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Everything posted by chick82

  1. Brick took another diamond helmet from someone's chest that didn't belong to him. This is his 6-7th incident of stealing we might be willing to shorten it but right now he is perma-banned. Tirtul will be on later to discuss further and maybe shortening it, but he doesn't seem to want to follow the rules at all, and that is not fair to the other 20+ people who are whitelisted on the server.
  2. Why does the first 2 pics look like the beginning of Parish and the last 2 look like the finale of Cold StreaM? I'm just trying to figure it all out so we can deal with it properly. P.S. It doesn't excuse the way he talk to you or that he greifed you just trying to figure out what all happened.
  3. I will say this. I use to swap people bc the scramble didn't usually work so good and switching a player or two really did help, and sometimes made it worse the other way. There's just no way to tell. But I also got grief for trying to balance as well. People would be upset that there was this balancing that they didn't see was needed unless they were losing, so that put a damper on me wanting to balance teams. Now I just play it by ear. I will say this: Never will I scramble on map 1 or the finale (that's just silly).. Never will I swap people (now) without asking for volunteers(most members are willing to switch) I don't like to scramble on camps with 3 maps, it's just kinda of silly IMO. If enough people ask I'm going to put up a vote and that vote makes the decision, unless it's just that obvious or everyone on both sides has already been like "scramble" Just don't spam it, don't demand it after one round on map 1, don't assume we don't care bc we don't put up a vote, if it's almost all members vs a team with only 1 or 2 members yeah I'm going to swap people, I will always switch unless 2 really good players that are better than I ask you know who you are. Just understand there is always a winner and always a loser but yes being beat by 1000 or more points sucks play nice and don't be angry if the majority wants a scramble.
  4. Oh Don't get me wrong I LOVE BOARD GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm totally excited over going to his mom's then playing l4d2 (no offense lol)
  5. Well I was looking forward to Sunday joining you guys but I'm going to Tirtul's Mom's for a small belated (2 days after) her birthday bbq and board games fun night, everyone HAVE FUN WHILE WE ARE GONE!
  6. Peanut and I decided it would be fun THIS SAT 8/8 and SUN 8/9 to do some Custom Map and Jackie/VIP Pathing. SATURDAY NIGHT: 8/9 at 8pm EST We will be playing URBAN FLIGHT, ALSO if you want AFTER Urban Flight to play some Jackie Pathing & VIP Mode WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT READ THIS: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/44980-custom-campaign-list-updated-72314/ SUNDAY NIGHT 8/10 at 8pm EST We will be playing a few hours on Jackie Pathing and VIP MODE
  7. Merc was just doing what was discussed in the admin thread before about teleporting people, so don't jump down his throat, but it is a good thing to bring up and discuss here. I have never tped someone from there BUT I and other admins have tried to save someone and let them use the !stuck command over there. Or if it's a main and they die they respawn if they get 30 points. It's an interesting spot, imo. There are some spots that people get charged or tossed over a fence when really they shouldn't be able to be and are stuck. I don't think we should teleport people out of that area but I don't have an issue with someone using the !stuck command if their team actually manages to keep them alive that long (which I have seen happen maybe once or twice), but that is just my opinion.
  8. Kazya you have been told and all members know when you join a game type !jointeam don't type !joininfected or !joinsurvivor. The whole point of !jointeam is to make it random. And you have been told to type !jointeam. And don't bash admins and say if they are losing they just change the map, there is a rare occasion on like a map before the finale where every single person wants to switch to a new camp. In the future just do !jointeam don't use the !joininfected or !joinsurvivor, and if you were on a specific team and get dced and rejoin ask an admin if you can go back to your team.
  9. So I subscribed to that thing do I need to still install that?
  10. You can find your ban here: http://gamrs.co/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:31231436&advType=steamid&Submit It appears you were banned for being sexiest towards a fellow member of the community. Peanut was the one who banned you, he should be here shortly to respond. I'd recommend reading this thread: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/43069-gc-l4d2-stuff-that-gets-you-kickedbanned/ And this is for the banned thread: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/303-welcome-to-the-banned-forums-read-this-first/
  11. Welcome to the forums. Clearly you know why you were banned, nice post. It was only for an hour and has expired. Just be sure to stay with your teammates . Have fun and enjoy our servers!
  12. You were banned for an hour for rushing by Zero. It's already expired. Please make sure you stay with your team. Also in the future when you are banned (hopefully not ) read this first: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/topic/303-welcome-to-the-banned-forums-read-this-first/ Also you can find out your ban info here: http://gamrs.co/sourcebans/index.php?p=home Welcome to the forums.
  13. I will be around! Yay but i'm rusty (cough i'm always bad ) LOL
  14. Here's some Mods for suggestions: http://popularmmos.com/mrcrayfishfurniture/ (This one offers furniture and it's pretty cool looking) http://www.minecraftmods.com/plant-mega-pack/ (this one offers LOTS of plants and crops) http://www.minecraftmods.com/more-crafting-recipies/ (this one just has more recipes like making diamond ore block out of 1 diamond and a stone) http://www.minecraftmods.com/emeraldmod/ (this just makes emeralds craftable into all types of items (i.e. doors and chests)) http://www.minecraftmods.com/lotsomobs/ (this one has animals like penguins and deer) http://www.minecraftmods.com/the-camping-mod/ (this one has camping stuff neato) THE TOP 2 are my fav I'd like to see on the server.
  15. We have co I now that takes less memory and if anything ever is (which hopefully it never is) missing. Admins can see all the interactions of that chest.
  16. Welcome to the forums. We need your steam Id cause I can't find your name in the ban list. It's also possible you got auto banned for swearing too much, we have a plug-in that kicks ppl for it after 3 warnings. We have a clean server so please be respectful of those rules.
  17. I find this topic a bit funny, bc I cAnt tell you how many games I've been in when someone or multiple people say "if you don't know how to tank just afk". My personal feelings if you want to play it play it, if you don't then don't. The only tank I think we are talking about is the scripted bc Jackie actually put in !tankskip or something like that on the bought one. Either way let people choose and don't berate them for what they choose either way.
  18. I'll be gone this coming Sat/Sun/Mon for the next 3-4 weekends.

