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Status Updates posted by Cinkadeus

  1. Sourcebans has lost its link with the L4D2 server

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Madvillain


      I use it to Cink, noticed yesterday but thought it was temporary.

    3. yErMoTH3r


      lol it got autobanned for too many queries w/i the allotted time even though the access was allowed - fixed

    4. Cinkadeus
  2. I'd like to welcome back Swamp Fever to the rotation. Otherwise, I'd never get any work done.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cinkadeus


      Then some admin is a sadist.

    3. TheDude


      I think it was YOU Cink!

    4. Cinkadeus


      I see what you did there.

  3. My first day as head baseball coach went far better than I expected.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LadyYuri


      for kids right? LAWL if not then no hugs

    3. Cinkadeus


      3&4 year old T-ball.

    4. LadyYuri



  4. Would someone invite me to our Steam Group, please.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flitterkill


      It's complicated. JC has the GC L4D2 group going. And after that... There may be two other GC groups, started by members, but nothing under the board's control. Might be time to start something to fix that.

    3. JackieChan


      Yeah, the main GC steam group is usually for the community as a whole and you need to be invited. The L4D2 group is for the server where anyone can join.

    4. TheDude


      Are they still active?

  5. Our L4D2 server is useless without an admin on. Absolutely anything goes. Yesterday was a total farce.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. looneypumpkin


      sucks when that happens. It has been fairly rare though I think.

    3. Cinkadeus


      This week its been horrible. Lookback needs to comeback.

    4. LadyYuri


      but lookback isnt the only admin... *cough* where are the other admins? i see dude is on now and so is mae but arent there like 12 more admins?

  6. Storms on Monday tore my little town to pieces so I have no power this week. Will be back next week.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheDude


      its rude to laugh at the less privileged. That's why i never joke about America

    3. Madvillain


      Figured the inbreeding was enough pain, didn't want to pick on you for electricity.

    4. Cinkadeus


      ah.. much better.

  7. Found a new GIF for when someone requests something absurd from Jackie: http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/funny-gifs-jackie-said-no.gif

  8. So apparently, Game of Thrones Season 3 will be Wrath of the Lich King.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Madvillain


      A Feast for Crows is the 4th book Jackie... The 3rd is A Storm of Swords

    3. Cinkadeus


      I was just remarking how the end of S2 so closely resembled the intro to WoW: WotLK

    4. lousiest
  9. I'M SOOOO SORRY!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lookback


      He did that again?!?!?!!?!?

    3. Cinkadeus


      I broke it bad. It was down for almost 20 minutes.

    4. TheDude


      Did you sit on it?

  10. I am sick as a dog. 102 fever and hurting all over. Hopefully its not the.... not the........ BRAIIINNNNNNSSSS.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cinkadeus


      "spang"... lol, thanks, I needed that. :)


    3. lousiest


      get well soon :)

    4. MattKemp


      Get better Chick, we miss you out on the battlefield :P

  11. Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cinkadeus


      I was going to be very disappointed in you all if someone didn't go along with this.

    3. MattKemp
    4. JackieChan
  12. This year's bonus got a bonus so I'm finally going HD. My only problem is getting this 150 lb TV out of my wall.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cinkadeus


      Its a 32" sony Wega... That thing will last forever.

    3. Madvillain


      Those TVs are equal to the old Nokia that has made its round through the meme sites. Those TVs are tanks

    4. Cinkadeus


      They weigh as much as one.

  13. 16 GB RAM and this compile is taking every bit of it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cinkadeus


      Worse. ORACLE JD Edwards applications. With C++ business functions. Deployed.

    3. amertrash


      Had to look that up, looks more awful then the Sage software solutions I used deal with :)

    4. Cinkadeus


      Yeah, its not pretty.

  14. How, between Savana GA and New Orleans, would there be that many cricket bats just layin' around.

    1. Lookback


      Part of the duck duck goose league?

    2. Cinkadeus


      Yeah, but only one kid had one, and we all picked on him for it.

    3. Lookback


      And more impotantly, why do the zombies always show up there first - along with the vampires?

  15. Just bought both my boys Sonic Screwdriver toys. Epic Nerdy Dad is Nerdy.

    1. amertrash


      If only you could get a real one now, along with maybe a naked Martha Jones

    2. Biggs


      I'd prefer Amy Pond, no offense

    3. Cinkadeus


      I'd take any of the last few companions... Even that annoying red head. .. I'm married, I don't get much.

  16. I can't say Taken 2 without thinking Tekken 2.

    1. MattKemp


      Apparently in that movie he just goes back to finish off everyne that didn't die in the first one

    2. TheDude


      Spoilers much?!

    3. Lookback


      There was a Taken 1?

  17. Jock-blocking: When a jockey pulls a survivor into a room you want to spawn in.. Effectively blocking it.

    1. radical187


      This made me lul. I needed a good lul.


    2. Cinkadeus


      It happened to me TWICE today. Happy Thanksgiving!

    3. Kuma


      I remember this yesterday in Death Toll, last campaign.

  18. Hello? Anyone? Where are our lunchtime L4D2 regulars? Server stacked and everyone left.

    1. Biggs


      Did someone mention BK stackers? Mmm... food coma...

    2. LadyYuri


      oh my that is gross

    3. crasx


      I'm... at... school?

  19. What happened to the L4D2 server after lunch? Besides being only 1/4 filled with the worst players to ever touch a mouse.

    1. Kuma


      Oh, tell me more please

    2. LadyYuri


      i guess u havent noticed that the server is full from parts of the day and not all day anymore like it used to be. i saw it have like 5 ppl at 11am

      eastern time or something the other day...

    3. Biggs


      I don't remember playing any l4d2 after lunch today...

  20. Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today.

    1. MattKemp


      It's coooold out there every day. What is this, Miami Beach?


    2. Cinkadeus


      Not hardly. And you know, you can expect hazardous travel later today with that, you know, that, uh, that blizzard thing.

  21. I'm officially changing the name of L4D2 to "Thanks, Cink."

    1. TheDude


      True. Everytime you are on the other team, my team ends up saying that.

    2. Cinkadeus


      lol!!! Good one.

  22. If you had to choose between your significant other or a million dollars, what is the first thing you would buy?

    1. TheDude


      Give me half a million dollars and i'll tell you

    2. walkingCat


      i see what you did there :)

      a million of cause pffffffffffff, easy one :D

  23. yep... Flu. I hate non-winters. I get sicker when its not really winter. Flu thrives at 70 degrees.

    1. Biggs


      ?? Try Minnesota, I think it's real Winter there.

    2. Cinkadeus


      They have winters that will grow flanel on your testicles.


  24. Turns out my 102 fever is stomach flu. We're gonna need a bigger toilet.

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