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Everything posted by Sky

  1. Apologies. I was on my phone when I sent those messages. It was two separate instances in the same night ; the admin who was on had their game crasx on them and returned to the game on the second map. another user asked if they could kick and was told no, since an admin was around, so i didn't bother to ask if there were special commands on the gc server for kicking (eventually, I'll get around to reading the rules/commands page). I'll start recording demos, since I didn't catch where the rest of the team was in the screenshots.
  2. It was mostly geared towards he has been removed in the past for it. An admin was on and asked us to not do kick votes if admins are on.
  3. I do not think he has learned a lesson about not rushinf. I screen capped him several times two nights a go rushing a mile ahead and even locking himself in the end of map saferoom with half his team still just entering the train yard area (second map blood harvest). I am on my phone right now but will upload the screenshots later tonight. As no admins were on, a few people asked him to return to the team but he completely ignored everyone. I am certain by now he should know rushing is not allowed so i am unsure of why he insists on it.
  4. oh my talpha, that reminds me of the old school "Battle Chess" for O/S 2!!
  5. I lack understanding of how a player can't shoot a moving target in a FPS.
  6. I wasn't asking for a permanent ban, but I also am not extremely familiar with the rules. Thanks for taking a look at it biggs!
  7. Sky

    I was bored.

    My god Voodoo, 1.18TB of porn? SMH at people like you without a bandwidth cap!
  8. UnknownSoldier, you would like a plugin that I wrote: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=207929 Check out the module, PlayerPlus. It actually lets you do that, if you want to. 6 infected players and 4 survivor humans? throws in 2 survivor bots.
  9. So, we're playing, and not having much fun, what with it 3on3... and 7 survivor bots. Any thoughts on simply removing survivor bots so that the teams are balanced?
  10. Hi guys, Blood Harvest Map 4, I want to say about an hour a go, this player was in the server shooting "truck off's" to pretty much everyone, and when asked to stop, responded with more profanities. # 672 14 "XxFLAME-GIRLxX" STEAM_1:0:66031392 05:30 314 0 active 30000 sorry that I don't have the actual time stamp.
  11. Really, this is what I've been doing for the last few weeks. If anyone wants to check it out, I've linked to the actual source code. core plugin link: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=207929 This is a sample of the rpg plugin I'm writing, and how it reads and stores talent options from a config. This allows a server owner to edit the set of configs that accompanies the module and change absolutely everything from the order which abilities appear, their names, complete menu structure, and I suppose, anything else you'd want to change (or add. You can add and remove anything, and the plugin completely compensates). Survivor Talent Menu Config: "survivor health" // The name the translation file searches for with this particular item. If changed here, must change in translations as well. { "percent increase per point?" "3" // The amount of health increase (percentage) a player has per point in this talent. "maximum talent points allowed?" "50" // The amount of talent points that can be placed in this category. "restricted by level?" "1" // Is there a restriction to how many talent points can be spent based on the players level? "talent points per level?" "2" // How many talent points can be spent based on player level? Ex. if 2, and Lv. 4, a player can spend 8 points in the category. "minimum level required?" "0" // If a minimum required level is set, the value is subtracted from the players level to calculate talent points per level (if enabled). "ability effects?" "0" "type?" "passive" // The type of ability. passive, offensive, or defensive. passives are not affected by level. "victim lower level penalty?" "0" "victim higher level award?" "0" } "weapon damage" { "percent increase per point?" "3" // The amount of damage increase all weapons do to other players per point in this talent. "maximum talent points allowed?" "50" "restricted by level?" "1" "talent points per level?" "2" "minimum level required?" "0" "ability effects?" "0" "type?" "offensive" "victim lower level penalty?" "2" // The percentage of damage decreased per level difference when attacking lower level players. (0.01 * value) "victim higher level award?" "1" // The percentage of damage increased per level difference when attacking higher level players. } Actual code: public ReadyUp_LoadFromConfigEx(Handle:key, Handle:value, Handle:section, String:configname[], keyCount) { if (!StrEqual(configname, CONFIG_MAIN) && !StrEqual(configname, CONFIG_EVENTS) && !StrEqual(configname, CONFIG_MENUSURVIVOR)) return; decl String:s_key[64]; decl String:s_value[64]; decl String:s_section[64]; decl String:s_sectionold[64]; // When section != sectionold, we've hit a new section (this is a lame way of doing it, but it works.) new keysize = 0; new posprompt = 0; new poscell = 0; if (keyCount > 0) { if (StrEqual(configname, CONFIG_MENUSURVIVOR)) ResizeArray(a_Menu_Talents_Survivor, keyCount); else if (StrEqual(configname, CONFIG_MENUINFECTED)) ResizeArray(a_Menu_Talents_Infected, keyCount); else if (StrEqual(configname, CONFIG_MENUNEUTRAL)) ResizeArray(a_Menu_Talents_Neutral, keyCount); } new a_Size = GetArraySize(key); for (new i = 0; i < a_Size; i++) { GetArrayString(Handle:key, i, s_key, sizeof(s_key)); GetArrayString(Handle:value, i, s_value, sizeof(s_value)); s_sectionold = s_section; GetArrayString(Handle:section, i, s_section, sizeof(s_section)); if (StrEqual(configname, CONFIG_MENUSURVIVOR)) { new Handle:TalentKeys = CreateArray(64); new Handle:TalentValues = CreateArray(64); for (new ii = posprompt; ii < a_Size; ii++) { GetArrayString(Handle:key, ii, s_key, sizeof(s_key)); GetArrayString(Handle:value, ii, s_value, sizeof(s_value)); if (StrEqual(s_key, "percent increase per point?")) { // keysize resets to 0 after the loop breaks. // posprompt instantiates at 0, and sets to the current pos in the array if breaking. // this is because we can't accurately track keys and subkeys in the config using // the method of sending configs from this module to the main program for parsing. ups & downs. // a_Menu_Talents_Survivor is essentially instantiated as a_Menu_Talents_Survivor[2] // TalentKeys is placed into [0] and Values into [1] // The size of the actual array is automatically pushed based on the poscell count. // Storing both the keys and their values lets EU's customize the order of the key definitions in the configs // instead of trusting them to leave the order alone. keysize++; if (keysize > 1) { SetArrayCell(a_Menu_Talents_Survivor, poscell, TalentKeys, 0); SetArrayCell(a_Menu_Talents_Survivor, poscell, TalentValues, 1); keysize = 0; poscell++; posprompt = ii; break; } } PushArrayString(TalentKeys, s_key); PushArrayString(TalentValues, s_value); } } } ReadyUp_NtvGetHeader(); }
  12. the chessmaster game on steam has a spectate option
  13. Considering WarZ/Infestation (they only renamed it after all the bad press and harassment / Calling it War Z was only to get the attention of Day Z fans) was a poorly developed rip off of Day Z, I think it's safe to say the Day Z standalone will be epic, whenever it gets finished! Day Z alone on Arma II is still really great, the only downside being it's infested with hacking. Cat: love it.
  14. Did it ever get rewritten? I'll write something that sticks if you haven't had a chance, since I have an overwhelming amount of free time right now; Crasx being super busy, and Jackie, well, he's filming a new movie!
  15. headset: http://www.razerzone...razer-tiamat-71 review: http://www.overclock...eadset_review/1 audio card: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Creative-Titanium-Fatal1ty-Professional-PCI-Express/dp/B002ZCQR1C/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1375461729&sr=1-1&keywords=x-fi+titanium+fatal1ty (Discontinued, though) (Card w/ I/O Port) review: http://www.guru3d.co...l_champion.html Have tried a lot of headsets; Corsair , Steelseries , Turtle Beach (just stay away) , Plantronics , Sennheiser , but I find the audio quality superb in this headset. Unfortunately, this was also one of their best audio cards, which they discontinued to make way for the Recon3D series, which I have to stress, stay away from it. The headset itself was on sale on Canada Day at Best Buy for 129.99 , but for everyone else, it's available at places like newegg and ncix for 169.99.
  16. my only gripe with it is the camera is still awful.
  17. I thought I could pull a fast one on ol' crasx
  18. When I opened the thread, I looked at the photo of crasx, and then the photo of the other guys, and assumed the photo of crasx was the "kids" and the other photo was the "adults" and then I read the subtitles of who was actually in them. I am fail. So hard. You guys better have an FFO 2014, b/c crasx has offered to carpool with me!
  19. Sky

    Windows 9

    I want OS/2 back. That was the BEST operating system, ever. re: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS/2 If you're an old fart like me and know what that is, slowly, slowly, raise your hand.
  20. google fiber will never come to london, ON =(
  21. i blame your cable internet. that's why dsl is better Or just break the bank and go FO!
  22. Well, I've decided to start a new character; I don't much like my guardian, and she's broke and has crap gear. lol. I'm trying to decide what to try now, though.
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