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Everything posted by Metallurgic

  1. I really recommend this Mp3 player. Its the Samsung YP-MT6. Here is a link to a decent picture LINK. It is very small, has options of 512meg or 1 gig storage capacity (256 is too small). It has a place for a wrist strap. I am still using the same battery that I was using in the begining of the summer. Battery lasts for 40+ hours. Great quality, and should be around $100.00 by now. Also, you are never going to find 2+ gigs for under $200.00.
  2. Yes indeed, there is a 4 port plug used for the mic/headphone jack on the front of your case. I got it at Best Buy.
  3. I got the Sound Blaster Audigy 4 with 64 bit support (works with Windows XP Pro 64 bit edition, as well as 32 bit edition), and it is really nice. I have heard things in CS that I have never heard before. It cost me about 80 bucks, and was easy to install.
  4. Sure. I was just trying to describe corsair as a mid-high quality, and rosewill as poor quality.
  5. For me, downloading music is a way of previwing music. If I like it enough, I often buy the cd. If I don't like it, I delete it.
  6. buy the slower Corsair ram. Please, for your computers sake do NOT get rosewill. Terrible products. Heres an analogy: Rosewill = Ford Corsair = Lincoln
  7. Never, never, never buy from rosewill. I know several people with rosewill video cards/motherboards, and they are not reliable.
  8. AMD 3200+ 2.2 2 gb Corsair DDR400 ram ATI 9800 pro Dual 74gb 10,000rpm Raptors (RAID 0) Sound Blaster Audigy-4 Aspire 520w Power Supply I run CS:S with all textures on HIGH, 2xAA, 1152 x 864 with 60-120 fps (depending on map) 3dMARK-05 score around 2800- (video card bottleneck, but you already knew that)
  9. I have seen the Zboard, and it sucks. I would never buy it. When you want to do some normal typing you have to take the darn thing apart and reassemble it. This keyboard looks cooler, but I prefer a normal keyboard.
  10. Amen, I will no longer buy sony products because of the DRM on their new cd's. It doesnt matter if they recalled them or not. With that said, I may pick up a 360 eventually. I feel that the xbox was much higher quality than the ps2. I have never liked playstation in the first place.
  11. It is a great camera. Good quality overall. Nice color options, and nice interface. Although the focus speed (when you hold the button halfway down) is a bit slow. I was able to remedy that by having the camera constantly autofocus, not just when you hold the button. The 10x zoom is a must have. I wont buy another camera with at least 10x zoom in the future. I will try to post my giant panorama that I took with it (combo of 8 pictures) and host it somewhere for you guys to see. Its freaking huge though.
  12. I have that exact camera, but I paid much more than that a while back.
  13. I made a panorama similar to the ones on that site. I just used photoshop, and you cant even tell that it was taken with 8 hi-res pictures. At 100% the panorama size is 10"x44"
  14. I am happy to hear that you are going to get some new friends! We got two cats recently as well. It will make you so much happier once you get to know them.
  15. Use Drivercleaner (a program that does just that) , and find the link in the catalyst 5.9 thread. Clean all drivers, and reinstall them. It sounds like a card or driver problem. Edit: here is the link: http://www.drivercleaner.net/
  16. Here are a couple shots of people caught in odd places. Gotta love ragdoll.
  17. Im from Tallmadge, OH, so it is fairly close for me. I will be there, almost 100% sure.
  18. thanks, maybe EA will fix it eventually. But I may reinstall the drivers just to make sure.
  19. I am having a problem. When I alt-tab out of Battlefield 2 (at the login screen, not in game yet) it acts as if I have no video drivers. The scrolling of windows is very slow. But as soon as I get back in-game, its fine.
  20. Don't EVER buy PNY flash drives. Mine broke (chip almost came out) and had to epoxy it back inside. Corsair has some decent ram for a similar price, check those out too.
  21. I had the EXACT problem with my laptop. I bought an adapter so that I could hook my laptop hard drive to my desktop. Unfortunately, when I got the desktop to recognize the hard drive, it couldnt open it. It said that the "drive is corrupt". But that is what I would do. Maybe you can salvage some of the data.
  22. There seems to be more hostility amung CS players than there is in most other online shooters. It's just so easy to be a smacktard on CS! Not to mention the spray option allows for alot of profanity and offensive gestures. In other games, if I die, I dont get even half as mad compared to when I get killed in CS.
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