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Everything posted by Madvillain

  1. Gorgeous, those are some nice shots Stutters.
  2. Another MOBA to steal peoples souls!! The cinematic is pretty and the blizzard collection of heros is enticing but are they too late to jump in to the mix?? I wish they would have put their efforts in to a Warcraft IV instead.
  3. That seems too good to be true....
  4. Survived friend's bachelor party. We were out until 6 am and just woke up at 10am and can't go back to sleep.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MasterTalpa


      that is how the madvillain do

    3. Lookback


      You might want to check the mirror, for facial tattoos, missing teeth, or breast implants...

    4. Madvillain


      Already had all of those things prior to the night LB. Also !ban Jerky "water, for shame"

  5. Pearl Jam - Elderly Woman Behind The Counter in a Small Town. This video had the best audio since there is no official video, never seen the movie shown. [utube]IHCE5sw1mTs[/utube]
  6. We need info like when you were banned, the name you were playing under and your steam id please. I do not see "airb07" in the ban logs.
  7. My money would be on the GPU as well. May be worth poking around the BIOS to make sure there are no odd power settings in there.
  8. Who is Biggs and how did he bribe his way in to Board Member???
  9. If you head anywhere towards Reno/Lake Tahoe during your westward journey let me know, I would be happy to grab a beer or drop off a food care package like Stutters said.
  10. I'm going to jump on Stuter's bandwagon, I was just listening to the first album earlier while Minecrafting. [utube]yf9OAFML_Eg[/utube]
  11. Is this you?? http://gamrs.co/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=cristhian&Submit= If it is, you rushed ahead which we do not allow rushing on our servers, then died and left the server. Doing this is very bad for your team. Also, if that is you, Architect was the one that banned you and he should be along soon to give his side of the situation. If this was not you please give us the name you were using and your steam ID ( example: STEAM_1:1:90476616)
  12. Coke Nintendo 64 or Playstation 1?
  13. The Bacon crumble is just bacon and it is delicious. What they are referring to is sliced ham called "Canadian Bacon" at many pizza places, it can also be purchased at the store too.
  14. Do we have ads in the forums now?? I am in a thread and seeing a Panera Bread ad right between some posts.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. stutters


      OR you could add gamrs.co to you whitelist to allow ads here.

    3. Madvillain


      Or I could just click an ad and buy whatever the product is with Lookback's credit card then blame international terrorist TheDude for it.

    4. Lookback


      TheDude already maxxed my balance, buying toxichocolate waffles...

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