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Everything posted by Jerkoff

  1. it might widen the gap between players but there should be some sort of tax on the laser for being so cheap in the first place. It grants such a huge difference that covers all the weakness of a sniper/rifle to a solid accuracy. People still use the AWP. Not as often as before but given the opportunity to pick one up for free, they will take it.
  2. Same here. I find access to laser sights far too easy especially for good players who can buy one as soon they get out of the saferoom door. The points for laser should be on par with other guns. Or some sort of upkeep on lasers, like a 2 minute time limit before it needs to be repurchase again like !ammo.
  3. Ahh, what a outstanding citizen.
  4. Leaving the bots behind is essentially giving free points for the infected team. They don't teleport right away and if they get caught, all the bots will then fall back to rescue...causing even further separation and eventually leading to death. Is not always a clear cut decision to leave the bots behind but for the most part, if it's behind a dangerous choke point...don't bother with it. If a player join then is just bad luck, send points and hope for the best he/she can get out of it (while providing as much cover of course).
  5. We asked you a lot of times, over and over but never once responded. It was only after Charon put up a votekick on you, that you finally type in the chat.
  6. I wasn't there for that when you switch teams on the 2nd server nor was I talking about that. What I'm talking about is your 1st offense in the map of No Mercy where you suicide as provided by the screenshots above. Had a admin caught you doing in that in the first place, you wouldn't be able to join our 2nd server.
  7. There was ample amount of time from your suicide to votekick going through to explain why you did it but you didn't. Instead you left to avoid the votekick...another bad idea to do so. You then appear in our 2nd server..in which had a admin ban you for your first crime in the 1st server, you wouldn't be able to join our server anyway. Since you already grief on the 1st server, why would I think different on the 2nd one? And you being first time or new doesn't excuse anything, your action ruins any game for doing so.
  8. At the beginning of the map No Mercy, [FST] tonysan just simply jump off the roof and died. When the votekick was put up on this griefer, he left before it went through. You can see the only dead body over here in this picture, jump straight into a deadzone: And here are the logs to detail what happen.
  9. I will certainly be here for this event. Also can there be a funny punishment for the team that loses? Something small such as quirky name change for a day or so.
  10. We probably shouldn't be listing names TestCharacter...though it's not me because I'm only condescending and jolly, don't fit entirely to their description.
  11. I have reiterated before that the problem is not about the players and please avoid using us as an reason to pass this sort of change. We only use the built-in system to our benefit and it is the buy system that have forge our gameplay as well our game style. Want to change the popular trend? Start with the with main root. First off, this server is always a mad rush to get points for a tank. Once all spawn limit are maxed out with the actives already purchased, the only viable option is to get a tank. I say is the only viable option because it's the most reliable as well the most effective purchase you can use with 50 points. Other purchases are either random or doesn't always work toward your favor. Witch spawning in non-survivor zones or getting stumble to death with a single purchase of explosion ammo. The Infected medkit (which use to be better back then imo) has a random chance of happening, short announcement for the team and requires your teammates to finish the job you intend to setup with. Plus, the infected medkit are only useful during the beginning and midway of the map because everyone should have use their medkits by then and are already hording up points to buy !heal instead. So that choice already dies off midway through a game. Secondly, is the point difference between buying a tank and the other options. As I've mention above and the fact people love to be a tank, other choices pale in comparison. Let's say...35 points for a dangerous witch that will get snuff out or wait a few more minutes to get a tank that I can throw this car around like a hot potato? Oh, would you look at that. I already gain enough points to buy myself another heal or buy another tank so I can stop hearing my tank grunting from being on fire. Thirdly, let's break down the special infected into two category our server system have ultimately separated them into. Utility and point farmer. Utility: Smoker Charger Jockey Point Farmer: Spitter Boomer Hunter I think we can all agree and understand the implications of this list. No further explanation is necessary. Lastly, anything the infected do is a contribution to the team regardless how small it is. Yes, even that useless spitter spitting openly with no survivors being pin down and giving them a tickle bath because who knows, they might just stay there long enough to make a difference. But there's no way you can deny a hunter not contributing to the team when she/he land enough DAMAGE to get points for a TANK. Or a boomer causing much blindness, players in wow I can't see mucho deniro 24/7. Last to lastly, either buff, nerf or equalize the differences between the special infected to make it worthwhile while remaining rewarded. Edit: grammer grammar
  12. Why implement a change to the server base on certain players? Next thing we can say certain individual players just use rifles all day and never use a shotgun, let's change the server just BECAUSE of them..
