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Everything posted by ValenAlvern

  1. Would make sense if anything Disney wasnt actually good and fun. getting the WoW team to work on D3 was another part of their fail. WoW is fun for awhile then its like "lets do the same thing you did yesterday and acomplish nothing" WoW has horrid endgame. Mine was Shinobi Arcade Machine
  2. Yea, they obviously built the game around the auction house, which is pretty fail.... "How to Kill an IP" by Activ-Blizz EDIT: Last time I listen to friends who says "We'll play this forever", I had a feeling D3 would fail (probably because of game design classes I took).
  3. This post gave me cancer. McAfee and Norton is like that lazy mall cop who spends most of his day eating donuts, get Nod32 which is like the Terminator... In every meaning.
  4. Uninstalled after the first week, half-way through nightmare, got sick of buying armor every 1.5 hours just to advance. Was just another grind box game w/e they're called Havent even installed or thought about since
  5. More Teasing of The Last Guardian, Duke Nukem Forever again, that thing has been in development hell.
  6. So Valve finally started to release games with Linux support or showing that some games have it anyways.. I wonder how that conversation went at Valve... Ungbung...Valve...munhbuhungah.... Linux...
  7. Is GC another way of saying Stalker Association?
  8. So its been a few months since Greenlight has been released. It has come along a great deal, obviously ripped games getting the axe, games people dont own the rights too getting removed. So what games have you seen on greenlight that hasnt been officially Greenlight yet? Here are some I found intresting. Not Greenlight: Project: Zomboid: A true zombie survival game. No cure, survive as long as you can. Tiny Barbarian DX: An Action Platformer, was previously a free game here, but went on to become a full "retail" game after being pushed through Kickstarter. Hammerwatch: A game that looks like its inspired by Gauntlet, as if I need another reason to favorite it. Greenlight (Not Released): Secrets of Grindea: A Game inspired by classic RPGs like Secret of Mana and Zelda. Unepic: A Side scrolling Action RPG that takes influences from DnD. La-Maluna: Indian Jones inspired 8-bit/16bit inspired game thats heavy influenced with Metroidvania games. Gear Up!: Futuristic Tank Battle Arena. Greenlight (Released): Primordia: A classic point and click adventure game that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world in the future were humans no longer exist. I voted Yes on like 45 games and favorited 13 of them I think, I aint putting them all on here. Anyone find games they would like to share?
  9. Yea im still gonna get free games, they do have a free 2 play section, just saying.
  10. I got 5 invites just a few days ago, Im gonna see if I can get some free games.
  11. "I want Candy!" *gives Candy* "I DIDNT WANT THIS CANDY!" - regulars on map rotation, based on a true story.
  12. Seems like a way to reverse grief someone.
  13. HEY! Youre not suppose to show off the Louis Locations, they're suppose to be a secret.
  14. If I recall the "hard" mode for the maze had you take the longest rout possible, made you go under the stairs to the left side of the hedge mazes and back into the maze it self going the long way through and back out the lower right. I think takes as long for a team to get through as it does through the crescendo event, well maybe not AS long. I think it stopped the first time cause a lot of people were competitive about it. I just had fun doing it.
  15. Good times, good times. Didnt we do this within the first few months of the server being made? Sure feels like a long time ago.
  16. ValenAlvern


    We still have to finish recording hard mode.
  17. Creating a undead skeleton for an RPG I have in mind. A part of me totally wants to have the skeleton to have his pants around its ankles, one it makes sense and two for laughs. What do other people think?
  18. I like how it wiped the map rotation information
  19. NFO borked the server info It should be named: GCFTW.com| Long and Suicidal | Wave Length: Long Difficulty: Suicidal Its not, since its been placed on default with the server called: NFOservers.com - New Server Wave Length: Short Difficulty: Normal Dont know how this happened.
  20. Visiting family for 2~3 weeks without my computer. Enjoy the holidays

    1. Kuma


      Will you survive? :P

  21. ValenAlvern

    The War Z

    War Z is just Megablocks, wait for the Legos version (a.k.a Day Z standalone) EDIT: Also looks like the people who made War Z are not below reusing models from previous games. I wouldnt be surprised if you saw the same weapons. They did use the same engine. [NSFW] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtKAm3nzg6I Because TB is....uhh....is oblivious to the obvious..yea thats sounds good. I think that gives a better depth to what to experience in a game he showcases. On a zombie survival game like this (I never played Day Z, but from the reaction he has) having a cooldown on dying is a Huge...HUGE, no buy ever. Besides some of the things that have been posted. Short list of things talked about in the video Dying gives you a 59minute revival cooldown Items on dead characters are gone You dont spawn with weapons Falling Damage from sliding down terrain No Swimming Micro-Transaction items can be lost No PvE yet 50 Player servers instead of 100 Maps not as large as described 1 map Little to no Skill selection
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