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Everything posted by shaftiel

  1. Make a list of the top 10 things you are afraid of doing, or are anxious about. Then write down the worst thing that could possibly happen if you did that activity. Then write down the best thing. You will find that, by and large, the good will far outweigh the bad. Plus actually engaging in a critical thinking exercise relating to your anxiety could help you overcome your issues. Or not heh . Shaftiel
  2. Shrug, I killed you 8 times. Loser. heh Shaftiel
  3. In an effort to not deal with a rental car, I was wondering if any locals would be willing to pick up 2 guys from California on Tuesday the 10th @ 3pm arriving on Contenental flight #1805 at CLE (Cleveland Airport) and bring us to the hotel. I'd pay for gas and lunch! Shaftiel
  4. ...or you two can sleep in the same bed... as long as both parties promise to respect personal space. Go get 'em Raw. Make him a man. Shaftiel
  5. Played it alittle today. I really like it, except for the whole no map or idea where I'm going. Other than that, everything is so darn lethal, its great! Shaftiel
  6. They can provide a roll-a-way free of charge. Tracid is bunking with me, and I had to request one for him. He doesn't deserve the king bed, I do. Because I rock. Shaftiel
  7. I think I'd like Hlstatsx. I'm not really interested with how I did a year ago. I'd rather see how I am doing now. Shaftiel
  8. Lol, you fail to tell us your score. Shaft's Son's Score > Shaft's Score? I think so. I got 45% And damn proud of it. How dare you. I bite my thumb at thee, you thrice cursed dog. Shaftiel
  9. My 10 year old son got 18/20. He missed the date of the constitution, thought it was 1776, and thought that the president could declare war. I blame Iraq for that one. Shaftiel
  10. Awww... young love. How sweet. Shaftiel
  11. Sry, I will be leaving from the hotel. Shaftiel
  12. Show-off. heh Shaftiel
  13. I'm planning on attending. Tracid is to, he just doesn't know it yet... the loser. Shaftiel
  14. Wasn't there another poll somewhere.. something about Fatty throwing his weight around. Hmmmm. Shaftiel
  15. I voted Coke, but then I realized this poll was about soda. Ah well. Shaftiel
  16. Aliens are so nosy. Shaftiel
  17. Um... that sucks my friend. Wish i had some mystic computer jargon to spew at you that would fix it... but I don't. Shaftiel
  18. I don't think I've ever seen a chimp 'hound' someone before heh Shaftiel
  19. Shaftiel was an angel before The Fall. He was the Judge of God, and the Keeper of the Angel of Death. Then he made a bad career choice and sided with the Morning Lord against God. At least according to those silly monks in the 1200's anyway heh . Shaftiel
  20. It may just have been my random thoughts going where you hadnt meant for them to go Anyway, my thought went something like this: If "breaching the code and going against the society = doing what is 'wrong/bad'", the code being created by society - then if no one in that society knows it's been broken then can me the murderer truly be shown to be "wrong"? If no one knows I've murdered except me, and I dont have a problem with it, then I'm actually not in the wrong yet because I'm not held accountable. On the other hand, if a higher being created the morals, then I'm held accountable even if no one ever finds out. I hope me trying to word my random thoughts works Feel free to just say "I dont follow" and I'll just drop it at that A societal morallity is instilled and reinforced throughout a persons life. From when you are a baby, and your parents tell you, "you can't take that, its not yours", or, "don't hit, thats not nice" you are being taught what it takes to be apart of the society you live in. There is no moral vaccum in a society, it is drilled into our heads from birth and from every angle. By the time we start school we KNOW what is right and wrong. To address your specific comment, unless you are caught you can not be punished. So as far as the society knows, you did no wrong. That is true. However, nearly every person who has murdered (excepting those that are trully insane) has known that what they did was wrong. Religion, as I stated in my other post, has an amplifying effect on the societal moral code. Regardless of what God/Gods people worship, they are a reflection of the society that created it (We can argue whether God is real or not untill we both die and find out for sure, so I'm not trying to bait you with that comment .), and they reinforce the societal morals with the idea of rewards or retribution after death. Religion, in its endless forms, has been with humans nearly since we started walking upright, and so has been apart of every society there has ever been. Thinking about it, both arguments are right in a way. If you go with the argument that society creates the morallity, and molds the religion to reinforce it, or the argument that religion creates the morallity and molds society to reinforce it, its a difference without much distiction. Society and religion are so intermingled, and have been for essentially our entire history, that they are nearly indistiguishable. For me, since I'm a Deist, I believe that society created the moral code, and religion to reinforce it. For you, since you are a Christian, you believe that your God created the moral code, and society reinforces it. Shrug, I could argue that Hammurabi's Code (1800 B.C.E.) has nearly the same moral message as we have now, and that they did not worship the God of Abraham. At which point you could argue that while the name might be different, there is only one God, so their moral code came from the same God as you. As with any question related to religion we just end up in an endless loop heh . Don't think I answered anything in all that mess above, but I had fun thinking about ithe problem:). Shaftiel P.S. forgive the misspellings, I lack the time today to spell check heh .
  21. Sounds fun. Depending on how much I loose Friday night, I might be in heh Shaftiel
  22. What? Thats ridicules, how in the world did you get that? Shaftiel
  23. that's an expensive caribbean vacation. i went all inclusive for 7 days last may for only 1100 or so canadian. the laptop will be worth more after 11 days. Yeah, but I need to take along 3 kids.... heh . Memories are priceless.... or so 'they' say. Shaftiel
  24. For a mere $50 you to can see the stunning, and frankly earth shatteringly good and life altering, pictures posted on these forums. Ask yourself this, "Knowing that my life is empty and meaningless without being able to view the delightful and moving pictures posted by the fine folks at GC, don't I owe it to myself to improve my life by a whopping 978%*with a paltry $50 donation?" I think you do, you're worth it my friend, you are worth it. Shaftiel *Not based on clinical evidence
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