally proceeds in an orderly fashion, prevents the personal attacks upon each other and arbitrates in the case of a dispute.


That's what makes your impartiality great for the job. :)

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I agree that Dweez would make a good moderator. He is typically very calm, impartial and collected...and he doesn't give himself enough credit.


I would not make a good moderator. While most times I am able to cool and calm, on occassion (as seen in this forum) I do get a wild hare up my butte and go off. For those times, I am not proud of myself.

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GC Founder

I would only open the forum back up if I had 3 committed moderators.


No, the moderator doesn't have to know a thing about the topics. He would only have to read the posts and delete any post that contains a hint of personal attack. The skill would be drawing the line between intense debate and stance vs. personal insult.


Time is required to moderate the PF.

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