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Everything posted by walkingCat

  1. Tsunami, this scares me, do you guys worship to Satan? LOL JK Looks awesome P.S. Nice editing Biggs
  2. Joined just now? O_o Welcome!
  3. Don't take a game so seriously, don't type of use your mic, if you can't control yourself. Learn how to be polite.
  4. Over 44 minutes of noise that causes bleeding in my eers! Can I have more?
  5. Chick you can have my gun! I got you covered. Reserve slots don't work, but you can always send a message to an admin, he can kick someone for you. I hope our good guys can fix this problem soon.
  6. Played l4d2 last night... Crazy weird game. Took me 30 min to understand the idea of what I have to do. Buying system and info commands look easy to use, though I had a problem typing them every so often when so much stuff is going on around. People on the server seemed friendly, especially Chick, healing and reviving! Thanks.
  7. enjoy your membership.
  8. 368 mi, 6 hours 19 mins from me, not bad. does it mean no alcohol beverages at FFO?
  9. You, Sir, deserve a cookie, but wait,.. no you don't. I read it and agree. I don't wanna say i'm 100% right. Just think why would steam do something like this - please, read my comment above. They are here to make money. I played HL and BM and all valve games.
  10. i call it a good actors play, set of light, computer graphics and editing.
  11. I like this map and scrimmed few times never had any problem to see enemies. There is a problem it takes time to learn the map and tactics. I'd love to have it on custom night
  12. I have Black Mesa from that list, however I got no idea what it's all about. I think green light is something about/related to support for promotions and discounts, a market research/influence associated trick.
  13. I'm playing too many games ATM:( heros V, portal 2, CS GO. I bought the whole series of stalker, and I have a plan to play l4d2. Not to mention I have work and other stuff to do. Lol I'm so screwed Thank you Codrut:)
  14. Wow thank you all! Very informative. Alright, single player goes first, then I'll jump Onto server and kill everything that moves. Sounds easy.... In reality: "well single player was easy, let's try multiPlayer..." 10 mIn. Later: WTH!!! Help!!! Where did everyone go?!! Is that a friend? Hey I'm here help! :Roar: dead_____
  15. I bought the game last night. I have no clue what this game all about. I'm not planning to wait too long to install it and have a try. Any tips for a noobie like me?
  16. This 2012 year, in my comprehension, was/is big for GC. Amount of members is bigger than it ever was (I read about it somewhere, I think it's mookie's words). Many vets are back. So many changes, for example forums, new CS, new plugins. FragFest is in process to be happened next year (really want to come). I'm too new around here to judge and say something like this, however it feels like this is true.
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