  13. Good luck yortz, drop by for your daily peanut insul-i mean compliments!
  14. ^ I will fall on that grenade I'm the butthole who berates people who mindlessly charges in as a tank in front of 10 survivors...and proceed to throw rock in 5 feet distance of a survivor. Ya know...after the whole team layout the ground plan for the tank.
  15. I find healing someone with a medkit in this server is difficult enough as it is. Given that the person you're healing is below 40 HP, the infected won't let up that chance and attack every moment...which happens frequently. In general, survivors barely have ANY room to breathe without constantly being attack by boomers, hunters or chargers. Sometimes getting to heal someone with a medkit is a huge luck of a draw. The medkits are expensive and detrimental enough where if you heal at a wrong time, the mistake is going to be costly.
  16. That's a good point. Normally I encourage players to continue playing as a tank instead of giving it away (!afk)...but I guess they get intimated or just don't have confidence being one.
  17. I wasn't there at the time so I don't have much to say on that part. Although for her internet is definitely unstable. She mentions a lot about it, how often it spikes (200-1000 ping consecutively) and she has taken steps to try and fix it (something about the wireless adapter and her sister). Wireless will always fluctuate, some work well for others and other times is just downright unstable.
  18. Admittedly I have done that a couple times myself before but only for funny reasons. I didn't believe you would get points for picking people up as others have try that before and I didn't get a single point.
  19. That's the finale map in the campaign The Parish, right at the beginning of the safe room. There is a row of closet along the wall that reaches to the ladder, so a player have to jump very precise close to the ladder as if he's about to fall from death but instead hangs on to the closet.
  20. Jerkoff


    This is just some quick tips from me. From top being the best point farmer to bottom being the least. As a survivor: Go for rifle weapons as they are pretty solid weapons for all situations. You will be able to kill both land and airborne (from rocket spawning) SI while protecting your teammates from commons on the ground. Shotguns are more prefer for tight tunnels or over-populated charger spawns but this won't net you much points as a rifle. It's nearly impossible to kill air-borne SI with a shotgun. Snipers is perhaps the lowest point farming weapon as you will be more focus on killing SI rather than common infected (long reloading time and small magazine means bad for common infected). You could always buy firework crate to cover that issue but then crates do cost 4 points. Next would be helping your teammates such as healing them with a medkit (Instead of yourself) or picking up incapacitated teammates. Lastly is focusing on achievements. Each achievement is worth about 5 points if you continually perform the same action such as SI headshots, killing plethora of SI/CI or healing your teammates like crazy (those who need it, not the ones with 70 HP) For Infected : Hunters - Obviously landing high 25 damage pounces is the fastest way possible to get points. Certainly not easy though Boomer - Rocket spawning and booming survivors. Most of the time, you will get 1-4 survivors and that is about 8 points just from two direction movements involved. And there is always someone to boom if you aim for them. Spitter - Plan ahead of time and spit AHEAD of time. The longer the spit last, the more damage. A bad spit is when the charger already died and you just release your goop. At most it hurts them for 10 damage before they shake the charger animation off and skip along. Charger - You have 600 HP and can't be stumble. You don't just right click the moment you see a survivor. Hit them a few times with melee and then charge for the best damage. Jockey - Very few instances for the jockey to excel unless they have full HP. Jockeying someone from 100 to 0 gives you about 16 points? Plus there is always a achievement for that also. Best to rely fully in your teammates to cover your donkey. Smoker - The worse point farmer class of all. Dies easily, gets interrupted easily and very easy to find (smoker trail). They do moderate damage but the points they get for it is dismal. The tradeoff is that they are essentially a pulling survivor tool, to give your teammates a chance to pummel the survivors.
  21. Did the afk test as a spectator and confirm that it still kicks me even if I move around like a madmen. I was in free look mode and made circles constantly but still winding up with the same message.
  22. Congratulations Looney! He got your special eyes!
  23. I once got kick out of spectate for being there in less than 30 seconds even though I am a member. After that time doesn't seem to happen anymore. And just right now a game there was a afk member. Couldn't votekick him nor did the afk system boot him for almost a whole minute.
  24. There's a small window of time the survivor can perform actions while being pull by a smoker. If they're close enough to you, he can shove and disrupt the pull. Talpa, I do that every night, where are my sexy showers.
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