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Everything posted by shaftiel

  1. While on Recrud, I was asked to change the next map to an assassination map. So, to be fair, I created a map vote that included as_recon, as well as a few normal maps. As_recon won. When the map changed, it booted averyone because it said, 'missing maps as_recon.bsp'. Server is stuck on that map right now, nobody can get on. Need someone who can change the map from outside to help. This happened at 4:05am est. Shaftiel Nevermind.. maybe its just me
  2. The screen shots look nice. I'm sure we can play it on the server during a map night. I think Ice Berge is in charge of that. Shaftiel
  3. shaftiel


    How sad. I'm into skiing, not snowboarding. I have been skiing for 20+ years, and I have a deep seated anger toward snowboarders. Before they had their own part of the mountain, they use to come out and just wipe out all the moguls, and put deep grooves in the runs. tinkleed me off. Plus they were always the smart donkey kids who had no interest in being civil. Of course I'm sure this does not apply to any of the snowboarders in GC or on this forum heh . Next snow come on up to Big Bear or Snow Valley, I'll teach you how to ski. Shaftiel <---- bitter old skier Heh.. I was censored.
  4. I voted yes. Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Fatty is probably just using this poll to flush out his detractors so that he can 'purge' GC and move on with his master plan of world domination. Granted, his plan involves tiddly winks, trained pigs, skinny dipping, and pink tutu's, but I'm sure it's fool prove. Shaftiel
  5. Ew. I don't like to eat Lobster... I just like hearing them scream when you throw them into the pot of boiling water *shiver* I do so love to hear them scream.... Shaftiel
  6. Happy birthday Maverick and Tracid, congrats on getting that much closer to the finish line! Shaftiel
  7. Unless your playing WoW Vent is pretty empty. I usually go and idle in either Immutable or Retro's channel while I play, but more often than not I am all alone. Shaftiel
  8. The only thing that bothers me about this game is that it can't be open ended. I mean, there is a beginning, middle, and end to the story line. Unless they begin in the first or second age, they can't drag things on indefinitely, Sauron will eventually take over the world if the One ring is not destroyed. Seems like it would have to be more of a regular chapter game than an open ended free will game. Anyone have more information about that aspect? Shaftiel
  9. and Note the "words" in bold. Someone needs to go over 5th grade English with him. He definitely loses what little credibility he has when he goes and makes himself sound completely moronic by making up words. I take it that Esperanto must be your first language. How many people do you really think know about that artificially created language? Shaftiel Hopefully less than know that "dumber" and "dumbest" are in fact the correct comparative and superlative forms of "dumb." Fair enough. Shaftiel
  10. and Note the "words" in bold. Someone needs to go over 5th grade English with him. He definitely loses what little credibility he has when he goes and makes himself sound completely moronic by making up words. I take it that Esperanto must be your first language. How many people do you really think know about that artificially created language? Shaftiel
  11. I'll check out the demo tonight. Shaftiel
  12. Poeple are always looking for a scapegoat to avoid personal responsibility. Children do not learn to kill from a game. Children do not learn to be caulous and evil from a game. Children learn how to interact with the world from their parents and environment. If there is an on going gang war outside their door, they see friends and family being gunned down, and they also play violent video games, which would you point to as the main reason they turn out to be a killer or a thug? Violent video games provide an important psychological outlet for men specifically. With our culture and envirenment becoming more and more safe and urbane, the outlets available for men to express their aggression have diminished significantly. This is why sports and extreme sports have become so popular. In every culture throughout history that has a large populace that is free from the need to protect themselves, this has occured. In 776 B.C. Greece had a large population that was free from strife. In order to maintain the peace they need to funnel the aggression that was not being vented to something that was not destructive to the society. They invented the Olympic games to give the men a place to express that aggression in a useful way. In Rome, the same thing occured, once they had a large population with no outlet for their aggression, sports became a very important aspect of life. Video games are no different. They provide a venue to express your aggresion in a non destructive fashion. It can become unhealthy only when you have no point of reference to delineate between reality and the non reality of the game. That being said, children do NOT have the nessesary points of reference to trully understand the difference between what is OK to do in a game and what society deems as acceptable. Parents should always be involved in the selection and screening of any medium that has the ability to draw their children in, be it a T.V. show, video game, or even religion. Regardless of what anyone says, it is the parent who has the final say, and in the end, total responsibility for the final form that the child takes. That is why being a parent is so unnerving. You always second guess your decisions. Always worry if you made the right choice. If you don't, your either the best parent in the world, or the worst heh . This Thompson character is a misguided idiot. I would contend that violent video games help to reduce the pent up aggression in adults. Much the same way that in countries with legalised prostitution the cases of rape are nearly non-existant. The venting of these desires help society much more than they hurt it. Shaftiel
  13. shaftiel


    I wish it had turned out better for the custom maps. Unfortunatly, except for a few hours every few days where the server had around 16 or so people on it, it was sadly empty. Sry SJ, I tried to pick some fun maps, but nobody showed up heh . I know that I will miss some of the custom maps. Ah well. Shaftiel
  14. Happy birthday! Congrats on surviving yet another year! At this rate you may never die. Curses! heh Of course I havn't seen him around lately... wonder if hes dead? Perhaps he didn't make it through this year... then this would be a sad and tastles post. heh Shaftiel
  15. shaftiel


    I vaguely remember something I saw.. oh.. maybe ten years ago, about this group in France who would chose a random direction in a town and started walking. The idea was that you could not stop moving, if you encountered an obsticle such as a wall or building you had to defeat it by climbing it or using each other or nearby objects to get around the obsticle. It was pretty interesting watching them scale buildings and get around walls only using their natural skills and each other. They were wall jumping, scalling buildings, and creating human ladders, pretty amazing things. Sounds somewhat similar to this sport. Shaftiel
  16. Sooo.. we have a custom on Immutable called de_subdivision. Nice looking map, lots of ins and outs for both the CT's and T's. I like it alot actually. But I had no idea that one of our own had created it! Our own Mr. Assassinator.gc. I just wanted to say that I'm impressed and thank you for your hard work on the map, it looks great! On a side note I especially like the anti-Desh lifts. Very nice touch heh . If any other GCers have maps that they have made, please send them our way, we would be happy to try them out. If we get enough we could have a GC map night. That sounds like alot of fun . Shaftiel
  17. Having it switch every few rounds seems like a fun twist. When your done with it let us put it up on Immutable. Shaftiel
  18. You're scalping FF07 tickets?! FIEND! Shaftiel
  19. I'm on as often as I can, Monday - Thursday. Friday - Sunday are family only days usually. Shaftiel
  20. shaftiel


    I would hope it was predictable... its an adaption of a historic event. heh Shaftiel
  21. shaftiel


    All the b1 maps are horrible. No textures, just eye twisting purple and black, and other very strange things. They need to go heh
  22. Well thats just to darn cool! I can only imagine the car accidents type A personalities will get into now as they drive with their laptops on their laps trying to sqeeze just one more email out before they get home. heh Shaftiel
  23. shaftiel


    By the way, what is the map cycle like on west? Through out the day I have checked the server stats and so far the maps being played are nearly all stock. Am I crazy? heh . If I am great. Otherwise we should adjust the map cycle to be much more custom oriented. I'd do that myself, but I have no idea how, or if I even could. Shaftiel
  24. Go ahead and post here. I'm going to go searching tonight for the maps Mookie suggested, so I'll jsut add yours heh Shaftiel
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