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Everything posted by Cinkadeus

  1. At least you hands are ok and even Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder played blind. And you'll get nothing but sweet, sweet charger hugs from me in game.
  2. Cold Stream needs some McLuvin too *runs and hides*
  3. Truly sorry that this happened to you. You've been nothing but friendly and welcoming to me and I hope the best for your recovery. I will add you to my prayers. Hope to see you in game again for some charger hugs. -Cink
  4. I think EA is a perfect example of the other end of this spectrum. The antithesis of these guys.
  5. I am sick as a dog. 102 fever and hurting all over. Hopefully its not the.... not the........ BRAIIINNNNNNSSSS.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cinkadeus


      "spang"... lol, thanks, I needed that. :)


    3. lousiest


      get well soon :)

    4. MattKemp


      Get better Chick, we miss you out on the battlefield :P

  6. I never came around to say it, but great job on that Health Kit auto pickup on exit. Give me more time to pick out a hat and color
  7. Good for you, Chick. I'll add you to my prayers.
  8. Just let us know when its fixed and we'll pwn some zombies.
  9. Along these lines, check Google HowItShouldHaveEnded for some hilarious skits on how popular films should have ended given their numerous plot holes. Its worth a lol or two. Add Casino to my list.
  10. No, this was a while back. But your booming my seven straight times was hilarious.
  11. I remember being in a round that was 3500 to about 600 pts and I was on the losing team. A votescramble was called and it failed... With a near 3k point difference. So the next time I was on the opposite end of that situation I voted No out of spite. Does that really make me a bad person? Well, yes. Yes it does. And no, I'm not proud of that. I've since voted yes if there's been a real big variation in points. I never vote yes if there's only been one round. That is, when I see the vote. Sometimes I don't even notice the option on the left and it times out.
  12. Google reverse image lookup nailed that Space Channel 5 Part 2 screencap. I wasn't officially playing so I just pm'd FK.
  13. So I was perusing netflix last night and came across a film I'd never heard of but gave it a go. It was called Perfect Host staring David Hyde Pierce from Frasier. quick synopsis: A fugitive on the lam decides to crash a dinner party. But he seriously regrets it when the mysterious and unusual host soon has him convinced that he would have been better off hiding somewhere else. I was really surprised. It was actually an enjoyable film. If you have streaming netflix, I highly suggest checking it out. EDIT: DO NOT WATCH THE TRAILER. Like Cracked.com always points out, they gave away the entire twist in the trailer. I was going to link it but I decided to watch it first, good thing I didn't watch it before I watched the movie.
  14. Last night I just used the built in Steam messenger. Worked well. (Shift+Tab)
  15. Wow, we've moved from tentacles to short skirt, pink haired anime. What is with you guys?
  16. Yeah, it was supposed to fully be pronounced "Sin-Kay-Dee-Us" but I can't spell and the name stuck. I've been known all over the intertubes with this name for about 16 years.
  17. Guys, sorry about that round where I got incapped by the elevator in No Mercy and didn't say how many pts I needed. Here's what didn't help: Just say "Sink" Not "Kink", "Chink," or the ever intriguing "Kinky-Deuce," which sounds like an illegal sex act. Someone even called me "Chick" at one point. I've used this name since 1996 and never have I been called "Chink" before. There's not even an "h" in the same ZIP code as my name. Or "That dum-dum who can't play" will do just as well Had a great time last night too. That was one of the first times I've played late night weekend rounds. You guys are a lot more hardcore than my usual lunch time buddies I play on weekdays.
  18. 3 Seconds in and "I've seen enough hentai to know where that was going."
  19. I think we has winnar. I got nuthin for that.
  20. There was a New Kid on the Block in "Band of Brothers" as well. I think the brother of Marky Mark of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch fame. I can play the "Obscure reference without knowing the actor's name" game all day.
  21. You get to see the boobs of the "Companion" from Firefly. That alone had me hooked. Its also got the guy in it from that failed NBC drama "Life." It was a decent show.
  22. No, no, I said this was all done WITHOUT SOPA/PIPA... Implying this will only get worse if they were to pass. But you're right, even so much as linking to a TBP torrent or stating 'how to' do torrenting would be against SOPA/PIPA. And they could shut us down with an accusation alone. And ever since that congressman made that 'series of tubes' comment I've always called it the intertubes. They have about as much knowledge about technology as I have about neurosurgery. But I don't make the rules for surgeons.
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