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Ford Taurus can Suck Deeez Nutz

White Knight

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Ok, I'm going on a business trip soon. Typically not a big deal, normally get atleast a Grand Prix/Ford Mustang (its called a 'sporty 2 door'...whatever).


However, my project is short on cash so they are trying to cut corners whereever they can. Long story short, while I'm there, they wanna give me a Taurus instead.


For those that have never driven one, in Ancient Times the Aztecs used the Ford Taurus as a means of castrating prisoners of war without actually using knives. This process has traveled through the ages to the Modern Ford Taurus and its affect on middle aged fathers by their wives to prevent the poor men from ever contemplating adultery.


Welpers, having driven one of these estrogen-inducers on a previous trip, I knew that I had no intention of being reduced to a sexless eunuch...but how could I get out of it? I'm saving for a house...


Well AAA comes to the rescue with their 2 free upgrades for AAA members using Hertz! Ta-da! Instead of driving a Ford Taurus on my trip in a few weeks I will be driving a Mustang Convertible!


3 Cheers for AAA!!!!



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