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Everything posted by MaRvIn

  1. I haven't ever seen a TF2 around these parts. But, it would be cool to have one.
  2. Only gonna be able to make the evening cookout/ set-up
  3. I will now promptly be that guy to set scoutz_skylands
  4. CS Badge of course. Don't want it to look like I play L4D. Also I am sure Mav, Killer and Cooldogs would like CS:GO as theirs too.
  5. Live stream me playing CS A certain person was scared to take the 80'' monitors there since stuff might be flying around. So its going to be either smaller monitors or projectors and screens. Well you wont do as good because you can't turn on the walls.
  6. Ebay doesn't allow you to give out any emails or other personal information that they can't already get.
  7. I just feel a seller that doesn't post pictures of the actual item isn't one to be trusted.
  8. “This item was recently used in a small business, has been tested, and is in working condition. Cosmetically, this item will have damage including, but not limited to, cracks, dents, gouges, broken / missing case pieces, and heavy wear. When applicable, the damage may also include screen blemishes such as spots, dead pixels, etc. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide pictures of specific damage.”
  9. As a player not from Left 4 Dead 2, but CS:GO. I must say why if you don't like the rules not just leave and stop fishing for attention.
  10. Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black part!

  11. There are going to be two 80'' monitors where the screens were last year. I am bringing an Xbox One for any and all to play on. Then the other one is free for whoever wants to bring something to hook up to it.
  12. Add de_canyon2_rc8 de_chinatown Remove cs_office scoutz_skylands
  13. Same here, they have been showing off all of these cool new things in the dev blog, but have yet to push anything in to the game For a full preview of upcoming features check here on Fridays for update information. http://playrust.com/
  14. Yes, they will be updated. I don't have an eta at the moment. Work has been priority and hopefully after the next few days it slows down and I will get back to fixing up the Rust server.
  15. Everyone has been playing DropZone and they are supposedly getting ready to push some pretty big updates, so the server may pick up sometime in the future but for now, no.
  16. Yeah but I am assuming he wants them to be able to be using data at anyone given time and from what I know you can't do that without a router in the line.
  17. You can use a 10/100 with a gigabit switch. Also since you are worried about speed.
  18. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100017489%204016%204017&IsNodeId=1&name=%24100%20-%20%24200
  19. I would buy the CS shirt given there is a better color selection.
  20. Counter-Strike themed would obviously be way better (Just sayin')
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