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Everything posted by Kitarity

  1. I still don't understand the need for 5.56 to be sold to the general public, that and hollow points. If you really want home defense, shotguns are the way to go, well at least in Canada.
  2. Biggs, correct me if I'm wrong but I thought it was creepers had no effect on the overworld?
  3. Can we just whitelist the server and get it over with XD
  4. I've been meaning to pickup the first one for awhile, also looking for someone to coop with if I do.
  5. This ignore claims thing can get out of hand very quickly if people aren't careful.
  6. The world is infinite, just have storage carts and rails.
  7. Yes to medkits, no to reload, Jackie is correct. Common also seem to block you less, though that may be the run speed.
  8. 24 hours in this, 24 hours in GW2, 10 hours MC, yeah... too much time for a student man.
  9. Go back to rehab Lookback >.> or at least hop on the L4D2 server every so often.
  10. Install it man! Though I've just realized how big of a timesink it is, especially with 10v10. A day every two weeks spent on this game is a little too much >.>
  11. I think that this was misinterpreted, Walkingcat's been asking for permission so he can expand his skyway through your claim and link it up to the network already in place. He's not after your land or is here to irritate you. The reason there aren't threads about other claims is Cat's already asked the rest of us in game whether he can expand the skyway through our claims. EDIT: Removed second part. Doesn't appear to be the case >.>
  12. how often are u on the server and when? u would know theres only some admins who are active on the server. theres been plenty of times where someone deserves a kick but no admin so this is useful. prob the worst scenario ive seen was someone who griefed as a tank by just standing in fire and letting them shoot, was a member too so votekick wasnt possible and no admin, ah it was grand. Honestly, if you see stuff like that happening, get a record of it and report that kind of activity. The fact that you're a member should not have you exempt from the rules, much the opposite indeed, members should be held to a higher standard. Either make a post about it in the Ban Requests/Appeals forum, or if you feel that it should be dealt with more discreetly, message one of the regular admins (Maestro, TheDude, Tsunami, Cink)
  13. Even if you got them to work, I've noticed they clear out a server faster than Cold Stream + Server Crash on most other servers.
  14. Gummy, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope that whoever did this is brought to justice, and some light shed upon this horrible act. I think I speak for all of us at GC, when we say our thoughts and prayers are with your family through this ordeal. Take all the time you need, know that we'll be here if you need us.
  15. Let's keep it civil here, both of you.
  16. Zombie Thatcher party? Happy Birthday!
  17. I just realized how old everyone here is.
  18. Not to be an arse about it, but rushing for distance (as a main) when you and others are certain that the team is doomed at that point is a valid strategy.
  19. Some people join the server for the purpose of playing on the same team as others, having a autoscramble at the end of each round can get very annoying for said persons.
  20. Yeah, I'll be on for most of the evening, just pass the names along.
  21. Kitarity

    I give up

    I give up... there's no point in trying anymore ;_;
  22. Dude, I can craft you a pair... if you give me permissions in your base >
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