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Everything posted by onyxdragoon

  1. Here's to you, Nicola and Bart. Rest forever here in our hearts.

  2. Delete the whole drive instead of a partition. I was able to do a clean install no problem.
  3. I have concluded san plays L4D2 to get away from turnbull.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tainted92


      You mean the guys that don't play a real game? ;)


      Kidding, you know I love you CS:GO lot really <3

    3. turnbullTeRRoR


      "If you can't run with the big dogs......"

    4. san`


      san plays L4D2 because he got sick of playing two or three maps against bots while nobody joined the pub

  4. I love all the MGS games and can't wait for Sept. 1st. Still unsure which platorm to get it on. Mostly likely I will get both PC and PS4 since i have multiple copies of the other ones. I just love the series so much.
  5. If you haven't already. In Windows 10, right click the start button, a list should appear and click on Event Viewer. From there go to Windows Logs -> Application. On the right click filter current log. Usually, Critical and Error are what you are looking for. Check if you have anything L4D2.exe (whatever the app is) crashing or causing problems.
  6. First step should be looking at your event viewer logs.
  7. How come there is no PSN option under Profile Information

    1. Madvillain


      FK doesn't believe in Sony.

    2. crasx


      but there is one?

    3. onyxdragoon


      How come they don't show under our avatars like before?

  8. I never played the first one but when I saw the trailer during E3, it made me very interested.
  9. Chillin in the office with https://soundcloud.com/wondertwins/m-hisataakaa-feat-karakuri-of
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3fPo5JsPtY
  11. You can get the master skin for any hero with a 100% lose rate.
  12. That does not make any sense. The skins in HotS do nothing for gameplay. Maybe the person buying the cosmetics only wants it for themselves. IE, liking Mangi more than Garrosh. No one forces you to buy cosmetics. Plus you can get infinite gold with arena.
  13. Why? They sell skins for Heroes of the Storm. If they put a hero I liked, I will most likely buy it.
  14. Valve servers. DM gives the least XP. Something like Score x .2
  15. The player pop in was happening to me when my ping was 400.
  16. From the vids I saw testing it. The enemies will "pop" in sorta like console texture pop in. Here is a gif http://gfycat.com/HarmlessLonelyAlpaca
  17. Cricket? Nobody understands cricket! You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket!

    1. Lookback


      I know what a crumpet is, I do not understand cricket.

    2. Fenix


      Nice TMNT reference!

    3. onyxdragoon


      At least someone got it

  18. Might as well go full Intel/Nvidia with i5 4970K and GTX 970. My CPU is from 2011 and still going strong.
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