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Everything posted by fate

  1. One is on cold stream with no guns and no buy menu stuff working, other is doing the no players/server shutting down thing
  2. If this were ever to get implemented, it would apply only to Survivors. i feel like infected are the ones who suffer the most from a disconnect
  3. i vote for B, i would probably guess it's the easiest to implement also
  4. how about we just fix the issue of you losing points if you get disconnected? i know a lot of people have been getting CTD lately also, can basically ruin a round if you have the tank points and get dropped and no one else is close. it would be nice to reconnect and still have your points for that round
  5. like jackie said you need to keep your rocket trajectory low, if you come in from the front and high i can pistol you before you even get close to landing. if you can curve it around a building you will come in fast, low and be extremely hard to hit. another boom that i have good success with is a slow rocket over a wall, you essentially move forward just enough to come over a wall and can drop in on people quick so they have less reaction time to get you. you will probably not vomit in time but you will get shot directly next to people. don't forget to air strafe with A & D, sometimes that can save you if you have no choice but you boom from straight on
  6. fate

    Saying Hi

    Thanks all! By the way does the member forum still exist? I forget how to find it?
  7. fate

    Saying Hi

    In case no one remembered me just wanted to post and say hi good to see everyone again. I took some time off L4D after my son was born and just got around to playing it again. Watch out for those charger tanks
  8. fate


    lest we forget it's a game where we want to have fun
  9. Thread title changed to: "I was griefing please ban me"
  10. I think the AK either needs to go back to how it was, or not be able to spawn on the maps. As is it's currently nerfed to the point of being useless and everyone is just buying M16s so I don't think the nerf really accomplished much. I thought I would give it a go and see just how bad it was, I bought laser sight and was spraying on heads and still needed at least half a clip and that didn't even kill the SI. In the meantime with the M16 I'm headshotting stuff in 5 bullets so the tradeoff isn't really bad since I can do it faster with the fire rate
  11. Oh I got a message now, requires players and since I'm the first to join it shuts down. Misconfiguration?
  12. I get the MOTD screen this morning and get dropped with no error/anything message prompt or in console, might just need rebooted
  13. fate

    Cold Stream

    I'd rather have swamp fever over this, at 10 PM last night it was 5v5 on cold stream. clearly it's not keeping the server full even at hours it is normally full
  14. that's never a bad thing
  15. but you can't ban cink he's an admin
  16. i was on yesterday at the time of the gag and the order of events was: general gets deathcharged off NM5 roof codrut says 'l2play general' gagged codrut was on infected at the time
  17. Are GC admins able to reboot? It's so frustratingly unplayable when every single person has over 150 ping
  18. maybe how to do the different rocket spawns as well, i feel like i got way better with those once i got a few techniques - like high speed/low angle spawns to keep from getting 'showstopped' and low speed/high angle for clearing walls/buildings or in tight spaces or when spawns are blocked i think a how to for tank punching would be good, like how demonstrating how the angle you punch and the physics works (i.e. dumpster bounces around a lot more than the car) and for throwing rocks (waiting til just before it's released to aim and making sure to lead the target, judging distance for how far to aim up) staggering spawns at start of map (i.e. alternating charger/spitter instead of everyone spawning as whatever and dying at the same time) recognizing when someone is black & white or infected and targetting them (so often people call it out and no one is able to attack them) attacking the back instead of the front, why mains are important
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