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Everything posted by anonymo

  1. You could have made a pretty nice slipper, or had a lot of little lucky rabbits feet...and don't forget about everyone's favo(u)rite...stew (do you do rabbit stew like you do lobster? you'd only have to add the carrots and the rest would just hop in )
  2. I feel like this was posted already but couldn't find it so here it is again. I always thought it would be funny if this ever happened, now I don't know what to think... MMORPG slaves Edit: Forgot the punch line...Wow slaves!? (by punch line I mean someone punch me)
  3. If we started a fund would we buy them new sheep or build them a fence?
  4. Just buy the reading glasses upgrade there squinty <-"I can't tell!"
  5. You need to upgrade that voodoo and stop smoking crack
  6. I'm with you on that one...though I just don't like the new stats cause they show what a talentless hack I really am...though I do have a positive k:d so Im happy
  7. Yay! They seem to have updated! Thanks guys for sorting that out (this century ) Im keeedingk
  8. Yeah you were pwning noobs who stood still too long...your shots don't register because we're all too dodgy...but seriously this happens to me too, I just don't go outside so I don't know what I'm missing...
  9. I'm sure once binky gets on a full server and poor tuco has to go watch boring tv or play some other game (if they even exist) he'll be right where we want him! Oh yeah and glad to have you abroad binky...errr applaude...oohh fiddle stix...weclome to the fam
  10. Well as I can remember (and I can't) my ISP happily cut me off at 2? (can someone remember?) Probably earlier...and boy could I not play anymore...I think when we do do this sit in I'm going to have to settle for nonalc beer *ducks sudden flurry of hockey pucks* but wow Pavid thats pretty good...I'll assume that you won't be around for a while then... but really next time I won't get up the morning of and start playing at 8am! Oh and Nor don't worry buddy I kinda knew that since we never got in touch with you that it would all fall apart...though I wasn't expecting kilz to bail so quickly...then again I can't remember the last couple of matches I played
  11. I guess a lot of die hards still have their Super Gaming Pc from when CS first came out that could run it perfectly and they never went back...we should start a fund, then have a party with the money
  12. Thats pretty much the big decision isn't it...keep fighting a war that cannot be won or give in in hopes that things will get better...I'd like to think that this war can be won however, as well I think regardless of what opinion might dictate if you lose hope in something then it is already lost...if we give up hope that this world will one day be safe for everyone, including the children, then I don't know what to do... And yes I am willing to give my life in order to live it in freedom, I would rather perish than live according to the will of someone who would murder his neighbour's children to save his own... I guess thats the point of my previous post, that the British people have been through worse (not to diminish what has happened in anyway) and are not about to lay down and accept defeat This is quickly moving towards the political asylum
  13. cl_cmdrate 100 cl_updaterate 480 cl_rate 88000 rate 450000 wOOt
  14. Yeah we haven't seen an update since wednesday around 6pm...
  15. Are you talking about whitney and kilzugud? sorry...couldn't resist...I'm aware I will pay for this in blood
  16. The grand folks are fine bigbones, I hope you and your family had the same luck...they had actually celebrated the announcement of the games a little too hardily the night before and slept in instead of heading to the shops...thank heavens for gin Imo these attacks are to threaten Britian to withdraw their troops from Iraq, which needs either a solid defrag or a big'ol reformat if you ask me I see the results of this going one of two ways -like Spain, the majority of people are frightened to death after the attacks and they decide that their government's actions are either to blame or continues to threaten their safty so they voted out the powers that supplied troops to Iraq = terrorists win -Britons keep their wits about them, turn around arm in arm and tell those terrorists that they can just bomb whatever they please but it will never break us apart, it will never thwart our crusade towards freedom for everyone! = we kick those t's BUTTS! I think its obvious what we'll do...I love you all (sorry this has made me quite emotional)
  17. Nice it looks like my weekend is shot! (sorry for the pun) I guess a starting time on Friday will work out, but remember if we go 24 from lets say 7-8 pm then we'll just be getting off for Sat. customs...something tells me i'll be on for a little more than 24 hours We'll aslo need a good selection of custom maps so as to not go absolutely bonkers from playing dust 30 times Also we have to make sure everyone knows about it today so they can kill whatever plans they had for tomorrow...I'm also going to have to call molson and make sure they have enough beer (oh how funny the 8 am game sat morning will be)
  18. So I remember a couple of weeks ago some of us were contemplating a 24 hour sit in on scopeless...I was just wondering who is still up for this and when are we going to do it...I figure the sooner we plan it out the better
  19. You're right Shrop...last game to be counted by VsP was at 2005-07-06 17:53:19
  20. This is a horrible tragedy...I can only hope my grandparents were no where near any of this...My heart goes out to all those affected
  21. Doh...I'll be back in toronto for this with no good PC...sorry guys mabe you'll get some good competition next time...
  22. This whole vac thing is kinda scary...I don't have anything to worry about but it is a little menacing...it's like "go play in the yard, and watch out for the rabid raccoon who will bite you if you do anything you shouldn't" well once you have rabies...
  23. Oooo...I'd like to see compound back...maaaaaybe even some train...not so sure about chateau though
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