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GC Server Admin
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Status Replies posted by MPG1770


  2. Winter is coming.

  3. So has doing a server install for a client and sat down at one of the PCs and there was a Word doc load with a ton of lame porn site URLs, and tissues on the desk. Awkward.

  4. "This woman has to be gotten to a hospital." -"a hospital? What is it?" - "It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now"

  5. So has doing a server install for a client and sat down at one of the PCs and there was a Word doc load with a ton of lame porn site URLs, and tissues on the desk. Awkward.

  6. Read a book about cemeteries. The plot was great.

  7. An Apple fell on Sir Isaac Newton's head. He didn't sue.

  8. So if someone is predictable...does that mean I am also predicitable, since theyll know what I know what theyll do?

  9. Accidently deleted sj's status about san deleting mine about accidently deleting Shaftiel's update regarding my update about accidently deleting studder's update about accidently deleting mine about accidently deleting Flitter's.

  10. I got me some !talpachallenge applesauce

  11. Brought my dead drive back from the dead! CSS here I come!

  12. Forgot it is Saturday - missed a gig - agent going nuts trying to re-schedule - I blame Meng lol

  13. insomniiiaaaaa

  14. Four new members in less than 24 hours. Welcome guys!

  15. Someone once asked me, "What's this 'Settler's of Catan' business all about?" I told them it had everything that's good in a board game. You roll dice, you pick up cards, and you get to yell at other people!

  16. Going camping for a few days, have fun everyone! Tahoe here I come.

  17. Going camping for a few days, have fun everyone! Tahoe here I come.

  18. The best part about walking dogs is that business is always picking up.

  19. Why do people who list TV's on Craigslist seemingly knock off inches from thier actual screen size and why don't I verify the actual size before purchase?

  20. Finally got my computer fixed after it blew up about a week ago - now I know what true pain feels like after such a long time with no video games!

  21. Just finished recording the most beautiful original film music - 'Midnight Feast' - for those of you who remember teh post I asked for volunteers, producer got that sorted.

  22. Just finished recording the most beautiful original film music - 'Midnight Feast' - for those of you who remember teh post I asked for volunteers, producer got that sorted.

  23. 70ish of you are exempt from this year's Christmas card cut. The rest of you? Look out.Kidding, and thanks for all the birthday wishes. xoxo

  24. Got my spot stolen from me 3 times today >.>

  25. I'm so happy its spring I wet my plants.

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