    1. stabz0r


      Anywhere exciting Chick?

  19. Well I started the process to get my bachelors in Journalism from Cabrillo College. I'm so nervous, I get all these e-mails about my financial aid, and I'm like oh my, I haven't been to school in years, I didn't even finish high school in the traditional sense (got my GED), and I did really well on it considering. Anyway, so now I have to take this assessment tests and stuff and it's very unnerving. BUT, even before I started I already feel defeated. I'm trying to fill out all these e-forms I'm missing and just getting flustered. Oh this is annoying. Idk, I'm sure things will be fine I'm just nervous. So here, tell me this: Weather you went straight to college after high school or maybe years later: How did you get past that fear, or nervousness. Is there a lot of people who you can reach out to if you get stuck? And by that I mean like are people usually (like classmates) open to helping if you are lost or trying to figure things out. Any advice on how to handle the next 4 years of my life as I make this journey. Thanks, Chick
  20. You were perma banned the other day for your behavior and attitude. You believe because of the 1st amendment (which you did say) that you can say whatever you want. That's not how it works in this community. You are more than welcome to your opinions but insulting members/admins for joining the server or admining isn't going to fly. And here you continue to seem to think you are above the rules and being respectful. Yelling or insulting members because they join on a slot that they paid for, money that helps keep this server going. It's not free to have servers, it's not free to run this website, so members get perks. And I even said to you after you complained several times about being kicked that you should consider a membership, and your response was "Hell No". Your attitude and overall actions aren't not the type of people we want in this community.
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